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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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ns。 Soon lines of marching men and columns of chariots were moving forward to their prepared positions。
  Taita clambered up on to the high platform; and Nefer smiled at him。 'So; even deprived of his water; Naja has not turned back。'
  'We never thought he would;' Taita said softly。
  In the east the horizon started to darken; as though night had e on prematurely。 On a wide front the dustcloud of the advancing enemy army boiled like a brewing thunderstorm。
  'It still lacks many hours of noon。' Nefer looked up at the pitiless sun。 There is time to decide this battle before the close of day。'
  'Naja's horses have drunk little in three days; and they must have been driven hard to reach us so soon。 He knows he must win and reach the wells this day; or for him there will not be another。'
  'Will you ride out to meet him with me; Old Father?' Nefer asked; as he strapped on the sword…belt that his orderly handed to him。
  'No!' Taita lifted his left hand。 On the second finger he wore a gold ring; set with a huge pigeon's…blood ruby。 When it caught the sunlight and sparkled; Nefer recognized it as the token Naja had taken from his own finger and given to Taita in Thebes all those years ago; when he believed that the Magus had murdered the young pharaoh for him。 Nefer understood that it was a talisman almost as powerful as would have been a lock of Naja's hair; a pellet of his dried excrement or the clippings of his nails。 'I will overlook the battle from here。 Perhaps in my own feeble way I might be of more help to you than if I wielded a javelin or drew a bow。'
  Nefer smiled。 'Your weapons are sharper and fly more truly than any I have ever held in my hand。 Horus love and protect you; Old Father。'
  They watched as the battalions of archers and slingers marched out of the wadi to take up their positions behind the breastworks。 The ranks moved with purpose and swiftly; for every man among them knew what was expected of him; and had rehearsed this manoeuvre many times。 As the last of them disappeared into the ambuscade; the field seemed deserted。
  The dustcloud of Naja's advance was less than a league off when at last Nefer embraced Taita; and climbed down the ladder。 When he strode out through the gates of the fort a roar went up from the massed squadrons of chariots。 As he went down their ranks he picked out his captains and centurions among them; and called to them; 'Courage; Hilto! One more time for me; Shabako! Tonight we will drink a victory cup together; Socco。'
  Meren had Dov and Krus in hand as he leaped up on to the footplate。 Nefer took the reins from him and Dov recognized his touch and nickered; looking back at him with her great luminous eyes; with their long dark lashes。 Krus arched his neck; and pawed at the ground with one front hoof。
  Nefer lifted his right fist high and gave the mand: 'March! Forward!'
  The ram's horn sounded the advance and he led the van out; rank upon rank。 They moved in majestic progress; down between the low breastworks from behind which not a single archer showed himself; out on to the open plain。
  Nefer gave another hand signal; and the formations opened。 Wheel to wheel the front rank moved forward to meet the great dustcloud that rolled towards them。 On the markers he had laid out weeks before; Nefer halted his leading squadron; and let the horses rest while he studied the enemy advance。
  Now where the dun dustclouds made a tenuous contact with the grey desert he saw the line of dark spots; and myriad flashes of metal wavering in the heated air。 On they came and in the mirage the outlines of the chariots in the front rank of Naja's advance wriggled and changed shape like tadpoles in the depths of a pond。
  Then they hardened and took on firm shape; and he could make out the horses and the armoured men on the vehicles behind them。
  Meren murmured; 'Sweet Horus be praised。 It seems he has mitted all his vehicles。 He holds no depth of chariots in reserve。'
  'They must be desperate for water。 His only chance of survival is to break our ranks with a frontal charge and win through to the wells。'
  Closer and closer rolled the enemy; and now they could make out the features of the warriors in the front rank; and from their colours and pennants they identified each regiment; and recognized the captains who manded them。
  Two hundred paces away the mighty host rolled to a halt。 A vast silence settled over the brooding landscape; broken only by the fretting susurration of the wind。 The dust settled like a falling curtain and every detail of both armies was starkly revealed。
  From the enemy centre a single chariot pulled forward。 Even though dust coated the coachwork the gold leaf gleamed through; and the royal pennant flew above the driver's head。 Naja halted less than a hundred paces to the front; so that Nefer recognized the cold; handsome face under the blue war crown。
  'Hail; Nefer Seti; puppy of the dog I slew with my own hand!' Naja called in that sonorous voice。 Nefer stiffened to hear him confess so openly to regicide。 'Upon my head I wear the crown I took from Tamose as he was dying。 In my hand;' he raised the mighty blue sword; 'I carry the brand I took from his craven fist。 Will you claim it from me; puppy?' Nefer felt his hands begin to shake upon the reins and anger rose in a red cloud that obscured his vision。
  'Steady!' Meren whispered at his side。 'Do not let him provoke you。' With a huge effort Nefer forced aside the curtains of rage。 He managed to keep his face expressionless; but his voice rang like metal on stone。 'Make ready!' and he lifted his own sword high。
  Naja laughed soundlessly; wheeled his own chariot and drove back to his place in the centre of the opposing line。
  'March! Forward!' Naja raised the blue sword。 His front ranks gathered momentum; rolling towards Nefer's line。 'At the gallop! Charge!' They surged forward in a solid mass。
  Nefer stood his ground and let them e on。 Naja's taunts rang in his ears still; and he felt a terrible temptation to abandon his well laid…out plan; and rush forward to meet Naja head to head and pierce his traitor heart。 With a violent effort he put aside the temptation; and lifted his sword。 He described three flashing arcs with the blade above his head。 His legions responded instantly。 Like a flock of birds swerving in full flight or a shoal of fish avoiding the attacking barracuda; they turned as though possessed of a single controlling mind; and raced away over the plain; back the way they had e。
  Naja's front rank had braced itself for the impact; but they met no resistance and; like a man stumbling over a step that did not exist; they lost impetus。 By the time they had recovered; Nefer had pulled away another hundred paces。 Now his squadrons smoothly changed their formation and drew together from extended order into a column of fours。
  Naja tore after him; but within three hundred paces his flanks came upon a low stone breastwork that slanted across their front。 They could not stop now; so they veered left and right towards their own centre。 Like the current of a wide river forced suddenly into the mouth of a narrow rocky gorge they were squeezed together。 Wheel snagged wheel; and horse teams were forced to give way to each other。 The charge wavered and slowed as chariots and horses jammed into a solid mass。
  At that fatal moment; the ram's horns brayed across the field; and at the signal the heads and shoulders of the archers and slingers rose from behind the breastworks on either hand。 The arrows were already nocked and now the archers drew and flexed their short recurved bows。 They held their aim a moment; choosing their targets with care。 The first volley was always the most telling。
  The slingers whirled their weapons on high; double…handed to counter the weight of the hard…baked clay balls in the leather pouches at the end of the long straps。 They buzzed through the air as they built up a dreadful momentum。
  Naja's leading squadrons were de

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