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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  The mood was ebullient; and Apepi sent for the tracker who had returned from the hills to report。 'It is a very big lion。 The biggest I have ever seen east of the river;' the man told them; increasing their excitement。
  'You actually saw him?' Nefer demanded。 'Or did you only read his sign?'
  'I saw him clearly but only at a distance。 He stands as tall as a horse and he walks with the dignified tread of a monarch。 His mane waves like a sheaf of dhurra millet stalks in the wind。'
  'By Seth; the fellow is a poet;' Naja sneered。 'Stick to the facts and eschew the fine words; knave。'
  The huntsman touched his heart with his fist to show his contrition; and went on with his report in a subdued tone。 'He lay up yesterday in a wooded wadi two leagues from here; but he left at the fall of night to prowl。 It is four days since he last fed and he is hungry and hunting again。 During the night he tried to drag down an oryx; but it kicked him off and ran free。'
  'Where do you hope to find him today?' Nefer asked; in a kinder voice than Naja had used。 'If he hunted he will be thirsty as well as hungry。 Where will he drink?'
  The huntsman looked at him with respect; not only for his royal eminence but also for the knowledge of the wild he displayed。 'After his attempt to bring down the oryx; he went into stony ground where we could no longer read his tracks。' Apepi made a gesture of annoyance; and the huntsman hurried on; 'But I expect him to have drunk this morning at a small oasis。 A hidden place little known to any except the Bedouin。'
  'How long to reach this place?' Nefer asked; and the man swept his arm through part of an arc; indicating the sun's progress over the passage of three hours。
  'Then we have little time to waste。' Nefer smiled at him; and turned away to shout at the troop captain of the chariots; 'How much longer; soldier?'
  'All is ready; Majesty。'
  'Sound the mount up;' Nefer ordered; and the ram's horns blared as the hunters scattered to the waiting chariots。 Mintaka walked at Nefer's side。 In these informal circumstances all royal dignity was forgotten; and they were simply boy and girl on an exciting outing。 Lord Trok spoiled the illusion: just as he leaped into his own chariot and gathered up the reins; he called across to King Apepi; 'Your Majesty; it is not wise to let the Princess ride with an untried boy。 This is not a gazelle we are hunting now。'
  Nefer froze and stared at Trok with outrage。 Mintaka laid a small hand on his bare arm。 'Do not provoke him。 He is a formidable fighter with a terrible temper; and if you challenge him even your rank will not protect you。'
  Nefer shrugged off her arm furiously。 'My honour will not allow me to ignore such an insult。'
  'Please; my heart; for my sake; let it pass。' It was the first time she had used such an endearment。 She did it deliberately; knowing the effect it must have on him: she was already learning to manage his volatile moods and tempers with a loving woman's instinct far beyond her years and experience。 In the instant Nefer forgot Trok and the slur to his honour。 'What did you call me?' he asked huskily。
  'You are not deaf; my darling。' He blinked at this second endearment。 'You heard quite clearly。' And she smiled into his face。
  Apepi bawled into the silence; 'Do not worry; Trok。 I am sending my daughter to take care of Pharaoh。 He will be quite safe。' He gave a snort of laughter and shook the reins。 As his team jumped forward he shouted again; 'We have wasted half the morning here。 Huntsmen; take up the chase!'
  Nefer steered his chariot behind Apepi; cutting steeply past the noses…of Lord Trok's team。 As he went by he gave Trok a cold glare; and told him; 'You are impudent。 Rest assured that this is not the end of it。 We will speak further on this matter; Lord Trok。'
  'I fear he is now your enemy; Nefer;' Mintaka murmured。 Trok has an evil reputation and an even more evil temper。'
  Led by the royal huntsman; who rode bareback astride a scrubby but tough little pony; the hunting column climbed into the bare; stony hills。 They went at the trot; saving the horses; letting them blow after every steep gradient。 Within the hour they found one of the Nubian trackers waiting for them on a hilltop; and he ran down to report to the huntsman。 They spoke to each other earnestly; then the huntsman trotted back to report to the royal party。 'The Nubians have cast the hills but without rinding the spoor again。 They are sure that he will drink at the waterhole; but not wanting to disturb him they have waited for us to catch up。'
  'Lead us to the water;' Apepi ordered; and they went on。
  Before midday they came down into a shallow valley。 They were not far from the river; but this seemed like the deep desert; waterless and forbidding。 The huntsman trotted alongside Apepi's chariot and said; The waterhole is at the head of this valley。 The beast will probably be lying up nearby。'
  Naturally Apepi; the old warrior; took mand; and Nefer did not dispute his right to do so。 'We will split into three squadrons; and surround the oasis。 If the chase breaks cover we will have him surrounded。 My lord Regent; do you take the left wing。 Pharaoh Nefer Seti; take the centre。 I will cover the right flank。' He brandished his heavy war bow over his head。 'Whoever draws first blood will win the trophy。'
  They were all expert charioteers and the new formation evolved swiftly and without check。 They threw out a wide net to encircle the waterhole。 Nefer had his bow over his shoulder and the reins unwrapped from his wrists; ready to drop them in an instant to leave both hands free to draw。 Mintaka pressed close to his side。 She held the long lance ready to hand to him。 They had perfected this change of weapons over the past weeks; and he knew he could rely upon her to slap the grip of the lance into his palm at the very moment he needed it。
  They approached the oasis at a walk; closing in steadily。 The horses sensed the tension in their drivers; and perhaps they had picked up the lion scent。 They flung up their heads; and rolled their eyes and blew through their nostrils; stepping high and nervously。
  The line of vehicles closed slowly around the patch of low scrub and rank grass that concealed the waterhole。 When the encirclement was plete; Apepi raised his hand above his head to signal the halt。 The royal huntsman dismounted and went forward on foot; leading his pony。 He approached the sparse brown cover cautiously。
  'If the lion was here; surely we would have seen such a large animal by now。' Mintaka's voice shook; and Nefer loved her all the more for this little show of fear。
  'A lion can flatten himself until he bees part of the earth; and you could walk close enough to touch him without ever suspecting his presence;' he told her。
  The huntsman went forward a few paces at a time; stopping to listen and search every bush and clump of rank grass in his path。 An the edge of the scrub he stooped and picked up a handful of small stones; and began to lob them systematically at each possible hiding place。
  'What is he doing?' Mintaka whispered。
  'The lion will growl before it charges。 He is trying to provoke it and make it reveal itself。'
  The silence was broken only by the plop of the pebbles; the snorting of the horses and the restless stamping of their hoofs。 Every one of the hunters had nocked an arrow and was poised to draw at an instant。 Suddenly there was a squawk and clatter in the grass。 Every bow went up at once and the lance…bearers hefted their weapons。 They all relaxed and looked sheepish as a chocolate brown hammerhead stork launched itself into the air and flapped away down the valley in the direction of the river。
  The huntsman took a minute to recover his nerve; then began to work his way; a pace at a time; deeper into the cover until he reached the seep。 The brackish water came up a sluggish drop at a time; and filled a shallow basin in the rocky ground; hardly enough to que

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