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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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insisted on searching them before he would allow them to pass。 He ordered Hilto to unroll the carpets and prodded every fold with his spear point。 At last he was satisfied; and waved them through。
  The ancient slave hobbled ahead of them; guiding them through a labyrinth of narrow passages。 As they progressed the surroundings became grander; until they stopped before an elaborately carved sandal…wood door guarded by two huge eunuchs。 There was a whispered exchange between them and the old slave; then the sentries stood aside and Taita led the others through into a large airy room redolent of flowers; perfume and the tantalizing aroma of young womanhood。 Beyond there was a wide terrace; from which floated the sounds of a lute and feminine voices。
  The old slave went out on to the terrace。 'Your Majesty;' he quavered; 'there is a merchant with fine silk carpets from Samarkand to wait upon Your Grace。'
  'I have seen enough rubbish for one day;' a woman's voice replied; and Nefer thrilled to those familiar well…beloved tones so that his breathing came short。 'Send them away。'
  The guide looked back at Taita and pulled a face; spreading his hands helplessly。 Nefer dropped the rolled carpet off his shoulder on to the stone floor tiles with a weighty thump; and strode to the entrance on to the terrace where he paused。 He was dressed in tatters and a grubby cloth was wrapped around his head; covering the lower half of his face。 Only his eyes were visible。
  Mintaka was sitting on the parapet wall with two of her slave girls at her feet。 She did not look in his direction but started singing again。 It was the monkey and donkey song; and Nefer felt every word twist his heart as he studied the sweet curve of the cheek turned half away from him and the tresses of thick dark hair that hung down her back。
  Abruptly she broke off and looked at him with annoyance。 'Don't stand there gawking at me; you insolent oaf;' she snapped。 Take your wares and go。'
  'Forgive me; Majesty。' He spread his arms in supplication; 'I am but a poor fool from Dabba。'
  Mintaka screamed and dropped her lute; then covered her mouth with both hands。 Patches of bright crimson rouged her cheeks and she stared into his green eyes。 The black slave drew his dagger and tottered forward feebly to attack Nefer; but Mintaka recovered herself at once。 'No; leave him。' She raised her right hand to reinforce the mand。 'Leave us。 I will speak with the stupid fellow。' The slave looked dubious and hesitated; the naked dagger still aimed uncertainly at Nefer's belly。
  'Do as I tell you;' Mintaka snarled; like a leopardess。 'Go; fool。 Go!'
  Confused; the old fellow sheathed his blade and backed away。 Mintaka was still staring at Nefer; her eyes huge and dark。 Her girls could not fathom what ailed her。 They knew only that something strange was afoot。 The curtains over the entrance fell back into place as the slave withdrew。 Nefer whipped off the cloth that covered his head and his curls fell to his shoulders。
  Mintaka screamed again。 'Oh; by the grace of Hathor; it is you。 It is really you! I thought you would never e。' She flew to him and he ran to meet her; enfolding her in his embrace。 They clung to each other; both talking at the same time; incoherently trying to tell each other of their love and how much they had missed each other。 The slave girls recovered from their astonishment and danced around them; clapping their hands and weeping with joy and excitement until Taita silenced them with a few well…directed prods of his staff。
  'Stop that mindless squealing。 You will have all the sentries here in a minute。' Once he had them under control; he turned back to Hilto and Meren。 At his direction they spread the largest carpet out on the tiles。
  'Mintaka; listen to me! There will be time for that later。'
  She turned her face to him; but kept her hands locked around Nefer's neck。 'It was you who called to me; wasn't it; Taita? I heard your voice so clearly。 If you hadn't stopped me I would have…'
  'I thought you more sensible than to stand here chattering when so much is at stake;' Taita cut across her。 'We are going to hide you in the carpet to get you out of the palace。 Hurry now。'
  'Do I have time to fetch my…'
  'No;' Taita said。 'You have time for nothing other than to obey me。'
  She kissed Nefer once more; a lingering embrace; then ran into the chamber and threw herself full length on the carpet。 She looked up at her girls; who stood amazed in the doorway。 'Do whatever Taita tells you。'
  'You cannot leave us; mistress;' her favourite; Tinia; wailed。 'Without you we are nothing。'
  'It will not be for long;' Mintaka said。 'I promise I will send for you; Tinia; but until then be brave; and do not fail me。'
  Nefer helped Hilto and Meren roll Mintaka in the patterned red carpet; and placed one end of a long hollow reed between her lips。 The other end; protruding a few inches from the heavy folds; would enable her to breathe。
  In the meantime Taita instructed the weeping slave girls: 'Tinia; you are to go into the bedchamber and bar the door。 Cover yourself with bed linen; as though you were your mistress。 The rest of you will stay here in the vestibule。 You must not open the door to any demands。 Tell anyone who asks that your mistress is laid low by her moon sickness and can see no one。 Do you understand that?' Tinia nodded; broken…hearted; not trusting herself to speak。 'Delay them as long as you are able; but when you are discovered and can no longer dissemble; tell them what they want to know。 Do not try to hold out under torture。 Your death or crippling will serve little purpose; except to prey upon the conscience of your mistress。'
  'Can I not go with the Queen?' Tinia blurted。 'I cannot live without her。'
  'You heard your mistress's promise。 Once she is safe she will send for you。 Now; bar the door behind us when we leave。'
  The old slave was waiting in the passage when they carried out the rolled carpet on their shoulders。
  'I am sorry。 I did my best for you; as Soleth ordered me。 Queen Mintaka was once a kind and happy girl;' he told them; 'but no longer。 Since her marriage she has bee sad and angry。' He beckoned them to follow and led them back through the warren of the zenana until at last they reached the small side gate; where the sergeant of the guards confronted them once more。
  'Unroll those carpets!' he ordered brusquely。
  Taita stepped closer to him and stared into his eyes。 The sergeant's hostile expression faded。 He looked mildly confused。 'I can see that you are feeling contented and happy;' Taita said softly; and a slow grin spread over the man's ugly; wrinkled features。 'Very happy;〃 Taita said; and laid his hand gently on the man's shoulder。
  'Very happy;' the sergeant repeated。
  'You have already searched the carpets。 Surely you do not want to waste your valuable time。 Do you?'
  'I don't want to waste my time;' the sergeant declared; as though it was his own idea。
  'You want us to pass。'
  'Pass!' said the sergeant。 'I want you to pass。' And he stood aside。 One of his men raised the locking bar and let them out into the lane。 The last glimpse they had of the sergeant as the door closed showed them that he was grinning benignly after them。
  The wagon stood where they had left it with the urchins guarding it。 Gently they loaded the carpet into the wagon bed and Nefer called quietly into the mouth of the roll; 'Mintaka; my heart; are you all right?'
  'It is hot and stuffy; but that is a small price to pay to know that you are near。' Her voice was muffled and he reached down the tube formed by the roll and touched the top of her head。
  'You are as brave as a lioness。' he said; and scrambled up behind Taita on the wagon box as he urged the horses forward。
  Taita whipped up the horses。 'The city gates will soon be closed for the night。 When Mintaka's escape is discovered the first thing they will do is seal off the

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