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小说: rl.thebourneultimatum 字数: 每页4000字

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 Bernardine staggered into the shadows of a long…abandoned storefront across from the house on the boulevard Lefebvre。 Jason breached the corner and ran down the pavement; racing into the recess and grabbing the Deuxième veteran as he leaned against a long glass window; breathing heavily。
 〃For God's sake; what happened?〃 cried Bourne; supporting Bernardine by both shoulders。
 〃Easy; mon ami;〃 choked Bernardine。 〃The pig I sat next to…a politician; no doubt; looking for an issue…punched me in the chest before he threw me out of the car。 。。。 I told you; I don't know all the new people who attach themselves to the Bureau these days。 You have the same problems in America; so; please; do not give me a lecture。〃
 〃It's the last thing I'm about to do。 。。。 This is the house; Bernardine。 Right here; right in front of us!〃
 〃This is also a trap。〃
 〃Alex and I confirmed it。 The telephone numbers were different。 I gather you did not make your call to Carlos; as he instructed you to。〃
 〃No。 I had the address and I wanted him stretched。 What's the difference? This is the house!〃
 〃Oh; this is where your Mr。 Simon was to go; and if he was truly Mr。 Simon; he would be taken to another rendezvous。 But if he was not Monsieur Simon but someone else; then he would be shot…proof…another corpse in search of the Jackal。〃
 〃You're wrong!〃 insisted Jason; shaking his head and speaking quietly; rapidly。 〃This may be a detour; but Carlos is still on the switch。 He's not going to allow anyone to waste me but himself。 That's his mandment。〃
 〃As yours is regarding him?〃
 〃Yes。 I have a family; he has a borderline legend。 Mine is plete for me; but his is a vacuum…without any real meaning for him any longer。 He's gone as far as he can go。 The only way he can go further is to move into my territory…David Webb's territory…and eliminate Jason Bourne。〃
 〃Webb? David Webb? Who in the name of almighty God is that?〃
 〃Me;〃 replied Bourne; smiling forlornly and leaning beside Bernardine against the window。 〃It's nuts; isn't it?〃
 〃Nuts!〃 cried the former Deuxième。 〃It is fou! Insane; not to be believed!〃
 〃Believe it。〃
 〃You are a family man with children and you do this work?〃
 〃Alex never told you?〃
 〃If he did so; I passed it off as a cover…one goes along with anything。〃 Shaking his head; the older man looked up at his taller panion。 〃You really have a family whom you do not wish to escape from?〃
 〃On the contrary; I want to get back to them as soon as I can。 They're the only people on earth I really care about。〃
 〃But you are Jason Bourne; the killer Chameleon! The deepest recesses of the criminal world tremble at your name!〃
 〃Oh; e on; that's a bit much; even from you。〃
 〃Not for an instant! You are Bourne; second only to the Jackal…〃
 〃No!〃 shouted the suddenly forgotten David Webb。 〃He's no match for me! I'll take him! I'll kill him!〃
 〃Very well; very well; mon ami;〃 said Bernardine calmly; reassuringly; staring at the man he could not understand。 〃What do you want me to do?〃
 Jason Bourne turned and breathed heavily against the glass window for several moments…and then through the mists of indecision the Chameleon's strategy became clear。 He swung around and looked across the dark street at the stone building on the right。 〃The police are gone;〃 he said quietly。
 〃Of course; I realize that。〃
 〃Did you also realize that no one from the other two buildings came outside? Yet there are lights on in a number of the windows。〃
 〃I was preoccupied; what can I say? I did not notice。〃 Bernardine raised his eyebrows in sudden recollection。 〃But there were faces at the windows; several faces; I saw them。〃
 〃Yet no one came outside。〃
 〃Very understandable。 The police 。。。 men with weapons racing around。 Best to barricade oneself; no?〃
 〃Even after the police and the weapons and the patrol cars have left? They all just go back to their television sets as if nothing had happened? No one es out to check with the neighbors? That's not natural; Fran?ois; it's not even unnaturally natural。 It's been orchestrated。〃
