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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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ng heat; with the lurid sun almost obscured by the strange yellow overcast。
  Taita held the golden Periapt of Lostris in his right hand; and chanted softly to himself; warding off the evil that was thickening everywhere around them。 In the following chariot Bay was singing also; a monotonous repetitive refrain。
  They came to a section of the road where the wind had wiped away the tracks of other caravans and travellers。 There were no signs to follow except for the small cairns of stones that had been placed at intervals。 Eventually even these petered out; and they went on into the trackless sands。 They relied now on Taita's experience; his knowledge of the desert; and his deep instincts。
  At last they came out into flat ground between two ranges of high dunes。 The sand here was smooth and level; but Taita stopped at the edge of it and considered it carefully。 He climbed down from the footplate and beckoned to Bay。 The black man came to his side and together they examined the innocuous surface。
  'I like it not at all;' Taita said。 'We must look for a detour around this plain。 There is something here。'
  Bay walked a short way out on to the firm level sand and sniffed the hot air。 He spat twice and studied the pattern of his own spittle。 Then he came back to Taita。 'I can find nothing troublesome here。 If we look for a way round it may cost us hours; even days。 The pursuit is not far behind。 We must decide which is the greatest risk。'
  'There is something;' Taita repeated。 'Like you; I also feel an impulse to cross here。 That feeling is too strong and illogical。 The idea has been placed in our minds by the Mede。'
  'Mighty Magus;' Bay shook his head; 'In this case I do not agree with you。 We must take the risk and cross this valley。 Otherwise Trok will catch up with us before nightfall。'
  Taita took him by the shoulders and stared into his black eyes。 He saw that they were slightly unfocused; as though he had been smoking the bhang weed。 'The Mede has penetrated your armour;' he said; and placed the Periapt on Bay's forehead。 Bay blinked and opened his eyes wide。 Taita could see him struggling to throw off the influence。 He exerted his own will to help him。
  At last Bay shivered and his gaze cleared。 'You are right;' he whispered。 'Ishtar had overlooked me。 There is great danger in this place。'
  They looked down the length of the narrow valley。 It was a river of yellow sand with no beginning and no end in sight。 The far bank was close; no more than three hundred cubits across at the narrowest places; but it might have been two hundred leagues; and Trok's regiments were close behind them。
  'South or north?' Bay asked。 'I cannot see the way round。'
  Taita closed his eyes and exerted all his powers。 Suddenly there was a sound in the terrible silence。 A faint high cry。 They all looked up and saw the tiny shape of a royal falcon turning high in the furious yellow sky。 It circled twice then sped south along the valley; and disappeared into the haze。
  'South;' Taita said。 'We will follow the falcon。'
  They had been so intent on these deliberations; that neither of them had noticed that Hilto had eased his own chariot up closer to where they stood。 He and Meren were leaning over the dashboard and listening to this exchange。 Hilto was frowning with impatience。 Suddenly he exclaimed; 'Enough of this! The way is clear ahead。 We cannot afford any delay。 Will you dare to follow if Hilto leads the way?'
  He whipped up his team; and the startled horses jumped forward。 Meren was taken so pletely by surprise that he was almost thrown backwards over the footplate but he grabbed a handhold and managed to stay on the racing vehicle。
  Taita shouted at Hilto; 'e back! You are bewitched。 You do not know what you are doing。'
  Bay jumped up to catch the harness of the off…side horse; but he was too late: the chariot sped past him and out on to the flat ground。 It gathered speed and Hilto's laughter floated back to them。 'The way is open。 'Tis smooth and fast。'
  Nefer snatched up the reins of the stationary vehicle; and shouted; 'I will stop him or turn him。'
  'No!' Taita turned back to him; desperately raising his hand in a mand to stop; 'Don't go out there。 There is danger。 Stop; Nefer!'
  But Nefer ignored his cries。 With Mintaka beside him he lashed up the team and the wheels sang over the smooth hard sand。 He was catching up with Hilto rapidly。
  'Oh; sweet Horus!' Taita groaned。 'Watch the wheels。'
  A fine feather of silver sand began to rise from behind the spinning wheels of Hilto's chariot。 Then; as they watched in horror; the feather became a thick plume of yellow slush; then slabs of loose mud。 The horses slowed as they sank to their hocks in the soft footing and lumps of mud were thrown up so high from their driving hoofs that they flew over Hilto's head。 He made no attempt to stop or turn back but drove them on deeper into the quagmire。
  'The sinking sands!' Taita cried bitterly。 'This is the work of the Mede。 He has hidden the true road from us and led us into this trap。'
  Abruptly Hike's team broke through the crust into the treacherous swamp beneath。 As its wheels dropped in over the rims; the chariot came to such a sudden halt that both Hilto and Meren were catapulted over the dashboard。 They rolled across the innocent…seeming surface; but when they came to a stop and tried to stand up their bodies were coated with sticky yellow mud; and immediately they sank in to their knees。
  The horses were pleted mired。 Only their heads and front quarters were free; but as they whinnied and plunged they sank deeper and deeper still。
  Nefer was bemused and reacted too slowly to the disaster taking place before his eyes。 By the time he attempted to turn back it was too late。 Within ten cubits his wheels were in over the hubs and both horses were bogged down to the shoulders。 He jumped down to help them; to try to unharness them and lead them back; but immediately he was trapped in the slimy mud; sinking in to the knees and then to the waist。 'Don't try to stand;' Mintaka warned him frantically。 'It will swallow you under。 Throw yourself flat and swim。'
  She threw herself headlong from the sinking vehicle; and lay flat on the quaking mud。 'Like this; Nefer。 Do as I do。'
  He recovered his wits and stretched out flat on the surface。 In an awkward swimming motion; like a child learning to doggy…paddle; he reached the chariot before it disappeared pletely。 With his dagger he cut the leather straps that held the floorboards in place and; in desperate haste; ripped them up and threw them clear。 They floated on the surface of the deadly quicksands; but the heavy…laden chariot slid inexorably below the surface and drew the horses down with it。 Within minutes there was only a lighter patch on the dun…coloured plain to mark their grave。
  Hilto's chariot had also been drawn under and his horses with it。 He and Meren were floundering about; yelling with terror; managing only to keep their mud…daubed heads and shoulders clear。
  Nefer shoved one of the floorboards to Mintaka。 'Use this!' he ordered her; and she crawled on to it。
  He did the same with another board; which supported his weight。 Towing two more boards with him by their leather straps he propelled himself across the swamp until he was close enough to throw them to Hilto and Meren。 They dragged themselves out of the glutinous clutches of the mud。 All four started to swim laboriously back towards where Taita and Bay watched in horror from firm ground。
  Taita waved his arms and shouted urgently; 'You are already halfway across。 Don't return here。 Go on。 Cross to the other side。'
  Nefer saw the sense in this immediately。 They turned for the far bank。 It was slow; hard work; for the mud clung tenaciously to their arms and legs and to the bottom of the boards。 Mintaka's lighter weight soon told and she drew ahead of the others。 She was first to reach firm ground and to drag herself from the clutch

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