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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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argets two hundred cubits further on。 The flail of the instructor fell heavily on the back of any man who was slow to cross the open ground or who missed the mark when he shot。 The bronze studs on the leather thongs left spots of bright blood where they bit through the linen tunics。
  Taita walked on unchallenged。 As he passed; the matched pairs of lancers who were practising the standard thrusts and blocks with warlike shouts; broke off their bouts and fell silent。 They followed him with a respectful gaze。 His was a fearsome reputation。 Only after he had passed did they engage each other again。
  At the far end of the field; on the short green grass beside the swamp; a single chariot was speeding through a course of markers and targets。 It was one of the scout chariots; with spoked wheels and bodywork of woven bamboo; very fast; and light enough for two men to lift and carry over an obstacle。
  It was drawn by a pair of magnificent bay mares from the personal string of King Apepi。 Their hoofs threw up lumps of turf as they spun round the markers at the end of the course and came back at full gallop with the light chariot bouncing and swerving behind them。
  Lord Trok was driving; leaning forward with the reins wrapped around his wrists。 His beard fluttered in the wind; his moustaches and the coloured ribbons were blown back over his shoulders as he urged the horses on with wild shouts。 Taita had to acknowledge his skill: even at such speed he had the pair under perfect control; running a tight line between the markers; giving the archer on the footplate beside him the best chance at the targets as they sped past。
  Taita leaned on his staff as he watched the chariot e on at full gallop。 There was no mistaking the slim straight figure and royal bearing。 Mintaka was dressed in a pleated crimson skirt that left her knees bare。 The cross…straps of her sandals were wound high around her shapely calves。 She wore a leather guard on her left wrist; and a hard leather cuirass moulded to the shape of her small round breasts。 The leather would protect her tender nipples from the whip of the bowstring as she loosed her arrows at the targets as they sped by。
  Mintaka recognized Taita; called a greeting and waved her bow over her head。 Her dark hair was covered by a fine…woven net and it bounced on her shoulders at each jolt of the chariot。 She wore no makeup but the wind and exertion had rouged her cheeks and put a sparkle in her eyes。 Taita could not imagine Heseret riding as lance…bearer in a war chariot; but Hyksosian attitudes towards women were different。
  'Hathor smile upon you; Magus!' She laughed as Trok brought the chariot to a broadsiding halt in front of him。 He knew that Mintaka had adopted the gentle goddess as her patron; rather than one of the monstrous Hyksosian deities。
  'May Horus love you for ever; Princess Mintaka。' Taita returned her blessing。 It was a mark of his affection that he accorded her the royal title when he would not acknowledge her father as king。
  She jumped down in the dust cloud and ran to embrace him; reaching up to throw her arms around his neck so that the hard edge of her cuirass dug into his ribs。 She felt him wince and stepped back。 'I have just shot five heads straight;' she boasted。
  'Your warlike skills are exceeded only by your beauty。' He smiled。 'You do not believe me;' she challenged。 'You think that just because I am a girl I cannot draw a bow。' She did not wait for his disclaimer but ran back to the chariot and leaped up on to the footplate。 'Drive on; Lord Trok;' she manded。 'Another circuit。 At your best speed。'
  Trok shook out the reins and turned the chariot so sharply that the inside wheel stood still。 Then; as he lined up; he shouted; 'Ha! Ha!' and they sped away down the course。
  Each target was set on top of a short pole; at the level of the eye of the archer。 They were in the shape of human heads; each carved from a block of wood。 There was no mistaking their nationality。 Each dummy head was a caricature of an Egyptian warrior; plete with helmet and regimental insignia; and the painted features were as grotesque as ogres。 Little doubt of the artist's opinion of us; Taita thought wryly。 Mintaka plucked an arrow from the bin on the dashboard; nocked and drew。 She held her aim; the bright yellow fletchings touching her pursed lips as though in a kiss。 Trok brought the chariot in towards the first target; trying to give her a fair shot; but the ground was rough。 Even though she flexed from the knees to ride the bumps; she swayed with the motion of the carriage。
  As the target flashed by Mintaka loosed; and Taita found he was holding his breath for her。 He need not have worried for she handled the light bow with perfect aplomb。 The arrow slapped into the left eye of the dummy and quivered there; the yellow fletching bright in the sunlight。
  'Bak…her!' He applauded; and she laughed with delight as the chariot raced on。 Twice more she shot。 One arrow lodged deep in the forehead; the next in the mouth of the target。 It was excellent shooting even for a veteran charioteer; let alone a slip of a girl。
  Trok spun the chariot around the far marker and they came back again。 The horses' ears were laid back; their manes flying。 Mintaka shot again; scoring another hit right on the tip of the dummy's oversized nose。
  'By Horus!' Taita said; with surprise。 'She shoots like a djinn!'
  The last target came up fast and Mintaka was balancing gracefully; cheeks flushed and white teeth gleaming as she bit her lip in concentration。 She shot and the arrow flew high and right missing the head by the breadth of a hand。
  Trok; you clumsy oaf! You drove straight into that hole just as I was loosing!' she yelled at him。
  She jumped down from the chariot while it was still moving and blazed up at Trok; 'You did that on purpose to make a fool of me in the sight of the Magus!'
  'Your Highness; I am mortified by my own inpetence。' The mighty Trok was as awkward as a small boy in the face of her anger。 Taita saw that his feelings for her were every bit as ardent as he had suspected。
  'You are not forgiven。 I shall not allow you the privilege of driving me again。 Not ever。'
  Taita had not seen her show such spirit before; and this; together with her recent exhibition of marksmanship; sent his good opinion of her to an even higher level。 This is a fitting wife for any man; even a pharaoh of the Tamosian dynasty; he decided; but he was careful not to show any sign of levity; lest Mintaka switch her wrath to him。 He need not have worried; though; for as soon as she turned to face him her smile bloomed again。
  'Four out of five is good enough for a warrior of the Red Road; Your Highness;' Taita assured her; 'and it was indeed a treacherous hole that you hit。'
  'You must be thirsty; Taita。 I know I am。' She took his hand artlessly and led him to where her maids had spread a woven woollen rug at the edge of the river; and laid out platters of sweetmeats and jugs of sherbet。
  'There is so much I have to ask you; Taita;' she told him; as she settled on the sheepskin rug beside him。 'I have not seen you since you left Bubasti。'
  'How is your brother; Khyan?' He forestalled her question。
  'He is his usual self;' she laughed; 'if not even naughtier than before。 My father has ordered that he join us here as soon as he has fully recovered。 He wants all his family around him when the truce is signed。' They chatted of trivialities for a while longer; but Mintaka was distracted。 He waited for her to broach the subject uppermost in her mind。 She surprised him by turning suddenly to Trok; who was standing nearby with a hang…dog air。
  'You may leave us now; my lord;' she said to him coolly。
  'Will you ride with me again tomorrow morning; Princess?' Trok was close to pleading。
  Tomorrow I shall probably be otherwise occupied。'
  'Then the day after?' Even his moustache seemed to droop pitifully。 'Fetch me my bow and my quiver before you go;' she

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