 〃What do you mean? How?〃
 〃One man walks out on the porch and shouts into a searchlight。 Attention is drawn to him and precious seconds of a minute's warning evaporate。 Then a nun emerges on the other side draping herself in holy indignation…more seconds lost; more hours for Carlos。 The assault's mounted and the Deuxième es up with zero。 。。。 And when it's all over; everything's back to normal…an abnormal normalcy。 A job was done according to a predesigned plan; so there's no call for really normal curiosity…no gathering in the street; no excitement; not even a collective postcrisis indignation。 Simply people inside undoubtedly checking with one another。 Doesn't it all tell you something?〃
 Bernardine nodded。 〃A prearranged strategy carried out by professionals;〃 said the veteran field officer。
 〃That's what I think; too。〃
 〃It's what you saw and I did not;〃 countered Bernardine。 〃Stop being kind; Jason。 I've been too long away from the cold。 Too soft; too old; too unimaginative。〃
 〃So have I;〃 said Bourne。 〃It's just that the stakes are so high for me that I have to force myself into thinking like a man I wanted to forget。〃
 〃This is Monsieur Webb speaking?〃
 〃I guess it is。〃
 〃So where does that leave us?〃
 〃With an irate baker and an angry nun; and if they prove to be ciphers; several faces in various windows。 At this juncture the pickings are ours but that won't last long; I doubt through the morning。〃
 〃I beg your pardon?〃
 〃Carlos will close up shop here and he'll do it quickly。 He hasn't got a choice now。 Someone in his Praetorian guard gave someone else the location of his Paris headquarters; and you can bet your pension…if you've still got one…that he's climbing the walls trying to figure out who betrayed him…〃
 〃Get back!〃 cried Bernardine; interrupting and grabbing Jason by the cloth of his black jacket; yanking him into the farthest recess of the dark storefront。 〃Get out of sight! Flat on the pavement!〃
 Both men threw themselves down; lying prone on the broken concrete; Bourne's face against the short wall below the glass; his head angled to see the street。 A second dark van appeared from the right; but it was not police equipment。 Instead; it was shinier and smaller; somehow thicker; lower to the ground and more powerful。 The one glaring; blinding similarity it had to the police van was the searchlight。 。。。 No; not one; but two searchlights; one on either side of the windshield; both beams swinging back and forth scanning the vehicle's flanks。 Jason reached for the weapon in his belt…the gun he had borrowed from Bernardine…knowing that his panion already had his backup automatic out of his pocket。 The beam of the left searchlight shot over their bodies as Bourne whispered; 〃Good work; but how did you spot it?〃
 〃The moving reflections of the lamps on the side windows;〃 replied old Fran?ois。 〃I thought for a moment it was my former colleague returning to finish the job he had contemplated。 Namely; my stomach in the street。 。。。 My God; look!〃
 The van swept past the first two buildings; then suddenly swerved into the curb and stopped in front of the last structure; nearly two hundred feet from the storefront; the building farthest from the Jackal's telephone。 The instant the vehicle came to a halt the rear door opened and four men jumped out; automatic weapons in their hands; two running to the street side; one racing down the pavement to the front; the last guard standing menacingly by the open doors; his MAC…10 ready to fire。 A dull wash of yellow light appeared at the top of the brick steps; the door had been opened and a man in a black raincoat came outside。 He stood for a moment looking up and down the boulevard Lefebvre。
 〃Is that him?〃 whispered Francois。
 〃No; not unless he's wearing high heels and a wig;〃 answered Jason; reaching into his jacket pocket。 〃I'll know him when I see him…because I see him every day of my life!〃 Bourne took out one of the grenades he had also borrowed from Bernardine。 He checked the release; laying down his gun and gripping the pockmarked steel oval; tugging at the pin to make certain it was free of corrosion。

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