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小说: wilbursmith_warlock 字数: 每页4000字

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ours。 Then he noticed something else。 Recently someone had placed marks on some of the stones; esoteric hieroglyphs painted with a white paste; probably made from crushed limestone mixed with well water。 There were also cairns of stones placed in a pattern on the earth。
  'Nefer; the men must be divided into the five teams;' Taita told him; and Nefer gave the orders。 When they were ready; Taita ordered the first forward。 'Start driving an adit into the hillside here。' He pointed out the hieroglyphs that marked the opening to the horizontal shaft where he wanted them to begin digging。
  The men looked at each other; puzzled and uncertain; but when Taita glared at them wordlessly; Shabako took over quite naturally。 'You heard the Magus。 Get on with it; now; and handsomely!'
  It was hard work; even though the underlying rock was shattered along the line Taita had chosen。 They had to prise out each lump; then dig out the loose earth that lay behind it。 Clouds of dust rose around them; and soon their bodies were powdered with it。 Even though their hands were toughened by use of club and sword; their palms blistered; tore and bled。 They wrapped them with linen strips and worked on without plaint。 The heat came up swiftly with the rising sun; and Shabako pulled the first team out of the excavation and sent in the next。
  They rested for an hour at noon when the heat was at its height。 Taita went into the shallow cave and inspected the rock face intently。 He emerged into the sunlight without ment; and Shabako ordered the work to continue。 It went on until it was too dark to see what they were doing; then Shabako released them and sent them down the hill to their frugal dinner。 The supplies of dhurra millet were dwindling almost as swiftly as the well waters。
  Taking advantage of the coolness; they started again before dawn。 By nightfall they had driven the adit only twenty cubits into the hillside。 There they struck a solid stratum of blue; crystalline rock。 The bronze…tipped staves made no mark upon it; and the men began to mutter。
  'Are we warriors or miners?' mumbled one old veteran; as he inspected his bruised and blistered palms。
  'What are we supposed to be digging? Our own tombs?' asked another; as he bound up the deep cut in his shin inflicted by a carelessly wielded stave。
  'How can we dig through solid rock?' Yet another wiped the running sweat and mingled dust from his bloodshot eyes。
  Taita sent them down the valley to where a thick grove of dead acacia trees stood as a silent monument to the water that had long ago dried。 They cut cords of the dried branches and carried the bundles back to the diggings。 Under Taita's instructions they stacked the firewood on the adamantine rock; and lit it。 They let the fire burn through the night; stoking it at intervals; and the next morning; when the rock glowed with the heat; they quenched it with skins filled from the failing wells。 In clouds of hissing steam; the rock crackled; burst and exploded。
  One man was hit by a sharp flying fragment; and lost his right eye。 Taita removed its remains; and stitched the lids closed。
  'The gods gave us two eyes for just such a mishap;' he assured his patient。 'You will see just as well with one as you did with two。'
  They let the shattered rock cool then prised out great blackened chunks of it。 Behind these the rock was still solid and impenetrable。 They stacked fresh cords of firewood upon it and repeated the arduous; dangerous process; with the same result。 They had gained a few cubits for the expenditure of days of heartbreaking labour。
  Even Nefer was discouraged; and told Mintaka so when they lay together in the darkness that night。
  'There are many things that we do not understand; my heart;' she cradled his head and whispered。
  'We don't even know why he is making us dig this hole; and when I ask him he gives me that infuriating look of his; like an ancient tortoise。 The men have almost had enough of it; and so have I。'
  She giggled。 'Ancient tortoise! You had better make sure he doesn't hear that。 He might turn you into a toad; and I should not like that at all。'
  Early the following morning; the teams of weary; disgruntled men traipsed up the valley and assembled around the mouth of the tunnel to await the arrival of the Magus。
  With his usual sense of the dramatic; Taita came up the slope with the first rays of the rising sun behind him; suffusing his silver bush of hair with light。 He carried a roll of linen cloth over one shoulder。 Nefer and the other officers stood to wele him; but he ignored their salutations and gave instructions to Shabako to hang the linen over the mouth of the shaft like a curtain。 When it was in place he entered the screened shaft alone; and a silence fell over the men gathered outside。
  It seemed like a long wait but was in reality less than an hour; for the sun had risen only a hand's breadth above the horizon; when the linen curtain was jerked aside and Taita stood in the entrance of the cave。 Either by chance or the Magus' design; the sunlight shone directly into the shaft。 The blank face of the adit was brilliantly lit; and the ranks of men crowded forward expectantly。 They saw that now a representation of the wounded eye of the great god Horus was painted on the blue rock。
  Taita's expression was rapt as he began to chant the invocation to the Horus of Gold。 The waiting congregation fell to their knees and came in with the chorus:
  'Horus of Gold; mighty butt!
  Invincible in strength!
  Master of his foes!
  Holy in His rising!
  Wounded eye of the universe!
  Attend our endeavours。'
  After the last verse Taita turned and; with every eye fixed avidly upon him; strode back down the adit until he stood before the blue…grey wall of newly exposed rock at the end。 Tiny crystals of feldspar were embedded in it and sparkled as the sun played on them。
  'Kydash!' Taita cried; and struck the wall with his staff。 The men at the entrance shrank back; for this was one of the words of power。
  They gasped with awe; and he struck again。
  'Ncube!' He struck for the third and last time; then stepped back。
  Nothing happened; and Nefer felt a sinking disappointment and anticlimax。 Taita stood unmoving; and slowly the sun climbed higher and the shadow spread across the rock wall。
  Abruptly Nefer felt a tingle of excitement; and the men around him stirred and whispered。 In the centre of the rock face; under the painted eye; a dark damp spot appeared。 It spread gradually; and a single drop of moisture oozed out; sparkling like a tiny gem in the sunlight。 Then it trickled slowly down the wall and balled in the dust of the floor。
  Taita turned and walked out of the shaft。 Behind him there was a sharp sound; like the breaking of a dry branch; and a fine crack split the rock from top to bottom。 Water dripped to the floor; drop after drop; the tempo accelerating into a rapid patter。 Another sound; like a shard of pottery snapping in flames; and a chunk of rock fell out of the wall。 A sluggish trickle of yellow mud oozed out of the opening it left。 Then; with a roar; the entire rock face collapsed; there was a rush of mud and a gushing fountain of crystal…bright water。 Knee…deep; it swept the length of the shaft; burst from the mouth and spilled down the hillside; bounding and rippling over the rocks。
  There were shouts of amazement; praise and disbelief from the dusty ranks。 Suddenly Meren ran forward and plunged headlong into the rushing torrent。 He came up spluttering with his wet hair slicked down over his face。 He scooped up a double handful and gulped it down。 'Sweet!' he shouted。 'It tastes sweet as honey。'
  Men threw off their clothing and rushed naked into the stream; splashing sheets of spray; throwing handfuls of mud; ducking each other and shouting with laughter。 Nefer could not long resist the temptation before he shed all dignity and jumped in on top of Meren and wrestled him beneath the surface。

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