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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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 by waving a blanket in their faces。
  Every minute the ruddy light of that eerie dawn grew stronger; and they mounted in haste。 When they were ready to leave Nefer went to the group of bound prisoners。
  'You are Egyptians; as we are。 It pains me deeply that we have killed and wounded some of your panions。 This was neither our choice nor our pleasure。 The usurper Trok forced this upon us。'
  He squatted down next to the big man who had nearly killed him。 'You are a brave fellow。 I wish that some day we could fight side by side against the mon enemy。'
  The skirt of Nefer's apron had drawn up as he sat; and the prisoner's eyes went down to the smooth muscles of his right thigh。 His mouth fell open。 'Pharaoh Nefer Seti is dead。 Why do you bear the royal cartouche?' he asked。
  Nefer touched the tattoo that Taita had inscribed there so long ago。 'I bear it by right;' he said。 'I am Pharaoh Nefer Seti。'
  'No! No!' The prisoner was agitated and afraid; as he had probably never been on a battlefield。
  Mintaka jumped down from the chariot and came to them。 She spoke to the man in a friendly tone。 'Do you know who I am?'
  'You are Her Majesty Queen Mintaka。 Your father was my god and mander。 I loved him well。 Therefore I love and respect you。'
  Mintaka slipped her dagger from its sheath and cut away his bonds; 'Yes;' she said。 'I am Mintaka; and this is Pharaoh Nefer Seti who is my betrothed。 One day we shall return to Egypt to claim our birthright; and to rule in peace and justice。'
  Nefer and Mintaka stood up and she went on; 'Give this message to your rades…in…arms。 Tell the people that we are alive and that we shall return to this very Egypt。'
  The man crept forward on his knees and kissed her feet; then he crawled to Nefer and picked up one of his feet。 He placed it upon his own head。
  'I am your man;' he said。 'I shall carry your message to the people。 Return to us soon; divine Pharaoh。'
  The other prisoners joined him with protestations of loyal love。 'Hail; Pharaoh! May you live and rule a thousand years!'
  Nefer and Mintaka mounted their captured chariot; and the freed prisoners shouted; 'Bak…her! Bak…her!'
  The three vehicles pulled out of the wrecked camp。 Taita rode alone in the van; because he was best able to resist the wiles of Ishtar the Mede; and to discover the true road that had been hidden from them。 Nefer and Mintaka followed closely; and Hilto and Meren brought up the rearguard。 They headed back the way they had e。
  They had gone only a short way; the valley of the sinking sands and the camp still in sight; when Taita stopped and looked back。 The other two vehicles halted behind him。 'What is it?' Nefer asked; and Taita held up his hand。 In the silence they heard the distant sound of Trok's division ing on along the far bank。 Then suddenly; through the lowering red dawn; they saw the head of his column appear from out of the far dunes。
  In the leading chariot Trok reined in sharply and shouted at Ishtar; 'By the blood and seed of Seueth; the Warlock has outwitted you again。 Did you not foresee that they would cross back and seize the chariots of our picket?'
  'Did you also not foresee it?' Ishtar snarled at him。 'You are the great general。'
  Trok threw back his whip arm to lash him across his tattooed face for such insolence; but when he looked into the Mede's dark eyes he thought better of it and lowered the whip。 'What now; Ishtar? Will you let them get clear away?'
  There is only one road back for them and Zander is ing down it with two hundred chariots。 You still have them between the grindstones。' Ishtar pointed out darkly。 Trok's face lit in a savage smile。 In his fury he had almost forgotten Zander。
  'The sun has hardly risen。 You have all this long day to recross the shale bridge and〃 follow them up;' Ishtar went on。 'I have their scent in my nostrils。 I will cast my web to ensnare them and; like a faithful hound; I will lead you to the kill。〃
  Trok lashed his horses forward and rode out on to the firm sand at the edge of the swamp; directly opposite the three chariots on the other bank。 He managed to summon up a laugh and a wide smile that were almost convincing。
  'I am enjoying this more than you are; my friends。 Revenge is a meal best eaten cold! By Seueth; I will enjoy the taste of it。'
  'You must catch your rabbit before you can cook it;' Mintaka called back。
  'I will。 Be sure that I still have some surprises to amuse you。' His smile faded as the three chariots started forward into the dunes; Mintaka waving back at him gaily。 Although he knew that it was her intention to anger him; it galled him so much that his guts felt hot and sour with rage。
  'Back!' he shouted at his men。 'Back across the bridge。〃
  *  *  *
  As they went on Taita looked to the sky more frequently; and his expression was sober and thoughtful as the brimstone clouds sank closer to the earth。
  'I have never see a sky like this;' Hilto said; when they stopped to water the horses in the middle of the forenoon。 'The gods are angry。'
  It was strange how readily they found the true road。 The fork where they had made the wrong turning was plain to see from far off。 It seemed that they could not possibly have missed the tall cairn of stones that marked it; and the main road to the Red Sea; travelled by so many trading caravans; was more deeply trodden and apparent than the rudimentary track they had followed into the valley of the Sinking Sands。
  'Ishtar blinded us;' Nefer murmured; as they rode towards the crossroads; 'but this time we will not be so easily duped。' Then he looked up uneasily at the sky and made the sign against evil。 'If the gods are kind。'
  It was Hilto; with his warrior's eyes; who picked out the dustcloud ahead of them。 The low; clouded sky had obscured it until now when it was close。 Hilto galloped alongside Taita's chariot and shouted to him; 'Magus! Those are chariots ahead of us; and many of them。'
  They reined in and stared ahead。 The dustcloud was moving even as they studied it。
  'How far ahead?' Taita asked。
  'Half a league or less。'
  'Do you think that Trok has a second division ing up behind him?'
  'You know better than I do; Magus; that that is the mon tactic of the Hyksos。 Do you not recall the Battle of Dammen? How Apepi caught us there between his two divisions?'
  'Can we reach the crossroads before they cut us off?' Taita asked; and Hilto narrowed his eyes。
  'Maybe so。 But it will be a close race for it。'
  Taita turned and looked back。 'Trok will be on the road behind us already。 We dare not turn back into his arms。'
  'It would be certain disaster to leave the road and enter the sands。 We would leave a clear sign for them to follow。 The horses would fail before the end of the day。'
  'No wonder Trok laughed at us;' said Mintaka bitterly。
  'We are once again between the hammer and the anvil;' Meren agreed。
  'We must run for it;' Nefer decided。 'We must try to reach the crossroads and get on to the main road ahead of them。 It is our only escape。'
  'At our best speed; then; even if we use up the horses in the effort;' Hilto agreed。
  They surged forward three abreast。 The chariots bumped and swerved as their wheels caught the ruts in the track; but the horses were going well。 The dustcloud ahead became more menacing as they ran towards it。 The cairns of stones seemed never to grow closer。 They were still more than five hundred cubits from the turning when the first chariots of the approaching division hove into sight; half obscured by dust and the awful yellow light。
  They stopped as though uncertain of the identity of the three racing vehicles they saw ing towards them; then suddenly started forward again; ing straight at the fugitives。
  Taita tried to force a last turn of speed out of the horses; but felt the weariness overtaking them。 They held on 

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