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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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ald head turned purple and his craggy features quivered with outrage。
  For a moment Naja was taken aback。 How did the old monster know that his mother had been of Hyksosian blood? That was a close secret。 He was forcefully reminded that this was the only man; besides Taita; who might have the strength and the power to wrest the double crown from his grasp。
  Despite himself he took a step backwards。 'I am the Regent of the royal Prince Nefer。 I wear the blue hawk seal by right;〃 he answered。
  'No!' Kratas thundered。 'You do not have the right。 Only great and noble men have the right to wear the hawk seal。 Pharaoh Tamose had the right; Tanus; Lord Harrab had the right; and a line of mighty kings before them。 You; you slinking cur; have no such right。'
  'I was acclaimed by my legions in the field。 I am the Regent of Prince Nefer。'
  Kratas strode towards him across the chamber floor; 'You are no soldier。 You were thrashed at Lastra and Siva by your Hyksos jackal kin。 You are no statesman; no philosopher。 You have gained some small distinction only by Pharaoh's lapse in judgement。 I warned him against you a hundred times。'
  'Back; you old fool!' Naja warned him。 'I stand in the place of Pharaoh。 If you handle me; you give offence to the crown and dignity of Egypt。'
  'I am going to strip the seal and that sword off you。' Kratas did not check his step。 'And afterwards I might give myself the pleasure of whipping your buttocks。'
  At Naja's right hand Asmor whispered; 'The penalty for lèse…majesté is death。'
  Instantly Naja realized his opportunity。 He lifted his chin and looked into the old man's still bright eyes。 'You are an ancient bag of wind and dung;' he challenged。 'Your day has passed; Kratas; you doddering old idiot。 You dare not lay a finger on the Regent of Egypt。'
  As he had intended; the insult was too great for Kratas to bear。 He let out a bellow and rushed the last few paces。 He was surprisingly quick for a man of his age and bulk; and he seized Naja; lifted him off his feet and tried to rip the hawk seal from his arm。
  'You are not fit…'
  Without looking round; Naja spoke to Asmor; who stood only a pace behind his shoulder with his drawn sickle sword in his right hand。
  'Strike!' said Naja softly。 'And strike deep!'
  Asmor stepped to the side; opening Kratas' flank above the waistband of the kilt for the thrust low in the back; into the kidneys。 In his trained hand the blow was true and powerful。 The bronze blade slipped in silently; easily as a needle into a sheet of silk; right in to the hilt; then Asmor twisted it in the flesh to enlarge the wound channel。
  Kratas' whole body stiffened and his eyes opened wide。 He loosed his grip and let Naja drop back to his feet。 Asmor pulled out the blade。 It came away reluctantly against the suck of clinging flesh。 The bright bronze was smeared with dark blood; and a sluggish trickle ran down to soak into Kratas' white linen kilt。 Asmor stabbed again; this time higher; angling the blade upwards under the lowest rib。 Kratas frowned and shook his great leonine head; as though annoyed at some childish nonsense。 He turned away and began to walk towards the door of the chamber。 Asmor ran after him and stabbed him again in the back。 Kratas kept walking。
  'My lord; help me kill the dog;' Asmor panted; and Naja drew the blue sword and ran to join him。 The blade bit deeper than any bronze as Naja hacked and stabbed。 Kratas reeled out through the doors of the chamber into the courtyard; blood spurting and pulsing from a dozen wounds。 Behind him the other members of the council shouted; 'Murder! Spare the noble Kratas。'
  Asmor shouted just as loudly; 'Traitor! He has laid hands on the Regent of Egypt!' And he thrust again; aiming for the heart; but Kratas staggered against the surrounding wall of the fish pond; and tried to steady himself。 However; his hands were red and slick with his own blood and found no grip on the polished marble。 He collapsed over the low coping and; with a heavy splash; disappeared under the surface。
  The two swordsmen paused; hanging over the wall to catch their breath as the waters were stained pink by the old man's blood。 Suddenly his bald head thrust out of the pool and Kratas drew a noisy breath。
  'In the name of all the gods; will not the old bastard die?' Asmor's voice was filled with astonishment and frustration。
  Naja vaulted over the wall into the pond and stood waist…deep over the huge; floundering body。 He placed one foot on Kratas' throat and forced his head beneath the surface。 Kratas struggled and heaved beneath him; and the waters were stained with blood and churned river mud。 Naja trod down with all his weight and kept him under。 ''Tis like riding a hippopotamus。' He laughed breathlessly; and immediately Asmor and the soldiers joined in with him; crowding the edge of the pool。 They roared with laughter and jeered; 'Have your last drink; Kratas; you old sot。'
  'You will go to Seth bathed and sweet smelling as a babe。 Even the god will not recognize you。'
  The old man's struggles grew weaker; until a vast exhalation of breath bubbled to the surface and at last he was still。 Naja waded to the side of the pool and stepped out。 Kratas' body rose slowly to the surface and floated there face down。
  'Fish him out!' Naja ordered。 'Do not have him embalmed; but hack him into pieces and bury him with the other bandits; rapists and traitors in the Valley of the Jackal。 Do not mark his grave。' Kratas was thus denied the chance to reach Paradise。 He would be doomed eternally to wander in darkness。

  Dripping wet to the waist Naja strode back into the council chamber。 By this time all the other members of the council had arrived。 They had been witness to Kratas' fate and huddled; pale and shaken; on their benches。 They stared at Naja aghast as he stood before them with the reeking blue blade in his hand。 'My noble lords; death has always been the penalty for treason。 Is there any man among you who would question the justice of this execution?' He looked at each in turn and they dropped their eyes: the Phat Guards stood shoulder to shoulder around the wall of the chamber and; with Kratas gone; there was no man to give them direction。
  'My lord Menset;' Naja singled out the president of the council; 'do you endorse my action in executing the traitor Kratas?'
  For a long moment it seemed that Menset might defy him; but then he sighed and looked at his hands in his lap。 'The punishment was just;' he whispered。 'The council endorses the actions of the Lord Naja。'
  'Does the council also ratify the appointment of Lord Naja as the Regent of Egypt?' Naja asked softly but his voice carried clearly in the fraught and silent chamber。
  Menset raised his eyes and looked around at his fellow members; but not one would catch his eye。 'The President and all the councillors of this assembly acknowledge the new Regent of Egypt。' At last Menset looked directly at Naja; but such a dark; scornful expression blighted his usually jovial features that before the full of this moon he would be found dead in his bed。 For the time being Naja merely nodded。
  'I accept the duty and heavy responsibility you have placed upon me。' He sheathed his sword and mounted the dais to the throne。 'As my first official pronouncement in my capacity of Regent in Council I wish to describe to you the gallant death of the divine Pharaoh Tamose。' He paused significantly; then for the next hour he related in detail his version of the fatal campaign and the attack on the heights of El Wadun。 Thus died one of Egypt's most gallant kings。 His last words to me as I carried him down the hill were; 〃Care for my only remaining son。 Guard my son Nefer until he is man enough to wear the double crown。 Take my two small daughters under your wings; and see that no harm befalls them。〃'
  Lord Naja made little attempt to hide his terrible grief and it took him some moments to bring his emotions under control。 Then he went on firmly; 'I w

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