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小说: erlestanleygardner.the.caseofthesulkygirl 字数: 每页4000字

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 as though he would try to read what might be in the mind of the counsel for the defense; and his eyes were wide and thoughtful。
      Perry Mason met his gaze calmly and placidly。
      〃Shall I proceed with the cross…examination of the witness?〃 he asked。
      〃Proceed;〃 snapped Judge Markham。
      〃You are familiar with the business affairs of Edward Norton?〃 asked Perry Mason in an even monotone of passionless inquiry。
      〃I am fully familiar with all of those affairs;〃 said Don Graves。
      〃You are then familiar with the expiration date of the insurance policy which lay upon the desk of Edward Norton?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      〃I am。〃
      〃What was the expiration date of that insurance policy?〃
      〃The twenty…sixth of October of the present year。〃
      〃Ah! Then the insurance policy expired but three days after the murder of Edward Norton?〃
      〃That is correct。〃
      〃Is it a fact; Mr。 Graves; that you have some animus; some prejudice against the defendant; Frances Celane; in this case; due to the fact that she is married to Robert Gleason?〃
      The question came as a surprise; and there was that suppressed rustle of motion from the courtroom which indicates a sudden snapping to attention on the part of the spectators; a craning of necks; a pushing forward to the extreme edges of the seats。
      〃That is not true!〃 protested Don Graves; with a show of feeling。 〃I did everything I could to keep the name of Frances Celane out of this。 I am testifying in this matter only because I was forced to court under a subpoena。〃
      〃And you have no bias against Frances Celane for any other reason?〃
      〃Or against Robert Gleason?〃
      〃No。 I hold no feeling of friendship for Robert Gleason because I know him but slightly; but for Miss Celane; my feelings are entirely different。 I would not say a word in this courtroom which would connect her in any way with the murder of Edward Norton unless I knew absolutely and beyond all reasonable doubt that what I said was true and correct。〃
      〃No further questions;〃 said Perry Mason; with the air of a man who has been defeated。
      Claude Drumm got to his feet; and said with just a trace of a sneer in his air of triumph: 〃I have a few questions to ask upon redirect examination。 You were asked upon cross…examination; Mr。 Graves; whether you had ever made a test; under circumstances identical with the circumstances surrounding the murder of Edward Norton; to determine if you could recognize persons in the room where Edward Norton was murdered。〃
      〃Yes;〃 said Don Graves; 〃I was asked that question。〃
      〃Since that question was asked you;〃 persisted Claude Drumm; 〃have you made such a test under exactly identical circumstances?〃
      〃I have;〃 said Don Graves。
      〃Describe the circumstances under which that test was conducted; and the result of it;〃 said Claude Drumm。
      〃The test was made at night;〃 said Don Graves slowly; and in a low tone of voice; while spectators held their breath。 〃There were three men in Edward Norton's study and two women。 One of the women was dressed in black; and one in pink。 One of the men had on a blue serge suit; one had on a tweed suit; and one had on a plaid suit。 I knew each one of the men; but had never seen the women before。 There were present representatives of the press; and there were present Mr。 Drumm; the Deputy District Attorney; also Perry Mason; the attorney for the defense。〃
      〃Then what happened?〃 asked Claude Drumm。
      〃Then;〃 said Graves; still speaking in that low; strained voice; 〃we got in the automobile and went up the winding road which goes over the hills toward the main boulevard。 When Judge Purley had the car at the place where it had been the night of the murder; when I gave the exclamation; he told me to look back。 I looked back; and continued to look until the car had swung around the curve; and out of sight。〃
      〃What did you see?〃 asked Claude Drumm。
      〃I saw a woman; the one who had the pink dress on; standing in about the same position that Frances Celane was standing when Mr。 Norton was killed; and I saw the man who wore the blue serge suit holding a club over the chair where Mr。 Norton had sat on the night of the murder。〃
      〃Cross…examine the witness;〃 said Claude Drumm triumphantly。
      Perry Mason's voice was almost drawling。
      〃You haven't told all that happened there during the test; have you; Mr。 Graves?〃
      〃Yes sir; all of the important points。〃
      〃Wasn't there a newspaper reporter there who annoyed you and delayed you somewhat?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      〃Yes sir。 There was a chap named Nevers; I believe; who kept insisting upon certain changes in the way the test was being made。 I had no authority to make any change in the conditions of the test。 Those were agreed upon between Mr。 Drumm and yourself; and I told this reporter so。 But he kept hanging on to me; even hooking his finger in the buttonhole of my coat; and holding me。〃
      〃Where were we at that time?〃 asked Perry Mason。
      〃You were down in the automobile。〃
      〃How did you finally get free from him?〃 Mason inquired。
      〃I called down to Mr。 Drumm; and he told me definitely that there were to be no changes in the conditions under which the test was to be conducted。 When this reporter heard Mr。 Drumm make that statement; he seemed to realize that he was out of order; and let me go。〃
      Spectators who had been straining their necks to listen; now glanced curiously at one another。
      〃That is all;〃 said Perry Mason。
      〃Call your next witness; Mr。 Drumm;〃 said Judge Markham。
      〃Just a moment; Your Honor;〃 interrupted Perry Mason。 〃Before the prosecution goes on; I would like to recall Arthur Crinston for further cross…examination。〃
      〃Very well;〃 said Judge Markham。 〃The proceeding has been slightly irregular; but; under the circumstances; the matter being entirely in the discretion and control of the court; I will permit you to cross…examine any of the other witnesses that you may care to call。 The court is not unmindful of the fact that various new conditions have entered into the case since your very brief cross…examination of the other witnesses。〃
      Judge Markham could not resist a slight emphasis upon the words describing the brevity of the cross…examination; an emphasis which was in the nature of a very faint judicial rebuke to counsel who would so lightly dispose of the cross…examination of important witnesses in a murder case。
      Arthur Crinston came forward; his face grave; his eyes solemn。
      〃You have already been sworn;〃 said Perry Mason。 〃Just take your position in the witness chair; if you please; Mr。 Crinston。〃
      Mr。 Crinston sat down; crossed his legs and turned to look at the jury。
      〃Mr。 Crinston;〃 said Perry Mason; 〃you were in conference with Mr。 Norton on the night of the murder?〃
      〃Yes sir; I have already testified to that effect。〃
      〃Yes。 You arrived there; I believe; at seven minutes past eleven; and left at about eleven thirty?〃
      〃Yes;〃 said Mr。 Crinston; and went on to volunteer a statement: 〃I can fix the time of my arrival with certainty because Mr。 Norton was a stickler for keeping appointments on time。 I was seven minutes late for my appointment; and he pointed that matter out to me rather sarcastically。〃
      〃Yes;〃 said Perry Mason。 〃And from seven minutes past eleven until eleven thirty you were in conference with Mr。 Norton?〃
      〃That is correct; yes sir。〃
      〃As a matter of fact; Mr。 Crinston; wasn't that conference in the nature of a quarrel?〃
      〃No sir; I don't think I can add anything to the statement that I made before; as to what was said at that time。〃
      〃Mr。 Crinston; the partnership has an indebtedness at the Wheeler's Trust & Savings Bank of some nine hundred thousand dollars?〃
      〃Yes sir。〃
      〃With deposits in that bank of only seventy…five thousand dollars。〃
      〃Yes sir; approximately that amount。〃
      〃Yet it has deposits of eight hundred and seventy…six odd thousand dollars at the Seaboard Second National Trust pany; and deposits of appro

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