九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > wilbursmith_warlock >



小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  Naja lifted the blue war crown from his head; and when his lance…bearer handed him a square of linen cloth; he wiped the sweat from his shaven head。 With the crown tucked under his arm he gave new orders。 'Collect all the waterskins from the entire army。 From now on the water supply is under my direct control。 No man or animal drinks without my permission。 There is no turning back; no retreat。 All the fighting chariots will move to the front of the column; even those of Prenn from the rearguard。 The other vehicles and the foot must take their chances; and follow as best they can。 I will take the cavalry ahead and seize the wells at Ismailiya 。。。'
  *  *  *
  Heseret thrust her head out of the opening of her tent; and called to the captain of her bodyguard; 'What is the trouble; fellow? This is a royal and sacred enclosure; so what are those rogues doing in my stockade?' She pointed at the men who were taking the waterskins from one of her personal baggage carts parked alongside her tent。 'What do they think they are up to? How dare they remove our water? I have not yet bathed。 Tell them to replace those skins at once。'
  ''Tis Pharaoh; your divine husband's order; Majesty;' the captain explained; although he was also agitated and alarmed at the prospect of being stranded waterless in this terrible desert。 'They say all the water is needed for the forward squadrons of cavalry。'
  'Such orders cannot apply to me; the divine Queen of Egypt!' Heseret screamed。 'Put those waterskins back。'
  The soldiers hesitated; but the sergeant touched the peak of his leather helmet with his sword。 'Forgive me; Your Majesty。 My orders are to take all the water。'
  'You dare defy me?〃 Heseret shouted in his face。
  'Please forgive and understand my predicament; Your Majesty; but I have my orders。' The man stood his ground。
  'By the sweet name of Isis; I shall have you strangled and your body burned; if you defy me。'
  'My orders…'
  'A plague on you and your orders。 I shall go at once to General Prenn。 I shall have new orders for you when I return。' Then she turned to the officer of her bodyguard。 'Ready my chariot and an escort of ten men。'
  Across the flat and open plain; General Prenn's headquarters camp was in clear view of Heseret's tent。 It took only minutes for her chariot to carry her there; but the guard at the gate of the stockade barred her way。 'Your Divine Majesty; General Prenn is not here;' he told her。
  'I do not believe that;' Heseret flared at him。 'That is his standard flying there。' She pointed at the boar's head gonfalon。
  'Your Majesty; the general left an hour ago with all his cavalry。 He had orders from Pharaoh to join the vanguard。'
  'I have to see him。 It is a matter of extreme urgency。 I know he would not have left without informing me。 Stand aside and I will see for myself if he is here。' She drove the chariot straight at him and he jumped hurriedly out of her way。 Her escort clattered after her。
  Heseret went straight to the yellow… and green…striped mand tent and tossed the reins to a groom。 In her agitation she did not stand on ceremony; but jumped down and ran to the entrance of the tent。 It was unguarded; and she began to believe that she had been told the truth; that Prenn had indeed left。 Nevertheless; she stooped through the doorway; and stopped dead in the threshold。
  Two boys were sitting on the piles of animal skins in the centre of the floor。 They were eating with their fingers from wooden platters; but they looked up at her startled。
  'Who are you?' Heseret demanded; though she knew from Prenn's reputation who and what they were。 'Where is the general?'
  Neither replied; but they continued to stare wordlessly at her。 Suddenly Heseret's eyes narrowed and she took a step towards them。 'You!' she screamed。 'You treacherous; poisonous bitches!' She pointed a quivering finger at the girls。 'Guards!' Heseret shrieked at the top of her voice。 'Guards; here; at once!'
  Mintaka came to her senses; seized Merykara's hand and pulled her to her feet。 The two darted across the tent and out through the rear opening。
  'Guards!' Heseret yelled again。 'This way!' Her bodyguard burst in through the doorway behind her。
  'Follow them!' She raced after the fleeing pair; with her bodyguard hard after her。 When they ran out into the open; Mintaka and Merykara were halfway to the stockade gate。
  'Stop them!' Heseret shouted。 'Don't let them escape。 They are spies and traitors。'
  Her bodyguard charged after them; shouting to the guards at the gate; 'Stop them。 Seize them。 Don't let them escape。' And the sentries drew their swords and ran to block the gate。
  Mintaka stopped as soon as she saw that they were cut off。 She looked around her wildly; then still pulling Merykara by the hand ran to the thorn fence of the stockade and tried to scale it。 But the bodyguard came up under them; seized their ankles and pulled them down from the wall。 The thorns had ripped their arms and legs; and they were both bleeding; but they fought desperately; kicking; scratching and biting。 The soldiers overwhelmed them at last and dragged them back to the mand tent to face Heseret。 She was smiling vindictively。 'Bind them securely。 I am sure that my husband; the sole ruler of this very Egypt; will devise a suitable punishment for their crimes when he returns。 I shall delight in their screams as they are forced to pay the ultimate penalty。 Until that time they are to be caged like wild animals; and kept at the door of my tent where I can keep them under my eye。'
  The bodyguard lifted Mintaka and Merykara; bound at wrists and ankles; into a chariot and carried them back to Heseret's encampment。 One of the carts of Heseret's baggage train carried her stock of livestock in cages; chickens; pigs and young goats for her kitchen。 The cage that had contained the sucking pigs was now empty…they had been slaughtered and eaten。 The cage was made from lengths of bamboo lashed together with rawhide strips; and stank of the pig dung that coated the floor。 The guards shoved the two girls through the narrow door。 The interior was not high enough to allow them to stand upright。 They were forced to sit with their backs to the bamboo wall; and their wrists were lashed behind them with rawhide strips to one of the struts。 There was no protection from the sun。
  'There will be guards standing over your cage day and night;' Heseret warned them。 'Should you try to escape I will have one of your feet cut off; to discourage further attempts。'
  From the look on her face they knew that Heseret meant every word of the threat。 Merykara began to weep; but Mintaka whispered to her; 'No; my darling。 Be brave。 Do not give her the satisfaction of watching you break down。'
  *  *  *
  From the watchtower above the fort at Ismailiya the sentry shouted the warning; 'Pharaoh! The pickets are ing in!' Nefer sprang up from the table under the awning in the courtyard where he and Taita were eating the midday meal and going over the details of the defence yet again。 He climbed swiftly up the ladder to the platform and shaded his eyes to look towards the east。 Through the yellow glare he made out the chariots of his forward pickets ing in。 As they drove down the bank of the wadi; the guards threw open the gates and allowed them to enter the fort。
  'The enemy es on apace!' the sergeant of the pickets shouted up to Nefer on the high platform。
  'Well done; sergeant;' Nefer called back to him; and then to the trumpeter on the wall above the gate; 'Sound the call to arms!'
  The ram's horn blared out across the plain; and the entire army that was encamped down the length of the broad wadi began to stir。 The trumpet call was picked up and repeated; flung from legion to legion and from squadron to squadron。 From the tents and sun…shelters men poured out; seized their arms and hurried to join their formations。 Soon lines of marching men and columns of chariots were moving forward to their prepared p

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