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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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rdly enough to quench the thirst of a great predator。 The huntsman went down on one knee to search the rim of the basin for sign; then shook his head and stood up。 More quickly he worked back through the scrub; and at last mounted the pony and trotted back to Apepi's chariot。 The other hunters drove across to hear his report; but the huntsman was crestfallen。 'Majesty; I was mistaken in my judgement;' he told Apepi。 'The lion has not e this way。'
  'What now; fellow?' Apepi was making no effort to hide his disappointment and irritation。
  'This was the most promising place to look; but there are others。 From where we last saw him; he could have crossed the valley; or he may be lying up close to here and waiting for darkness before drinking。 There is cover further down。' He pointed back to the stony slopes。
  'Where else?' Apepi demanded。
  'There is another waterhole in the next valley; but there are Bedouin encamped there。 They might have scared off the beast。 There is another small water seep below those hills to the west。' He pointed out a low line of purple peaks on the horizon。 'The lion could be at any of those places; or at none;' the man admitted。 'Also he might have doubled back and be on the edge of the plain where there is an abundance of water。 Perhaps he has been drawn by the smell of cattle and goats as well as by thirst。'
  'You have not the least idea where he is hiding; have you?' Lord Naja demanded。 'We should call off the hunt and get back to the boats。'
  'No!' Nefer cut in。 'We have barely begun。 How can we give up so soon?'
  'The boy is right;' Apepi agreed。 'We must go on; but there is much ground to cover。' He paused for a moment; then reached a decision。 'We will have to split up and search each area separately。' He looked across at Naja。 'My lord Regent; you take your squadron to the Bedouin encampment。 If they have seen the chase they will direct you。 I will ride to the seep below the hills。' He turned to Trok。 Take three chariots down the valley。 One of the trackers will go with you to search for sign。' To Asmor he said; Take three chariots and cast back along the edge of the plain to Dabba; in case he has returned to where he last killed。' Then he looked at Nefer。 'Pharaoh; you cast in the opposite direction; north towards Achmim。'
  Nefer realized that he was being given the least promising ground to cover; but he had no plaint。 This new plan meant that for the first time he and Mintaka would be away from the direct surveillance of his guardians。 Naja; Asmor and Trok were being sent in different directions。 He waited for someone to point this out; but they were all so wrapped up in the hunt that no one seemed to realize the significance of this move。 Except Naja。
  He looked hard at Nefer。 Perhaps he was weighing the advisability of countermanding Apepi's orders; but in the end he must have realized that this would be unwise and concluded that Nefer was guarded by the desert as effectively as he would have been by Asmor: there was no place for him to run to; and if he took Mintaka with him on some wild adventure he would have the entire armies of both kingdoms upon him like swarms of wild bees。
  Naja looked away from him as Apepi went on to nominate an assembly point; and to give his final orders。 At last the ram's horns sounded the mount…up and the advance; and the five columns drove out of the valley。 On the level ground they split into their separate squadrons and headed out in diverging directions。
  As the last of the other squadrons disappeared among the stark hills; Mintaka leaned even closer to Nefer and murmured; 'At last Hathor has shown mercy to us。'
  'I believe it is Horus who has granted us his favour;' Nefer grinned down at her; 'but I will accept this benevolence from whomsoever it es。'
  There were two other chariots in Nefer's squadron; manded by Colonel Hilto; the old soldier who had discovered him and Taita when they had tried to escape from Egypt。 He had served under Nefer's father and was loyal unto death: Nefer knew he could trust him without reservation。
  Nefer led them fast; wanting to make the most of the remaining daylight; and within an hour's ride the vast vista of the river plain opened beneath them。 He reined in to admire it for a few minutes。 The river was an emerald mounted in the luscious green of fields and plantations that enclosed it。
  'How beautiful it is; Nefer。' Mintaka spoke almost dreamily。 'Even when we are married; we must always remember that this land owns us; and that we do not own it。'
  Sometimes he forgot that she had been born in Avaris and had as strong claim to the land as he had。 He felt his heart swell with pride that she loved it as he did; and felt the same patriotic duty。
  'I will never forget it; not with you at my side。' She lifted her face to him and her lips were parted slightly。 He could smell her sweet breath; and the temptation to reach down for those lips with his own mouth was almost irresistible。 Then he felt the gaze of Hilto and the other men on them; and from the corner of his eye saw one smile knowingly。 He drew back and looked at Hilto coolly。 He had been rehearsing his next order since they had left the rest of the hunting party。 'Colonel; if the lion is here it will probably be lying up somewhere on the slope of the hills down below us。' He indicated the area with a sweep of his arm。 'I want to extend in line abreast。 The left flank must be on the edge of the plain and our right up here on the crest of the hills。 We will sweep northwards。' He made a wide gesture; but Hilto looked dubious and scratched the scar on his cheek。
  'That is a broad front; Your Majesty。 It's almost half a league to the valley bottom。 At times we will be out of sight of each other。'
  Nefer could see that it went against all his military instincts to spread his front too thin; and he went on swiftly to mollify him。 'If we do bee separated we will reassemble on the third ridge ahead of us; under that small hillock over there。 It will give us a good landmark。' He pointed out a distinctive rock pile four miles ahead。 'If any of us is late to the rendezvous the others must wait until the sun is at that angle before ing back to look for the missing vehicle。'
  He had given himself a few hours before they would begin to search for him and Mintaka。 Still Hilto hesitated。 'I beg Your Majesty's indulgence; but the Lord Naja charged me most strictly…'
  Nefer cut in with a sharp tone and cold expression: 'Do you presume to argue with your pharaoh?'
  'Never; Majesty!' Hilto was shocked at the accusation。
  'Then do your duty; fellow。'
  Hilto saluted with deep respect and hurried back to his own chariot shouting urgent orders to his men as he ran。 As the squadron wheeled out down the slope; Mintaka nudged Nefer and smiled。 'Do your duty; fellow!' She mimicked his haughty tone then laughed。 'Please never look at me like that or use that tone to me; Your Majesty。 I am sure I would die of fright。'
  'We have only a little time;' he replied。 'We must make the most of it; and find a place where we can be alone。'
  He swung the chariot back over the skyline so that they could no longer be seen from the river valley or by the chariots lower down the slope; and as they trotted forward they were both craning eagerly ahead。
  'Look; over there。' Mintaka pointed to the right。 A small grove of thorn trees was almost hidden by a fold in the ground; only the dull green tops showing。 Nefer turned towards it; and they found a narrow ravine that had been cut; over millennia; into the hillside by wind and weather; and rare thunderstorms。 There must have been subterranean water for the thorn trees were robust。 Their thick foliage offered shade and privacy in this hot midday。 Nefer drove down the bank and into the shade。 As soon as he stopped Mintaka hopped down from the footplate。
  'Loosen the harness; and give the horses a rest;' she suggested。
  Nefer hesitated; then shook his head。 It was against his training: in a deta

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