九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > wilbursmith_warlock >



小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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  After a while Nefer picked out an opening he thought they might be able to reach。 They climbed a section where the cliff face had collapsed; and reached a narrow ledge。 They worked their way along it cautiously; Nefer leading。 He reached the dark opening and stooped to peer into it。 'Of course; it will be guarded by the spirits of the dead。' He tried to make it sound like a joke; but she sensed his unease and was affected by it。
  'Of course!' she joked back; but behind her back made the sign against evil。
  'It's very dark in there;' Nefer said thoughtfully。 'We should return tomorrow with an oil lamp。'
  Mintaka looked over his shoulder。 A short passageway led at a slight upward angle into the solid rock。 Even after the passing of centuries; engravings were still clearly visible on the walls。
  'Look。' Mintaka touched one。 'This is a picture of a giraffe; and this is a man。'
  'Yes;' Nefer grinned; 'and a very friendly man; at that。 There is no mistaking it。'
  She pretended to bridle; but could not hide her smile。 The ancient artist had endowed the figure with a huge erect member。
  'Here。' She moved deeper into the passage。 'These are writings。 I wonder what they mean。'
  'Nobody will ever know;' Nefer said; and stepped past her; 'The key to that ancient script has long been lost。 We should go back。'
  The floor was covered with a layer of soft windblown sand。 After a short distance the recesses of the shaft were obscured by sinister darkness。
  'We can explore just a short way further;' Mintaka said stubbornly。
  'I don't think that's a good idea。'
  'Here。' She pushed past him。 'Let me go first。'
  'Wait!' He tried to restrain her; but she laughed and pulled away。 He placed one hand on the hilt of his dagger and followed her; shamed by her example and his own reluctance。
  The gloom thickened with each step forward until even Mintaka stopped and peered uneasily ahead。 He stooped to pick up a chip of flint from the sandy floor and threw it over her shoulder into the dark reaches of the shaft。 It rattled on the stone walls。 'Nothing;' she said in the silence that followed; but before she could take another step forward something moved in the darkness ahead。 They heard a rustling sound that was magnified in the narrow space。 They froze in their tracks; and stared into the darkness。 There was a high…pitched shriek; echoed immediately by a chorus; the rustle became a rushing roar; and out of the darkness straight into their faces hurled a squeaking; fluttering cloud of darting shapes; whose wings lashed their startled faces。
  Mintaka screamed; whirled around; ran straight into Nefer and threw both her arms around his neck。 He seized her and held her hard; drawing her down on to the sandy floor。
  'Bats;' he told her。 'Only bats。'
  'I know!' she said breathlessly。
  'They can't hurt you。'
  'I know。' Her voice was calmer; but she made no effort to unwind her arms from around his neck。 He pressed his face into her thick; springy hair。 It smelt rich and perfumed as new…mown grass。
  She made a soft; murmuring sound of pleasure; buried her face against his throat; and moved softly against him。
  'Mintaka;' he tried gently to push her away; 'I gave you my promise that this would not happen again。'
  'I release you from that promise。' Her voice was so soft as to be barely audible。 She lifted her face to his。 Her breath was warm and sweet…smelling。 Her lips were tender and full; and quivered as though she were on the point of tears。 'I want to be your wife more than I have ever wanted anything in my life。'
  He reached down and took her mouth with his own。 It was wet and so hot that it seemed to scald his。 He lost himself in it。 She felt that she belonged nowhere else but in his embrace。 Still kissing her he explored the angles and curves and plains of her back with his fingertips。 He traced the outline of her spine; like a string of pearls running down between the firm ridges of muscle。
  He placed a hand on her hip; and felt the curve of her waist like the shape of a precious ceramic vase。 He reached behind her and enclosed one buttock in each hand; astonished by their symmetry and elastic firmness。
  She thrust her hips forward to meet his; and he pulled her even harder to him。 He felt his loins swell and stiffen; and tried to arch his back to hide it from her。 She made a small sound of remonstrance; forbidding him to avoid her。 She moved against him; glorying in this proof of his arousal; of how much he wanted her。
  She had a fleeting memory of Trok thrusting his monstrous blue…veined thing at her; but that horrid episode had no relevance to what was happening here。 Without effort the memory was expunged from her mind。
  She felt Nefer's fingers running slowly down the cleft between her buttocks; and she concentrated on the sensation; marvelling that she could feel it echoed in the swelling tips of her breasts and in her secret depths。
  Touch me。' She spoke into his mouth。 'Yes! Touch me。 Hold me。
  Stroke me。 Love me。'
  The sensations blended so that they seemed to envelop her every fibre; every part of her mind and body。 He broke the kiss at last; and she felt his lips nuzzling her bare shoulder。 She knew instinctively what he needed; and opened the front of her tunic and took out one of her breasts。 It felt heavy in her hand; the tip aching and swollen。 She entwined the fingers of her other hand in the thick curling hair at the back of his head; and placed her nipple in his mouth。 When he sucked it; like a hungry infant; she felt something spasm and contract deep in her belly; and realized with wonder that it was her own womb。
  Gently she changed him from one breast to the other; and the sensation did not fade; but instead grew fiercer。
  In a daze of pleasure she became aware of his fingers lifting the front of her skirts and fumbling with her loincloth。 She moved her legs apart to allow him to reach her more easily; and then; with her free hand; she helped him untie the knot at her hip。 The cloth fell away and the air of the tomb was cool on her naked bottom and belly。
  She felt him stroke the crisp pelt of curls that covered her pudenda; then he found the swollen lips that bulged from her cleft and parted them gently with trembling fingers。 She cried out as if in pain and; without conscious volition; pulled aside the skirts of his apron and reached in to find him。 She was startled by its girth and encircled it with thumb and forefinger。 It leaped like a living thing in her grasp; and she wanted to look at it。 Without releasing her grip; she pushed him back so that she could see down between them。
  'You are so beautiful;' she breathed; 'so smooth; so strong。'
  Then she kissed him again; and holding her mouth to his she fell backwards dragging him down upon her belly; spreading her thighs to wele him; sensing his lack of experience。 It made her feel maternal and possessive。 In her own ignorance; she was guiding him; feeling him sliding and slipping in her overflowing desire; probing at the entrance to her very self。 She altered the angle of her hips and he flew deeply into her; his belly flat against hers; filling her until she felt he might cleave her apart; crying out triumphantly in the bittersweet pain of it。
  He was riding her like a runaway horse; and she paced him; meeting the thrusting drive of his hips with her own; mounting with him higher and faster; until she knew that she had reached the limit。 Then; unbelievably; they went on far past that limit。 Breaking free of earth and its bonds; then at the ends of the heavens; feeling it burst out of him; and flood her with liquid heat; swelling up within her so that she matched and met him; their separate beings welding together; so that they became a single entity。 Their voices a single jubilant cry。
  Long afterwards; when they had returned together from those distant heights; they lay in each other's arms; their sweat and their breath 

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