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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  On the second day; at Taita's suggestion; Princess Mintaka joined the hawking party to act as peace…maker between the two factions。 Even her older brothers held her in considerable awe; and deferred to her when at any other time they might have drawn their weapons and rushed to wreak havoc on the Egyptian party。 In like manner; when Mintaka was riding beside him in his hunting chariot; Nefer's warlike instincts were lulled。 He took little notice of the threatening; boastful behaviour of her loutish siblings and enjoyed her wit and erudition; to say nothing of her close physical presence。 In the confined cockpit of the chariot they were often thrown together as they bounced over the rough ground in pursuit of the fleeing gazelle herds。 Then Mintaka would grab and hold him; even when the immediate danger was past。
  When Nefer returned to the temple after the first outing; he sent for Taita; ostensibly to describe the day's sport to him but he was vague and distracted。 Even when Taita questioned him on the performance of his favourite falcon; Nefer showed no great enthusiasm。 Until he suddenly remarked dreamily; 'Does it not amaze you; Taita; just how soft and warm girls are?'
  By the morning of the sixth day the scribes had pleted their work and the fifty tablets of the treaty were ready to be ratified。 Now Naja sent for Pharaoh to take part in the proceedings。 Likewise; all Apepi's offspring; including Mintaka; were to be present at the ceremony。
  Once again the courtyard of the temple was filled with a glittering congregation of royalty and nobility as; in stentorian tones; the Herald Royal began to read out the text of the treaty。 Immediately Nefer was absorbed by what it contained。 He and Mintaka had discussed it in detail during the days they had spent together; and exchanged significant glances whenever they thought they had detected a flaw or an oversight in the terms。 However; these were few; and Nefer was certain that he detected Taita's shadowy influence in many areas of the long document。 At last it was time to affix the seals。 To a series of blasts on the rams' horns Nefer pressed his cartouche on to the damp clay and Apepi did the same。 It annoyed Nefer to see that the Hyksosian king had usurped the pharaonic prerogative by adopting the sacred cartouche。
  While Naja watched; with an enigmatic expression behind his heavy makeup; the new co…rulers of the two kingdoms embraced。 Apepi folded Nefer's slim form in his bearlike embrace and the congregation exploded in loud shouts of 'Bak…her。' Bak…her!' Men rattled their weapons against their shields; or hammered the butts of their spears and lances on the stone flags。
  Nefer found himself almost overe by Apepi's powerful bodily odours。 One of the Egyptian mores that the Hyksos had not adopted was their concept of personal hygiene。 Nefer consoled himself with the thought that if he found the odour repugnant; then Naja was in for a shock when the king bestowed his affection upon him。 Gently he eased himself out of the arms of his co…pharaoh; but Apepi beamed down on him in avuncular fashion and placed one hairy paw on his shoulder。 Then he turned to face the crowded courtyard。 'Citizens of this mighty land; which is once again united; I pledge you my duty and my patriotic love。 In token of these; I offer the hand of my daughter; Princess Mintaka; in marriage to the Pharaoh Nefer Seti who is my co…ruler of this very Egypt。 Pharaoh Nefer Seti; who shares with me the double crown of the Upper and Lower Kingdoms; and who shall be my son and whose sons shall be my grandsons!'
  There was a long moment of utter stillness in the courtyard as the assembly came to terms with this startling announcement。 Then they burst out in even more enthusiastic cries of approval while the drumming of weapons and the stamp of armoured sandals became deafening。 Pharaoh Nefer Seti had an expression on his face that in any lesser mortal would have been described as an idiotic grin。 He was gazing across the courtyard at Mintaka。 She was frozen; with one hand covering her mouth; as though to stop herself shrieking or squealing; and her eyes were wide open with astonishment as she gazed at her father。 Slowly a dark blush suffused her face and shyly she turned her eyes to meet Nefer's。 The two gazed at each other as if no other person was in the crowded courtyard。
  Taita watched from the foot of Pharaoh's throne。 He realized that Apepi's timing of the announcement had been masterly。 Now there was no possible way in which anybody…Naja; Trok or any other…could stand in the way of the marriage。
  Taita stood close to Naja's throne。 Under his makeup the Regent was plainly in a state of deep consternation; especially aware of his own predicament。 If Nefer married the princess he was beyond Naja's reach。 He saw the double crown slipping from his grasp。 Naja must have sensed Taita's eyes upon him; for he glanced in his direction。 For a moment only Taita looked into his soul; and it was as though he had looked into a dry well filled with the live cobras for which the Regent was named。 Then Naja veiled his fierce yellow eyes; smiled coolly and nodded in agreement and approval; but Taita knew that he was thinking furiously。 However; those thoughts were so swift and plex that even he could not follow them。
  Taita turned his head and sought out the burly figure of Lord Trok in the Hyksosian ranks opposite。 Unlike the Regent; Trok was making no attempt to disguise his feelings。 He was in a black rage。 His beard seemed to bristle and his face was swollen with dark blood。 He opened his mouth as if to shout an insult or a protest; then closed it; and placed one hand on the hilt of his sword。 His knuckles glazed white with the pressure of his grip; and briefly Taita thought that he was about to draw his blade and rush across the courtyard to Nefer's slim figure。 With a huge effort he regained control of himself; smoothed down his beard then turned abruptly and pushed his way out of the courtyard。 The motion was such that almost no one noticed him go。 Only Apepi watched him with a cynical smile。
  As Trok disappeared between the tall granite Hathor pillars; Apepi dropped his hand from Nefer's shoulder and crossed to Naja's throne。 He lifted the Regent easily off his cushions and embraced him with even more vigour than he had Pharaoh。 His lips were pressed to Naja's ear when he whispered softly; 'No more Egyptian tricks now; my sweet…smelling flower; or I shall ram them as far up your arse as my arm can reach。'
  He dropped Naja back on his cushions; then took the throne that had been placed alongside for him。 Naja blanched and held a linen pad soaked in perfume to his nose while he gathered his wits。 Wave after wave of applause swept over the courtyard。 As it died away Apepi slammed his huge paws on the arms of his throne to encourage them to fresh efforts; and the cheering began all over again。 He was enjoying himself hugely and he kept them at it until they were almost exhausted。
  With the deshret crown of lower Egypt on his head; his was the dominant figure。 Beside him Nefer; even under the authority of the tall hedjet crown; was a mere stripling。 At last; after a final burst of applause; Naja rose to his feet and held up both arms。 A grateful silence at last descended。
  'Let the holy virgin e forward!' Led out in procession by her acolytes from behind the carved screen of the chancel; the high priestess of the temple advanced to the double throne。 Before her; two priestesses carried the pshent crowns of the double kingdom。 While the temple choir sang praises to the goddess the venerable old woman removed the single crowns from the heads of the co…rulers and replaced them with the double crowns; signifying the reunification of Egypt。 Then she pronounced her quavering blessing on the two pharaohs and the new land; and retired into the depths of the temple。 There was a short pause of indecision; for this was the first time in the long history of Egypt that a ceremony of reunification had been held and there were no established protocols to follow。
  Adroitly Naja seized his opportunity

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