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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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nd let her torn skirt drop back around her thighs。 She turned away from the lion; and started back towards where Nefer waited。
  The lion slashed its tail back and forth; the prelude to the charge。 He lifted his head; and the black tufted tail whipped against his flanks。
  Mintaka heard the rhythmic swish and thud of the tail; stopped and looked back; puzzled。 She looked straight into the yellow gaze of the beast。 She screamed; a high…pitched sound that struck Nefer to the heart。 He whirled round and in an instant took in the situation: the girl and the crouching beast facing her。
  'Don't run!' he shouted。 He knew that if she ran it would trigger the feline reflex of the lion to chase。 'I am ing!'
  He snatched his bow and quiver from the rack on the dashboard; and raced towards her; nocking an arrow as he ran。
  'Don't run!' he repeated desperately; but at that moment the lion growled。 It was a terrible sound that seemed to vibrate in Mintaka's bones and make the ground tremble under her feet。 She could not control the terror that overwhelmed her。 She whirled and ran back blindly towards Nefer; sobbing with each stride。
  Instantly the lion's mane rose like a dark aura around his head and he launched himself into his charge; ing straight after her; a dark; tawny streak through the trees。 He overtook her as though she were still rooted to the earth。
  Nefer stopped dead and dropped the quiver to free both hands; and he threw up the bow。 He drew the fletching to his lips and set his aim on the massive heaving chest。 Even though the range was short; it was a difficult shot。 The beast was ing at an angle; so the deflection was critical; and Mintaka was in the direct line of his fire。 On top of that; he knew that a wounding would not save Mintaka。 He must drive an arrowhead through the beast's vital organs to pin it down; and give her the chance to get clear。 Yet there was no time for precise calculation; the lion was almost on top of her。
  It came grunting at each bound; clods and pebbles spurting up under the drive of its great paws。 The yellow eyes were terrible。 Nefer swung just a touch ahead; allowing a hand's breadth for the drop of the arrow in flight and he yelled; with all the urgency he could muster; 'Down; Mintaka! Clear my shot!'
  They had developed a close accord over the weeks in which they had hunted together; and she had learned to trust him implicitly。 Even in her transport of terror he could still reach her。 She did not hesitate but from full run she threw herself flat upon the stony earth almost under the jaws of the onrushing lion。
  In the same instant that she went down; Nefer let fly。 The arrow sprang from his bowstring。 To Nefer's fear…crazed eyes it seemed to move across the gap that separated them with the leisurely flight of some overburdened bird of prey。 It passed over where Mintaka lay; already beginning to drop; seeming tiny; slow and ineffectual against such a massive animal。
  Then it struck soundlessly and Nefer half expected the flimsy shaft to snap; be thrown aside contemptuously by the grunting; bounding animal。
  Just as the lion's mouth gaped wide; showing the full array of ragged stained fangs; the flint arrowhead disappeared into the thick coating of dark hair that covered its chest。 There was no sound of the impact but the slim straight shaft of the arrow slid in after it; until only a hand's span of shaft and the bright feathers of the fletching protruded。
  Nefer thought that he had struck the heart。 The lion leaped high in a monumental convulsion and its grunting changed to a barrage of continuous roars that shook a cloud of dried leaves from the thorn branches over its head。 Then the beast spun in a circle snapping at its own chest; chewing the projecting end of the shaft of the arrow to splinters。 Mintaka lay almost under his flying; slashing paws。 'Get away from him!' Nefer screamed。 'Run!'
  He stooped and grabbed a second arrow from the quiver at his feet; and ran forward; nocking the arrow as he closed in。 Mintaka sprang up。 She had recovered enough of her wits not to impede his aim by racing to him for protection; and dodged behind the trunk of the nearest thorn tree。
  The movement was enough to draw the wounded lion's attention back to her。 Now in pain and fury; rather than in hunger; it lashed out at her。 The hooked yellow claws tore a slab of wet bark from the tree trunk behind which Mintaka crouched。
  'e! Here I am! e to me!' Nefer yelled wildly; trying to pull the lion off her。 It swung its huge; mane…shaggy head towards him; and Nefer drew and shot the next shaft with one desperate movement。 His arms were shaking and his aim was hurried and wild。 The arrowhead took the beast too far back; lancing deep into its belly; and it coughed at its sting。 It left Mintaka and hurled itself towards Nefer。
  Though it was mortally wounded and already slowing; there was no chance for Nefer to evade this fresh charge。 He had shot his last arrow and the quiver lay on the hard ground well out of his reach。 He reached down and drew his dagger from the sheath on his belt。
  It was a flimsy weapon against this furious beast。 The thin bronze blade was not long enough to stab through to the heart; but he had heard the royal huntsman tell tales of miraculous escapes from just such a deadly predicament。 As the lion launched itself into the death spring; Nefer fell backwards; not even attempting to resist the beast's weight and impetus。 He lay between its forepaws; and the lion opened its jaws to full stretch and thrust its head down to crush Nefer's skull with those terrible fangs。 Its breath was so foul; with the stench of rotten meat and open graves; that Nefer felt hot vomit rise in his throat。 He steeled himself for the moment and thrust his right hand; with the dagger; deep into the open jaws。 The lion bit down instinctively。
  Nefer had the dagger held firmly in his fist; with the blade aligned upright; and as the lion's jaws closed the bronze point was driven up through the roof of its mouth。 Nefer snatched away his hand before the fangs could crush the bones of his wrist; but the lion's jaws were fixed open by the dagger held between them; and it could not bite down。
  It was ripping at him with both its forepaws; the claws fully extended。 He wriggled and writhed beneath the heavy body; evading some of the claw strokes; but his apron was ripped from him; and he felt the bony hooks tearing into his flesh。 He knew he could not hold out much longer。 Involuntarily he screamed at the lion above him; 'Leave me; you filthy creature! Get off me!'
  The lion was still roaring and the blood from its skewered palate blew out in a crimson cloud; mingled with its stinking breath and hot saliva; into Nefer's face。
  His shouts galvanized Mintaka; and when she peered out from behind the bole of the thorn tree Nefer was a blood…soaked spectacle beneath the lion's bulk。 He was being mauled to death; and her own fear was forgotten。
  Nefer's bow was trapped under his body; and without it the quiver full of arrows was useless to her。 She sprang out from behind the tree and raced towards the chariot。 The screams and roars behind her goaded her on and she ran until her heart seemed on the point of bursting。
  Ahead of her the horses were terrified by the scent of the beast and its roaring。 They reared and threw their heads; kicking out at the traces。 They would have bolted long ago had not Nefer secured the locking brake on one wheel so they could only turn in a tight; right…handed circle。 Mintaka ran in under their flying hoofs; and jumped up on to the footplate。 She seized the loose reins and called to the team; 'Ho there; Stargazer! Hold hard; Hammer!〃
  On many of their previous outings; Nefer had let her drive; so the horses knew her voice and recognized her touch on the traces。 Swiftly she brought them under control; but it seemed to her an eternity for she could hear Nefer's screams and the lion's deafening bellows。 The moment she had the pair in hand she leaned over the side and knock

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