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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  'Hilto; you know that is not what I wanted to hear from you。'
  Hilto indicated Bay with a jerk of his head。 'Perhaps this is not the time to touch on certain matters;' he suggested tactfully。 'Your Majesty; should we not speak later and in private?'
  Nefer was forced to contain his impatience。
  As they sat that evening around the campfire in the cave; it was agony for Nefer to have to listen to Hilto making another long; detailed report to Taita; the most important part of which was that the substitution of bodies had been discovered when the priests of Anubis had unwrapped the head of the corpse in the Hall of Sorrow。 Pharaoh Naja Kiafan had done his best to suppress the news and to prevent it being public knowledge for the foundations of his throne would be undermined if the populace suspected that Nefer was still alive。 However; it was impossible to keep such an extraordinary event secret when many people; priests and courtiers were privy to it。 Hilto reported that rumours were rife in the streets and market…places of the city of Thebes and the outlying towns and villages。
  Partly as a result of these rumours; the unrest in both kingdoms had bee more widespread and concerted。 The rebels were calling themselves the Blue Faction。 Blue was the colour of the Tamosian dynasty; Naja had selected green as his own royal colour; and Trok's was red。
  Added to this; trouble was brewing in the east。 The Egyptian pharaohs had sent the Hurrian ambassador back to his master; King Sargon of Babylon; that mighty kingdom between the Tigris and Euphrates; demanding that Sargon's annual tribute be increased to twenty lakhs of gold。 It was a crippling amount to which Sargon could never agree。
  'So; this accounts for the build…up of the armies in both kingdoms;' Taita said; as Hilto paused in his report。 'It is clear at last that the two pharaohs are greedy for the riches of Mesopotamia。 They are intent on conquest。 After Babylon; they will turn on Libya and Chaldea。 They will not rest until the entire world es under their sway。'
  Hilto looked amazed。 'I had not considered that; but you must be right。'
  'They are as cunning as two old baboons raiding the farmers' fields along the riverbank。 They know that war is a uniting factor。 If they march on Mesopotamia the populace will rally behind them in a patriotic frenzy。 The army loves the prospect of booty and glory。 The merchants love the prospect of increased trade and profit。 It is a marvellous way to take the minds of the people off their grievances。'
  'Yes。' Hilto nodded。 'I see it now。'
  'Of course; this is to our advantage;' Taita mused。 'I have been seeking a haven for us。 If he is at war with Trok and Naja; then Sargon will wele us to his side。〃
  'We are leaving Egypt?' Hilto interjected。
  Taita explained; 'Now that Naja and Trok know that Nefer still lives; 。; they will e after us。 The road to the east is the only one open to us。 It will not be for long; just until we have built up our strength and support throughout the two kingdoms and have made ourselves powerful allies。 Then we will return to reclaim Pharaoh Nefer's birthright。'
  They all stared at him silently as they recovered from the shock ; of this prospect。 They had not thought so far ahead; and it had never occurred to them that they would be forced to leave their native land。
  It was Nefer who broke the silence。 'We can't do that;' he said。 'I cannot leave Egypt。'
  Taita glanced at the others; and jerked his head in dismissal。 Obediently Hilto; Bay and Meren stood up and filed out of the cave。
  Taita had been anticipating this situation。 He knew it would take all his cunning to resolve it; for Nefer wore his set expression and had made his declaration in a stubborn tone that Taita recognized。 He knew it was going to be difficult to move Nefer from this position。 The boy was staring into the fire; and Taita realized he must force him to break his silence。 When he did so; Taita's position would be strengthened。
  'You should have discussed this plan with me;' Nefer said at last。 'I am no longer a child; Taita。 I am man and Pharaoh。'
  'I told you my intentions;' Taita said quietly。
  They sat in silence again; staring into the flames of the fire; and Taita could sense the cracks appearing in Nefer's resolve。
  At last Nefer spoke again。 'You see; there is Mintaka。'
  Still Taita said nothing。 Intuitively he understood that they were approaching a crisis in their relationship。 It had had to e at some time; so he made no effort to avoid it。
  'I sent Mintaka a message;' Nefer said。 'I told her I loved her; and I gave her an oath on my life and eternal spirit that I would not desert her。'
  Now Taita broke his silence。 'Are you certain that Mintaka received this foolhardy oath of yours that placed you; her and all around you in mortal danger?'
  'Yes; of course。 Hilto…' Nefer stopped and his expression changed as he stared at Taita across the flames of the campfire。 Suddenly he sprang up and strode to the cave entrance。 He moved not like a boy but like a man; an angry man。 In these last few short months he had changed pletely。 Taita experienced a deep satisfaction。 The way ahead would be hard; and Nefer would need all this new…found strength and determination。
  'Hilto!' Nefer called into the darkness。 'e to me。' Perhaps Hilto heard the new authority in his tone because he came swiftly and dropped to one knee before Nefer。
  'Majesty?' he asked。
  'Did you deliver the message I entrusted to you?' Nefer demanded。
  Hilto glanced at Taita beside the fire。
  'Don't look to him;' Nefer snapped。 'I am asking you the question。 Answer me。'
  'I did not deliver the message;' Hilto answered。 'Do you wish to know the reason why I did not?'
  'I know the reason well enough;' Nefer said ominously。 'But hear this。 If ever you wilfully disobey me at any time in the future you will pay the full penalty。'
  'I understand;' Hilto said stolidly。
  'If there is ever again a choice between Pharaoh and an interfering old man; you will choose Pharaoh。 Is that clear to you?'
  'It is clear as the midday sun。' Hilto hung his head penitently; but smiled into his beard。
  'You have been evading my questions; Hilto。 Now; what news do you have of the princess?'
  Hilto stopped smiling; and opened and closed his mouth; trying to find the courage to tell him the dire news。
  'Speak!' Nefer ordered。 'Have you so soon forgotten your duty?'
  'Gracious Majesty; the news will not please you。 Six weeks ago the Princess Mintaka was married in Avaris to Pharaoh Trok Uruk。'
  Nefer stood as still as if he had been turned into a granite statue。 For a long time the only sound in the cave was the crackle of the acacia logs in the fire。 Then; without another word; Nefer walked past Hilto; out into the desert night。
  When he returned the dawn was a faint red promise in the eastern sky。 Hilto and Meren were wrapped in their sheepskins at the back of the cave; but Taita sat in exactly the same position as Nefer had left him。 For a moment he thought that the old man was asleep also。 Then Taita raised his head and looked at him with eyes that were bright and alert in the firelight。
  'I was wrong; and you were right。 I need you now; more than ever; old friend;' said Nefer。 'You will not desert me?'
  'You need not ask;' Taita said softly。
  'I cannot leave her with Trok;' Nefer said。
  Nefer came back to his seat opposite Taita; who took a slow; deep breath。 The storm had passed。 They were still together。
  Nefer picked up a charred stump of firewood and pushed it deeper into the flames。 Then he looked up at Taita again。 'You have tried to teach me to overlook at a distance;' he said。 'I have never acquired the gift。 Not until this last night。 Out there in the darkness and the great silence; I tried again to overlook Mintaka。 This time I saw some

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