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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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ed through the air as they built up a dreadful momentum。
  Naja's leading squadrons were deep in the funnel between the breastworks; when the trumpets sang out again and the archers loosed; in a single concerted volley。 They had been ordered to aim for the horses; and to pick out the enemy captains。 The arrows flew in almost silently; with just the soft whisper of the fletchings through the air; but the range was short; and the strike of the arrowheads into living flesh sounded like a handful of gravel thrown into a mud…bank。 The first rank of Naja's charge was shot down; and as the horses fell the chariots piled up over their carcasses; swerving out of control into the stone walls on either hand; or capsizing and rolling。
  Then the slingers loosed their missiles with uncanny accuracy。 The solid balls of burnt clay were the size of a ripe pomegranate but heavy as ivory。 They could crack the skull of man or horse; snap a leg or shatter ribs as though they were dry twigs。 They thudded into the next rank of charging chariots; and the havoc they wrought was terrible。
  The vehicles that followed were unable to stop the charge; and crashed into the wreckage of those in front。 The coachwork crackled and tore with the sound of green branches in a raging bushfire。 Some of the long drive…shafts shattered and deadly splinters speared the horses that pulled them。 Wheels burst and were torn from their axles。 Men were hurled from the cockpits and trampled under the frantic hoofs of the rearing; milling horses。
  At the head of his squadron; Nefer gave the hand signal that the men following him were expecting; and a swarm of foot…soldiers leaped out of hiding and dragged away the thornbushes that concealed the openings that had been deliberately left in the stone walls on either hand。 In quick succession Nefer's chariots swerved through them and out into the open ground beyond the walls。 No longer constricted; they were free to manoeuvre across the plain。 They doubled back; circling in behind Naja's trapped squadrons; and falling on their rear echelons。
  Now both armies were locked together; like fighting bulls; horn to horn。 Not all of Naja's vehicles had been lured into the trap between the walls。 There had simply not been enough space for them all to enter at one time。 These loose chariots now came rushing forward to engage Nefer; and a traditional chariot battle swiftly developed。 Running chariots circled; charged and withdrew; then charged again。 The squadrons broke up into smaller units; and across the plain single vehicles viciously engaged each other; wheel to wheel; and man to man。
  Despite the frightful losses he had inflicted on the enemy in the opening phase; Nefer was still heavily outnumbered。 As the advantage swung back and forth; Nefer was forced to call in more and more of the reserves he had been holding concealed in the wadi behind the fort。 Now he signalled in the last of them。 He was fully mitted。 He had brought up every last chariot。 But they were not enough。 Slowly his horses and his men were being ground down by the sheer numbers of his enemy。
  In the dust and clamour and turmoil; Nefer desperately searched the plain for Naja's golden chariot and the royal red pennant。 He knew that if he could force Naja to single bat and kill him; he could still carry the day。 But there was no sign of him。 Perhaps he had been cut down in the defile between the walls; perhaps he was lying wounded or dead somewhere in the confusion of the battle。
  Close by Nefer saw Hilto's chariot hemmed in by two of the enemy; and the old warrior wounded and thrown to earth。 Hilto's squadron saw him go down; and broke up in confusion。 Nefer felt the cold hand of despair squeeze his heart。 They were losing the battle。
  He saw a line of Red chariots circle out then sweep around behind the backs of his archers and slingers along the breastworks; and cut them down with arrows and javelins。 The foot…soldiers scattered and fled; a screaming rabble; and their despair was infectious。 Grimly Nefer remembered that Taita called it the 'little bird effect…when one flies they all fly。'
  Nefer knew that his army would soon be in rout; and he shouted encouragement to the charioteers close enough to hear him; and tried to rally them by running down another enemy chariot and slaying the crew with a dozen strokes of the sword。 Then he wheeled away in pursuit of another Red chariot; but by now Dov and Krus were almost worn out; and the enemy pulled away from them。
  Then beside him Meren shouted; 'Look; Pharaoh!' and he pointed to the east out into the desert。 With the back of his hand Nefer wiped his own sweat and splashes of enemy blood from his face; and stared out into the glare。
  He knew then beyond all doubt that it was over; and that they had lost the battle。 A fresh mass of enemy chariots was tearing in towards them。 Where they had suddenly e from Nefer could not fathom。 He had thought that Naja had mitted all his vehicles。 That did not matter now; for the battle was lost。
  'How many?' Nefer wondered; with black desolation filling his soul。
  Two hundred;' Meren guessed。 'Maybe more。' His voice was resigned。 'It is all over; Pharaoh。 We will die fighting。'
  'One last charge。' Nefer shouted to the chariots nearest to him; 'On me the Blues! Death with glory。'
  They cheered him hoarsely and wheeled in on either side of him。 Even Dov and Krus seemed imbued with new strength; and the thin line of Blue chariots tore in at the new foe; going to meet them head to head。 As they closed they saw that the leading enemy chariot flew the pennant of a general; a centurion。
  'By Horus; I know him;' Meren cried。 'It's Prenn; the old sodomite。'
  So close were they now that Nefer also recognized the gaunt figure; with the black patch over one eye。 He had seen him on the staff of King Apepi; in the temple at Perra when they had met to negotiate the treaty of Hathor。 The same wondrous day that he had first laid eyes on Mintaka。
  'His arrival is untimely;' Nefer said grimly; 'but perhaps we can save the next generation of young boys from his amorous attentions。'
  He steered Dov and Krus straight at Prenn; trying to force him to swerve and offer a flank shot for his javelin throw。 But as they came closer together; Meren shouted; startled; 'He flies the Blue!' Prenn's pennant was streaming back; directly away from them; which was why Nefer had not noticed it until this moment; but Meren was right: Prenn was flying the Blue of the House of Tamose; and all his chariots with him。
  Now Prenn slowed and held his right arm across his chest in salute to Nefer; and he shouted in a great voice that carried above the rumble of the chariot wheels; 'Hail; Pharaoh! May you live ten thousand years; Nefer Seti。'
  In amazement Nefer lowered the javelin he had been about to hurl; and checked his horses。
  'What are your orders; Pharaoh?' Prenn shouted。
  'What strange business is this; General Prenn? Why do you call on me for orders?' Nefer called back。
  'The Princess Mintaka delivered to me your message; and I have e to place myself under your mand and to help you avenge the murders of King Apepi and Pharaoh Tamose。'
  'Mintaka?' Nefer was confused; for surely she was still closeted in the sanctuary of the temple in Avaris。 But then his warrior instincts took over; and he thrust aside those thoughts。 There would be time for such musing later。 'Well met; General Prenn。 You arrive none too soon。 Lay your chariot alongside mine and we will sweep this field from end to end。'
  They charged side by side; and Nefer's broken and scattered legions saw the blue pennants ing and heard the war…cry; 'Horus and Nefer Seti!' and the blaring of the ram's horn trumpets; and they took new heart。 The Red squadrons of Naja Kiafan were in hardly better case and could offer only scant resistance as Prenn's fresh troops charged into them。 They fought on for a while; but the heart was torn out of them。 Some scrambled out of their chariots to kneel in the dust; hands raised 

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