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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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ath mingling and cooling; still linked by his flesh deep within hers。
  'I don't want this ever to end;' she whispered at last。 'I want to stay like this with you for ever。'
  A long while later he sat up languidly and looked towards the opening of the shaft。 'It is being dark already;' he said; in a wondering tone。 'The day has passed so swiftly。'
  She came up on her knees; smoothed down her skirts; and he touched the fresh stains upon the hem。 'Your maiden's blood;' he whispered in awe。
  'My gift to you;' she answered。 'The proof of my love for you alone。'
  He reached up and tore from the hem of her skirt an encarmined shred the size of her little fingernail。
  'What are you doing?' she asked。
  'I will keep this for ever as a memory of this wonderful day。' He opened the locket he wore at his throat and placed the fragment of cloth with the lock of her dark hair that it already contained。
  'Do you really love me; Nefer?' she asked; as she watched him close the locket。
  'With every drop of blood that flows through my veins。 More than life eternal。'
  *  *  *
  When they came into the room in the ancient building that they had restored and made habitable; Taita was at the hearth stirring the contents of the pot upon the coals。 He looked up at Mintaka as she stood in the open doorway with the last light of the day behind her。 Her skirt was still damp where she had washed it in the scanty waters of the well and it clung to her thighs。 'I am sorry we are so late back; Taita;' she said shyly。 'We followed the gazelle out into the desert。'
  She had never apologized for their late return before; and Taita looked up at the two of them。 Nefer was hovering over her with a soft; dazed expression。 The emanation of their love was so strong that it seemed to form a shimmering aura around them and Taita could almost smell it in the air; like the fragrance of a wild flower。
  So what was inevitable has happened at last; he mused。 The only wonder is that it took so long。 He grunted; nonmittal。 'It is evident that you did not catch up with them。 Did they run too fast or were you distracted?' They stood awkwardly; covered with confusion and guilt; knowing that to him they were transparent。
  Taita turned back to the cooking pot。 'At least there is one provider among us。 I have been able to snare a brace of wild pigeon。 We need not go hungry to bed。'
  The days that followed passed for the two of them in a golden haze of delight。 They thought they were being subtle and discreet in Taita's presence; trying to keep their eyes off each other; and touching only when they thought he was not looking。
  Mintaka had made a boudoir for herself in a bare cell that led off the main living room of their quarters。 Each night Nefer waited until Taita was snoring softly before he rose surreptitiously and crept to her sleeping mat in this little room。 Each morning she would rouse him long before dawn and send him back to his own mat in the main room; when they thought Taita was still sleeping。
  On the third morning Taita announced inscrutably; 'It seems that these rooms are inhabited by rats or other strange creatures for I am kept from sleep by their scurrying and whispering。' They both looked stricken; and he went on; 'I have found more tranquil acmodation。'
  He moved his own sleeping mat and possessions to a small ruin across the square; and to these he retired each evening after they had eaten dinner together。
  During the days the lovers wandered out into the desert; to pass their time in talking; making love; and forming a thousand plans for the future; deciding when and how they might marry; how many sons and how many daughters she would bear him and finding names for each。
  They were so lost in each other that they forgot the world that lay beyond the lonely desert spaces; until one morning when they left the ruined city before dawn; carrying a coil of rope and two oil lamps; determined to explore the ancient tombs more thoroughly。 By a circuitous route they reached the top of the cliff; where they sat down to catch their breath and watch the magnificent spectacle of the dawn breaking over the blue; secret hills。
  'Look!' cried Mintaka suddenly; starting out of his arms and pointing back towards the west along the old trade route that led down into Egypt。 Nefer jumped up; and they gazed down the valley at the strange caravan ing towards them。 There were five ramshackle vehicles leading; followed by a straggling column of humanity。
  'There must be a hundred men; at least;' Mintaka exclaimed。 'Who can they be?'
  'I don't know;' Nefer admitted grimly; 'but I want you to run back and warn Taita of their approach while I go and spy on them。'
  She did not argue; but set off immediately for Gallala; racing down the back slope of the hills; leaping from rock to rock with the agility of a wild ibex。 Nefer cached the rope and the lamps; then restrung his bow and checked the arrows in his quiver; before creeping along the crest of the hills; keeping off the skyline and out of sight until he reached a point from where he could look down on the slow…moving caravan。
  It was a sorry spectacle。 As it came closer; Nefer saw that the first two vehicle were knocked…about fighting chariots drawn by thin; overworked horses。 They were designed to carry two men; but each contained four or five。 Behind them came an assortment of wagons and carts in no better case than the leading chariots。 Nefer saw that they were laden with sick or wounded men; huddled miserably together or lying on makeshift litters。 Behind the wagons straggled a long file of walking men; some hobbling along on crutches or leaning on staffs。 Others carried litters on which lay other sick or wounded figures。
  'In the name of Horus; they look like fugitives from a battlefield;' Nefer muttered; as he strained his eyes to make out the features of the men in the leading chariot。
  Suddenly he stood up from behind the rock that had hidden him; and shouted with excitement。 'Meren!' He had at last recognized the tall figure who held the reins of the first chariot。 Meren pulled up the horses and shaded his eyes to stare into the eye of the rising sun。 Then he; too; shouted and waved as he saw Nefer on the skyline。 Nefer ran down the slope; slipping and sliding in the loose scree; and he and Meren embraced; laughing and both speaking at once。 
  'Where have you been?'
  'Where are Mintaka and Taita?'
  Then Hilto was hurrying to Nefer; and making loyal salutations。 Behind him crowded the host of exhausted and wounded men。 Their faces were drawn and gaunt; and blood and pus had soaked through their dirty bandages and dried to a crust。 Even the men in the wagons and on the litters; who were too far gone to stand; lifted themselves to stare in awe at Nefer。
  With a quick appraisal Nefer could see that these were warriors; but warriors beaten in battle; their bodies and spirits broken。
  After Hilto had greeted Nefer he turned back to them; and shouted; 'It is even as I promised you! Here before you stands your true Pharaoh; Nefer Seti。 Pharaoh is not dead! Pharaoh lives!'
  They were silent and apathetic; sick and demoralized。 They stared at Nefer uncertainly。
  'Your Majesty;' Hilto whispered to him; 'please stand on this rock so that they may have a clear view of you。'
  Nefer sprang up on to it and surveyed them with interest。 They stared back at him in silence。 Most had never laid eyes on their king before。 Even the few who had seen him in formal palace processions had done so from a distance。 Then he had been a doll…like figure; covered from throat to foot in splendid robes and jewels; his face a white mask of makeup; sitting stiffly on the royal carriage drawn by the white bullocks。 They could not reconcile that remote; unnatural figure with this strapping young man; virile and hard…looking; his face tanned by the sun and his expression alive and alert。 He was not the child…pharaoh they had known b

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