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小说: erlestanleygardner.the.caseofthesulkygirl 字数: 每页4000字

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by the kid no matter what happens。 Get that; and get it straight。 I'm a business man; and she doesn't know a thing about business。 I'm going to see that she gets a square deal; beginning immediately。〃
      He turned and walked with ponderous dignity toward the door。
      Perry Mason watched him with thoughtful concentration。
      〃What a sucker you are;〃 as Crinston jerked the door open。
      Crinston whirled on him。 〃I hate that word!〃 he said。 〃I don't let anybody call me a sucker。〃
      〃You'll hate it a lot worse before you're done;〃 said Mason; and; turning on his heel; walked back to his desk。
      Crinston hesitated a moment; then turned and walked back into the room。
      〃All right; wise guy;〃 he said; 〃now I'm going to tell you something。
      〃You've bungled this case from the time you started in on it。 I know that I can't fire you as Miss Celane's lawyer。 That's something that's entirely up to her。 I'm going to advise her to let you go。 In the event she doesn't; however; I'm going to give you one tip; and that's watch Purkett; the butler。〃
      〃Now;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃you interest me。 Go ahead and tell me what you're driving at。〃
      〃Oh;〃 said Crinston sarcastically; 〃you do want to take a little advice; eh?〃
      〃I want you to tell me why you made that remark about Purkett;〃 said Perry Mason; his eyes cold。
      Crinston's eyes surveyed the lawyer in thoughtful appraisal。
      〃If I told you;〃 he asked; 〃would you have sense enough to use the information?〃
      Perry Mason said nothing; but held his head slightly on one side; after the manner of a person anxious to hear that which is about to be said。
      〃The evidence in this case;〃 said Crinston; 〃pointed unmistakably to Devoe。 A good lawyer would have seen that the police never had a chance to consider the possibility that such evidence wasn't conclusive。 However; you sat back and did nothing while the police began to doubt that evidence and make other investigations。
      〃Then; when that investigation was under way; you did nothing to keep them from involving your client。 Now; if Devoe is guilty; that's the end of it。 If he isn't guilty; someone else is。 There's a stronger probability that that someone else is Purkett than anyone else。 Yet you're letting him keep entirely in the background。〃
      Crinston stopped speaking and stood in an attitude of glowering belligerency。
      〃Is that all you have to say?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      〃That's all。〃
      Perry Mason smiled。
      〃Blackman's address;〃 he said; 〃is in the Mutual Building。 I thought I would save you looking it up in the telephone book。〃
      Crinston's face showed a slight flicker of surprise; then set in grim lines。
      〃Very well;〃 he said; jerked the office door open; and slammed it behind him。
      Perry Mason sat for a few minutes; then clamped his hat down firmly on his head。 He walked through the outer office; saying to his secretary as he went past; 〃I don't know just when I'll be back; Della。 Close up the office at five o'clock。〃
      PERRY MASON walked into the garage where he stored his automobile and asked for the mechanic。
      〃How much of a job would it be;〃 he said; 〃to turn a speedometer back a few miles? That is; suppose you had a speedometer that registered around 15;350 miles; and you wanted to turn it back to 15;304。7 miles。 How much of a job would it be?〃
      〃Not much of a job;〃 said the mechanic grinning; 〃only; if you were going to turn it back that far; you should make a good job of it and turn it back to 3000 miles and sell the car as a demonstrator。〃
      〃No;〃 said the lawyer; 〃I didn't mean to slip one over on the car dealer or on a customer。 I was trying to find out about evidence。 How long would it take to set the speedometer back?〃
      〃Not so very long;〃 said the mechanic。 〃It's a simple job。〃
      Perry Mason gave him half a dollar and walked from the garage; his head bowed in thought。
      He stepped into a drug store and telephoned the number of Edward Norton's residence。
      The voice that answered the telephone; apparently that of the butler; was filled with that type of formality which es when one has answered a telephone innumerable times in connection with some tragedy which has attracted much public interest。
      〃I want to talk with Mr。 John Mayfield; the gardener;〃 said Mason。
      〃I beg your pardon; sir;〃 said the voice; 〃but it's rather unusual for calls to e through for Mr。 Mayfield。 I don't know whether he's supposed to take calls on this telephone or not; sir。〃
      〃That's all right;〃 said Mason; without disclosing his identity。 〃This is in connection with some police business。 Get him on the phone; and don't waste time。〃
      There was a moment of hesitant silence at the other end of the line; and then the butler's voice said: 〃Very good; sir。 Just a moment; sir。〃
      After a delay of several minutes a heavy; stolid voice said: 〃Hello;〃 and Perry Mason spoke rapidly。
      〃Don't tell anybody who this is;〃 he said; 〃but this is Mason; the lawyer; who represents Frances Celane。 Your wife spoke to me about getting some money for her; and I can't locate her。 Do you know where she is?〃
      〃I think;〃 said the man; 〃she went to the District Attorney's office。 They called for her in a car and took her there。〃
      〃All right;〃 said Mason。 〃It's important that I get in touch with you and talk with you about this business matter which your wife took up with me。 Now; the question is; can you take one of the cars and e in to meet me?〃
      〃Maybe I could; sir; but I'm not certain。 I'd much rather walk up and meet you at the corner of the boulevard if you could drive out here; sir。〃
      〃All right;〃 said Mason; 〃I'll do that。 You meet me at the boulevard; and don't tell anybody that you're meeting me there。〃
      Mason returned to the garage; got his car; and made time out to the place where the curving roadway which led to the Norton residence intersected the boulevard。
      A man who was stooped of shoulder; heavily framed and big…boned; stepped out from the gathering dusk as Mason parked the car。
      〃You're Mr。 Mason?〃 he asked。
      〃Yes;〃 said the lawyer。
      〃I'm John Mayfield。 What was it you wanted?〃
      Mason got partially out of the car and stood with one foot on the running board; and surveyed the man with keen scrutiny。
      He saw a stolid; unemotional face; with sullen eyes and heavy; unsmiling lips。
      〃Did you know what your wife spoke to me about?〃 he asked。
      〃My wife told me she had had a talk with you;〃 said the man; cautiously。
      〃Did she tell you what she talked about?〃
      〃She told me that maybe we were going to get some money。〃
      〃All right;〃 said Mason。 〃Now; in order to know where I stand on this thing; you've got to tell me about that speedometer。〃
      〃About what speedometer?〃 said the man。
      〃About the speedometer on that Buick car。 You set it back; didn't you?〃
      〃No; sir;〃 said the gardener。
      〃Would you say that you set it back if I pleted the business arrangements with your wife?〃 asked Mason。
      〃What do you mean?〃
      〃Never mind what I mean;〃 said the lawyer。 〃You simply tell your wife that if business arrangements are going to be pleted between us; I would want to know first whether there would be testimony that the speedometer of that Buick automobile had been set back。〃
      〃What's that got to do with it?〃 asked the gardener。
      〃Just this;〃 said Mason; making little jabbing motions with his forefinger to emphasize his statements。 〃We know that Edward Norton telephoned in to the police that his Buick had been stolen。
      〃Now that means that the Buick most certainly wasn't in his garage at the time he telephoned。 Somebody had that Buick out。 It doesn't make any difference whether Miss Celane was home or not。 Somebody had the Buick out。 That Buick was missing at the time Norton telephoned。 Now; when the police got there; the Buick was in the garage; and the speedometer on the Buick was set back to the same mileage that it showed when it was taken out。 So somebo

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