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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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 tanned by the sun and his expression alive and alert。 He was not the child…pharaoh they had known by reputation alone。
  While they still stared without prehension; or exchanged dubious glances; another figure seemed to materialize out of the air。 Like a djinn he appeared beside Nefer on the rock。 This one they knew well; both by repute and by sight。
  ''Tis Taita the Warlock;' they breathed with awe。
  'I know what you have suffered;' Taita told them; in a voice that carried clearly to every ear; even to the sick and wounded on the wagons。 'I know what price you have paid to resist the tyranny of the assassins and usurpers。 I know that you have e here to find if your true king still lives。'
  They murmured in agreement; and suddenly Nefer knew now who they were。 These were some of the survivors from the rebellion against Naja and Trok。 Where Hilto had found them was a mystery; but these shattered remnants had once been fighting troopers; elite charioteers and warriors。
  'This is where it begins;' Taita said softly at his side。 'Hilto has brought you the seeds of your future legions。 Speak to them。'
  Nefer surveyed them for a moment longer; standing proud and tall before them。 He picked out a man in the ranks; who was older than the others; with the first snows in his hair。 His eyes were sharp and his expression intelligent。 Despite his rags and half…starved body he had the air of authority and mand。 'Who are you; soldier? What is your rank and your regiment?'
  The man lifted his head and squared his gaunt shoulders; 'I am Shabako。 Best of Ten Thousand。 Adept of the Red Road。 mander of the centre of the Mut regiment。'
  A lion of a man! Nefer thought; but said only; 'I greet you; Shabako。' He lifted the skirt of his chiton and exposed the tattooed cartouche upon his thigh; 'I am Nefer Seti; the true Pharaoh of Upper and Lower Egypt。'
  A sigh and a hum went through the scarecrow ranks when they recognized the royal cartouche。 As one man they threw themselves to earth in obeisance。
  'Bak…her; Divine One; beloved of the gods!'
  'We are your loyal subjects; Pharaoh。 Intercede for us with the gods。'
  Mintaka had e with Taita and now stood below him。 Nefer reached down and took her hand。 He lifted her on to the rock beside him。 'I give you the Princess Royal; Mintaka of the House of Apepi。 Mintaka; who will be my queen and your sovereign lady。'
  They greeted her with another shout of acclamation。
  'Hilto and Shabako will mand you;' Nefer decreed; 'For the time being Gallala will be our base; until we return victoriously to Thebes and Avaris。'
  They rose to their feet; even the gravely wounded attempting to climb from their litters; and they cheered him。 Their voices were thin and almost lost in the great silences of the desert; but the sound filled Nefer with pride and renewed his determination and resolve。 He climbed up into the leading chariot; took the reins from Meren and led his little raggle…taggle army down into his ruined capital city。
  *  *  *
  When they had set up their barracks among the ruins; Nefer sent for Shabako and Hilto and the other officers among them。 Late into that first night; and for many nights that followed; he sat with them and listened to their accounts of the rebel…lion; the fighting; and their ultimate defeat by the bined forces of the two pharaohs。 They told him of the terrible retribution that Trok and Naja had visited on those rebels who had fallen into their clutches。
  At Nefer's orders they detailed the order of battle of the new Egyptian army; the names of the manders; the numbers and names of their regiments and the total of men; chariots and horses that Naja and Trok had at their disposal。 There were three army scribes among the fugitives and Nefer set them to work; writing down all these details and the lists of the enemy garrisons and fortifications on clay tablets。
  In the meantime Taita; with Mintaka assisting him; set up an infirmary where all the wounded and the sick were housed。 Hilto had brought a dozen or so women with him; wives of some of the fugitives; or merely camp…followers。 Taita brought them in to act as nurses and cooks。 Taita worked during all the daylight hours; setting broken bones; drawing barbed arrowheads from the flesh with his golden spoons; stitching sword…cuts and in one case even trepanning a cracked; depressed skull that had received a blow from a hardwood war club。
  When the light faded and he could no longer work with the sick; he joined Nefer and his manders as they pored over the maps drawn on tanned lambskins; planning and scheming by the light of the oil lamps。 Although Nefer was nominally their supreme mander; in reality he was a student of the art of war and these experienced old soldiers were his instructors; the lessons he learned from them invaluable。
  It was after midnight usually before Nefer could adjourn these grave councils; and sneak away to join Mintaka on the sheepskin mat where she patiently waited for him。 Then they made love and whispered together。 Although they were both exhausted by their labours; the dawn was often creeping over the silent desert before they fell asleep in each other's arms。
  In total there were less than a hundred and fifty souls and fifty horses in Gallala; but within the first few days it became evident that the bitter wells of the city could not support even these meagre numbers。 Each day they emptied them and each night it took longer for them to refill。 Even the quality of the water began to deteriorate: it became more bitter and brackish every day; until it was only barely potable unless mixed with mare's milk。
  They were forced to ration the water。 The horses were distressed and the mares lost their milk。 Still the trickle of underground water shrivelled。
  At last Nefer called an emergency council of his manders。 At the end of an hour of solemn talk; Hilto summed up gloomily; 'Unless Horus works a miracle for us; the wells will dry pletely; and we will be forced to abandon the city。 Where then will we flee?'
  They looked at Nefer; who turned expectantly to Taita。 'When the water dries up; where do we go; Magus?' he asked。
  Taita opened his eyes。 He had sat in silence through the long debate and they had thought he was dozing。 Tomorrow; at first light; I want every man who can walk and wield a spade assembled before the gates of the city。'
  'To what end?' Nefer asked; but Taita smiled enigmatically。
  In the cool of the dawn fifty…six men were waiting before the ancient gates when Taita stepped through。 He was wearing all his regalia; the Periapt and the gift of Bay; and his other necklaces; bracelets and amulets。 He had washed his hair until it shone; and Mintaka had braided it for him。 He carried his staff with the carved serpent's head。 Nefer was beside him; a solemn expression covering his mystification。 Taita looked over the assembled men。 As he had ordered; they all carried digging tools…wooden spades and shovels; metal…tipped digging staves。 He nodded with satisfaction then descended the steps and set off up the valley。
  At a word from Nefer the men shouldered their tools and followed the old man; falling naturally into a military marching formation。 However; they had not far to go; for Taita stopped at the foot of the hills and stared up at the heights。
  Nefer recalled that this was the area where Taita had spent so much time over the last few months。 Often he and Mintaka had seen him sitting here; drowsing in the sun with hooded eyes like a blue…headed lizard; or prodding and tapping among the rocks with his staff。
  For the first time Nefer studied the rock formation of this section of the hills and realized that they were different。 The rock was friable and veins of grey limestone had intruded into the schist。 A profound fault ran diagonally through the face on the bare; burned hills; edged with strata of different colours。 Then he noticed something else。 Recently someone had placed marks on some of the stones; esote

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