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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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he carried the fabulous blue sword in its golden scabbard that he had taken from Pharaoh's dead body。 The blade was beaten from some marvellous metal; heavier; harder and sharper than any bronze。 There was none other like it in all Egypt。 It had once belonged to Tanus; Lord Harrab; and had e to Pharaoh by his bequest。
  The most significant of all his accoutrements; however; was the least eye…catching。 On his right arm; held in place by a plain band of gold above the elbow; was the blue hawk seal。 Like the sword Naja had taken it from Tamose's royal corpse。 As Regent of Egypt; Naja was now entitled to wear this potent badge of imperial power。
  His bodyguard formed up around him; and the full legion fell in behind him。 With five thousand men at his back the new Regent of Egypt began his march on Thebes。
  Asmor rode as his lance…bearer。 He was young for the mand of a full legion; but he had proved himself in battle against the Hyksos; and he was Naja's close panion。 He; too; had Hyksosian blood in his veins。 Once; Asmor had thought the mand of a legion was the summit of his ambition; but now he had scaled the foothills and suddenly before him rose the glorious alps of exalted office; of power unfettered; and…dare he even think it?…elevation to the highest ranks of the nobility。 There was nothing he would not do; no act so reckless or base that he would not undertake it willingly to hasten his patron Lord Naja's ascension to the throne of Egypt。
  'What stands before us now; my old rade?' It seemed that Naja had read his thought; for the question was so appropriate。
  'The Yellow Flowers have cleared all but one of the princes of the House of Tamose from your path;' Asmor answered; and pointed with his lance across the grey silt…laden waters of the Nile to the far hills in the west。 'They lie there in their tombs in the Valley of the Nobles。'
  Three years previously the plague of the Yellow Flowers had swept through the two kingdoms。 The disease was named for the dreadful yellow lesions that covered the faces and bodies of the stricken before they succumbed to the pox's burning fevers。 It was no respecter of persons; choosing its victims from every station and level of society; sparing neither Egyptian nor Hyksos; man nor woman nor child; neither peasant nor prince; it had mown them down like fields of dhurra millet before the sickle。
  Eight princesses and six princes of the House of Tamose had died。 Of all Pharaoh's children; only two girls and Prince Nefer Memnon had survived。 It was as though the gods had set out deliberately to clear the path to the throne of Egypt for Lord Naja。
  There were those who vowed that Nefer and his sisters would have died also; had not the ancient Magus Taita wrought his magic to save them。 The three children still bore the tiny scars on their left upper arms where he had cut them and placed in their blood his magical charm against the Yellow Flowers。
  Naja frowned。 Even in this moment of his triumph he could still give thought to the strange powers possessed by the Magus。 No man could deny that he had found the secret of life。 He had already lived so long that no one knew his age; some said a hundred years and others two hundred。 Yet he still walked and ran and drove a chariot like a man in his prime。 No man could better him in debate; none could surpass him in learning。 Surely the gods loved him; and had bestowed upon him the secret of life eternal。
  Once he was Pharaoh; that would be the only thing that Naja lacked。 Could he wring the secret out of Taita the Warlock? First; he must be captured and brought in along with Prince Nefer; but he must not be harmed。 He was far too valuable。 The chariots Naja had sent to scour the eastern deserts would bring him back a throne in the form of Prince Nefer; and life eternal in the human guise of the eunuch; Taita。
  Asmor interrupted his thoughts: 'We of the loyal Phat Guard are the only troops south of Abnub。 The rest of the army is deployed against the Hyksos in the north。 Thebes is defended by a handful of boys; cripples and old men。 Nothing stands in your way; Regent。'
  Any fears that the legion under arms would be denied entrance to the city proved baseless。 The main gates were thrown open as soon as the sentries recognized the blue standard; and the citizens ran out to meet them。 They carried palm fronds and garlands of water…lilies; for a rumour had swept through the city that Lord Naja brought tidings of a mighty victory over Apepi of the Hyksos。
  But the weling cries and laughter soon gave way to wild ululations of mourning when they saw the swaddled royal corpse on the floorboards of the second chariot and heard the cries of the leading charioteers: 'Pharaoh is dead! He has been slain by the Hyksos。 May he live for ever。'
  The wailing crowds followed the chariot that carried the royal corpse to the funerary temple; clogging the streets; and in the confusion no one seemed to notice that divisions of Asmor's men had taken over from the guards at the main gates; and had swiftly set up pickets at every corner and in every square。
  The chariot bearing Tamose's corpse had drawn the crowds along with it。 The rest of the usually swarming city was almost deserted; and Naja galloped his chariot team swiftly through the narrow crooked streets to the river palace。 He knew that every member of the council would hurry to the assembly chamber as soon as they heard the dreadful news。 They left the chariots at the entrance to the gardens; and Asmor and fifty men of the bodyguard formed up around Naja。 They marched in close order through the inner courtyard; past the ponds of the water garden filled with hyacinth and fish from the river; which shone like jewels below the surface of the limpid pools。
  The arrival of such a band of armed men took the council unawares。 The doors to the chamber were unguarded; and only four members were already assembled。 Naja paused in the doorway and looked them over swiftly。 Menset and Talla were old and past their once formidable powers; Cinka had always been weak and vacillating。 There was only one man of force in the chamber with whom he had to reckon。
  Kratas was older than any of them; but in the way that a volcano is old。 His robes were in disarray…clearly he had e directly from his pallet; but not from sleep。 They said that he was still able to keep his two young wives and all of his five concubines in play; which Naja did not doubt; for the tales of his feats with arms and amours were legion。 The fresh; damp stains on his white linen kilt and the sweet natural perfume of female concupiscence that enveloped him were apparent even from where Naja stood。 The scars on his arms and bare chest were testimony to a hundred battles fought and won over the years。 The old man no longer deigned to wear the numerous chains of the Gold of Valour and the Gold of Praise to which he was entitled…in any case; such a mass of the precious metal would have weighed down an ox。
  'Noble lords!' Naja greeted the members of the council。 'I e to bring you dire tidings。' He strode down into the chamber and Menset and Talla shrank away; staring at him like two rabbits watching the sinuous approach of the cobra。 'Pharaoh is dead。 He was cut down by a Hyksosian arrow while storming the enemy stronghold above El Wadun。'
  The council members gawked at him in silence; all except Kratas。 He was the first to recover from the shock of that news。 His sorrow was matched only by his anger。 He rose ponderously to his feet; and glowered at Naja and his bodyguard; like an old bull buffalo surprised in his wallow by a pride of half…grown lion cubs。 'By what excess of treasonable impudence do you wear the hawk seal upon your arm? Naja; son of Timlat out of the belly of a Hyksosian slut; you are not fit to grovel in the dirt under the feet of the man from whom you looted that talisman。 That sword at your waist has been wielded by hands more noble by far than your soft paws。' The dome of Kratas' bald head turned purple and his craggy features quivered with outrage。
  For a moment Naja w

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