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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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 Kings on the west bank of the Nile; the coronation of his successor and the weddings of his surviving daughters would take place。
  Then the cobra will strike again。 Taita felt the certainty of it。 He was roused from his preoccupation with the dangers that surrounded the prince by a general stir in the gathering around him; and he realized that; without him hearing it; the Regent had just declared the levee closed; and was rising and retiring through the tent flap behind the throne。 He rose with the others to leave the tent。
  Colonel Asmor stepped forward to stop him; with a smile and a courteous bow。 'Lord Naja; the Regent of Egypt; asks you not to leave。 He invites you to a private audience。'
  Asmor was now colonel of the Regent's bodyguard; with the rank of Best of Ten Thousand。 In a short time he had bee a man of power and influence。 There was no point in or possibility of refusing the summons; and Taita nodded。 'I am the servant of Pharaoh and of his regent。 May they both live a thousand years。'
  Asmor led him to the back of the tent; and held open the curtaining for him to pass through。 Taita found himself out in the open palm groves; and Asmor led him through the trees to where a smaller; single…roomed tent was pitched on its own。 A dozen guards were posted in a ring around this pavilion; for this was a place of secret council which no person was permitted to approach without the Regent's summons。 At a mand from Asmor; the guards stood aside and the colonel ushered Taita into the shaded interior。
  Naja looked up from the bronze bowl in which he was washing his hands。 'You are wele; Magus。' He smiled warmly; and waved to the pile of cushions in the centre of the rug…covered floor。 While Taita seated himself; Naja nodded to Asmor; who went to take up a guard position at the tent opening; his sickle sword drawn。 There were only the three of them in the tent; and their conversation would not be overheard。
  Naja had discarded his jewellery; and insignia of office。 He was affable and friendly as he came to take a seat on one of the cushions facing Taita。 He indicated the tray of sweetmeats and sherbet in golden bowls that stood between them。 'Please refresh yourself。'
  Taita's instinct was to decline; but he knew that to refuse the Regent's hospitality would advertise his own hostility; and alert Naja to his deadly opposition。
  As yet; Lord Naja had no reason to know that Taita was aware of his intentions towards the new Pharaoh; or of Naja's crimes and his further ambitions。 He inclined his head in thanks and selected the golden bowl furthest from his hand。 He waited for Naja to pick up the other bowl of sherbet。 The Regent took it; raised it; drank and swallowed without hesitation。
  Taita lifted the bowl to his lips; and sipped the cordial。 He held it on his tongue。 There were those who boasted of possessing poisons that were tasteless and undetectable; but Taita had studied all the corrosive elements; and even the tart fruit could not mask their flavours from him。 The drink was uncontaminated; and he swallowed it with pleasure。
  'Thank you for your trust;' said Naja gravely; and Taita knew that he referred to more than his acceptance of the refreshment。
  'I am the servant of the King; and therefore of his regent。'
  'You are a person of inestimable value to the Crown;' Naja countered; 'You have faithfully served three pharaohs and all of them have relied on your advice without question。'
  'You overestimate my worth; my lord Regent。 I am an old man and feeble。'
  Naja smiled。 'Old? Yes; you are old。 I have heard it said that you are more than two hundred years old。' Taita inclined his head; neither confirming nor denying it。 'But feeble; no! You are old and as monumental as a mountain。 All men know that your wisdom is boundless。 Even the secrets of eternal life are yours。'
  The flattery was blatant and unashamed; and Taita searched behind it for the hidden reason and meaning。 Naja was silent; watching him expectantly。 What was he waiting to hear? Taita looked into his eyes; and tuned his mind to catch the other man's thoughts。 They were as fleeting and evanescent as the darting shapes of cave bats against the darkling sky at sunset。
  He captured one thought entire; and suddenly understood what Naja wanted from him。 The knowledge gave him power; and the way ahead opened before him like the gates of a captured city。
  'For a thousand years; every king and every learned man has searched for the secret of eternal life;' he said softly。
  'Perhaps one man alone has found it。' Naja leaned forward eagerly; with his elbows on his knees。
  'My lord; your questions are too profound for an old man like me。 Two hundred years is not life eternal。' Taita spread his hands deprecatingly; but dropped his eyes; allowing Naja to read what he wanted to hear in the half…hearted denial。 The double crown of Egypt; and eternal life; he thought; and smiled inwardly; keeping his expression solemn。 This regent's wants are few and simple。
  Naja straightened。 'We will speak of these deep matters another time。' There was a triumphant light in his yellow eyes。 'But now there is something else I would ask of you。 It would be a way for you to prove that my good opinion of you is fully justified。 You would find my gratitude without bounds。'
  He twists and turns like an eel; Taita thought; and I once believed him to be a dull clod of a soldier。 He has been able to hide the light of his lantern from all of us。 Aloud he said simply; 'If it is within my power; I would deny Pharaoh's regent nothing。'
  'You are an adept of the Mazes of Ammon Ra。' Naja said; with a finality that brooked no denial。
  Once more Taita glimpsed the shadowy depths of this man's ambition。 Not only the crown and eternal life! He wishes also to have the future revealed to him; Taita marvelled; but nodded humbly and replied; 'My lord Naja; all my life I have studied the mysteries; and perhaps I have learned a little。'
  'All your very long life。' Naja placed his own emphasis on the phrase。 'And you have learned a very great deal。'
  Taita bowed his head and remained silent。 Why did I ever dream that he would have me killed? he asked himself。 He will protect me with his own life; for that is what he believes I hold in my hands…the key to his immortality。
  'Taita; beloved of kings and gods; I wish you to work the Mazes of Ammon Ra for me。'
  'My lord; I have never worked the Mazes for anyone who was not a queen or a pharaoh; or one who was not destined to sit upon the throne of this very Egypt。'
  'It may well be that one such person asks you now;' said Lord Naja; with deep significance in his tone。
  Great Horus has delivered him to me。 I have him in my hands; Taita thought; and said; 'I bow to the wishes of Pharaoh's regent。'
  'Will you work the Mazes for me this very day? I am most anxious to know the wishes of the gods。' Naja's handsome features were alive with excitement and avarice。
  'No man should enter the Mazes lightly;' Taita demurred。 'There are great dangers; not only for me but also for the patron who requests the divination。 It will take time to prepare for the journey into the future。'
  'How long?' Naja's disappointment was evident。
  Taita clasped his forehead in a pantomime of deep thought。 Let him sniff the bait for a while; he thought。 It will make him more eager to swallow the hook。 At last he looked up。 'On the first day of the festival of the Bull of Apis。'
  *  *  *
  The next morning; when he emerged from the great tent; Pharaoh Seti was transformed from the dusty and odorous little rapscallion who had entered the oasis of Boss the previous day。 ' With a regal fury and fire that had dismayed his entourage; he had resisted the attempts of the barbers to shave his head。 Instead; his dark curls had been shampooed and bed until they shone in the early sunlight with russet lights。 On top of them he wore the uraeus; the circlet of gold depicting Nekhbe

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