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小说: rl.thebourneultimatum 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Yeah; well; you see; it's important to our clients that these people leave this world;〃 said Louis; breathing again as seven figures had not been equated with seven million。 〃We don't ask why; we just do the job。 In situations like this; our dons are generous; we keep most of the money and 'our thing' keeps its reputation for efficiency。 Isn't that right; Mario?〃
 〃I'm sure it is; Lou; but I don't involve myself in those matters。〃
 〃You get paid; don't you; cugino?〃
 〃I wouldn't be here if I didn't; Lou。〃
 〃See what I mean?〃 said DeFazio; looking at the aristocrats of the European Mafia; who showed no reaction at all except to stare at the capo supremo。 〃Hey; what's the matter? 。。。 Oh; this bad thing that happened yesterday; huh? What was it…they saw you; right? They spotted you; and some gorilla got off a couple of shots to scare you away; that's it; isn't it? I mean what else could it be; right? They didn't know who you were but you were there…a couple of times too often; maybe … so a little muscle was used; okay? It's an old scam: Scare the shit out of strangers you see more than once。〃
 〃Lou; I asked you to temper your language。〃
 〃Temper? I'm losing my temper。 I want to deal!〃
 〃In plain words;〃 said the count; disregarding DeFazio's words with a soft voice and arched brows; 〃you say you must kill this cripple and his friend the doctor; as well as a third party; is that correct?〃
 〃In plain words; you got it right。〃
 〃Do you know who this third party is…outside of a photograph or a detailed description?〃
 〃Sure; he's a government slime who was sent out years ago to make like he was a Mario here; an esecuzione; can you believe it? But these three individuals have injured our clients; I mean really hurt them。 That's why the contract; what else can I tell you?〃
 〃We're not sure;〃 said the countess; gracefully sipping her wine。 〃Perhaps you don't really know。〃
 〃Know what?〃
 〃Know that there is someone else who wants this third party dead far more than you do;〃 explained the count。 〃Yesterday noon he assaulted a small café in the countryside with murderous gunfire; killing a number of people; because your third party was inside。 So were we。 。。。 We saw them…him…warned by a guard and race outside。 Certain emergencies are municated。 We left immediately; only minutes before the massacre。〃
 〃Condannare!〃 choked DeFazio。 〃Who is this bastard who wants the kill? Tell me!〃
 〃We've spent yesterday afternoon and all day today trying to find out;〃 began the woman; leaning forward; delicately fingering the indelicate glass as though it were an affront to her sensibilities。 〃Your targets are never alone。 There are always men around them; armed guards; and at first we didn't know where they came from。 Then on the avenue Montaigne we saw a Soviet limousine e for them; and your third man in the pany of a well…known KGB officer; and now we think we do know。〃
 〃Only you; however;〃 broke in the count; 〃can confirm it for us。 What is the name of this third man on your contract? Surely we have a right to know。〃
 〃Why not? He's a loser named Bourne; Jason Bourne; who's blackmailing our clients。〃
 〃Ecco;〃 said the husband quietly。
 〃Ultimo;〃 added the wife。 〃What do you know of this Bourne?〃 she asked。
 〃What I told you。 He went out under cover for the government and got shafted by the big boys in Washington。 He gets pissed off; so he ends up shafting our clients。 A real slime。〃
 〃You've never heard of Carlos the Jackal?〃 said the count; leaning back in the chair; studying the capo supremo。
 〃Oh; yeah; sure; I heard of him; and I see what you mean。 They say this Jackal character has a big thing against this Bourne and vice versa; but it don't cut no ice with me。 You know; I thought that fox…cat was just in books; in the movies; you know what I mean? Then they tell me he's a real hit man; wadda y' know?〃
 〃Very real;〃 agreed the countess。
 〃But; like I said; him I couldn't care less about。 I want the Jew shrink; the cripple; and this rot…gut Bourne; that's all。 And I really want them。〃
 The diplomat and his wife looked at each other; they shrugged in mild astonishment; then the contessa nodded; deferring to her husband。 〃Your sense of fiction has been shattered by reality;〃 said the count。
 〃e again?〃
 〃There was a Robin Hood; you know; but he wasn't a noble of Locksley。 He was a barbaric Saxon chief who opposed the Normans; a murdering; butchering thief; extolled only in legends。 And there was an Innocent the Third; a pope who was hardly innocent and who followed the savage policies of a predecessor; Saint Gregory the Seventh; who was hardly a saint。 Between them they split Europe asunder; into rivers of blood for political power and to enrich the coffers of the 'Holy Empire。' Centuries before; there was the gentle Quintus Cassius Longinus of Rome; beloved protector of the Further Spain; yet he tortured and mutilated a hundred thousand Spaniards。〃
 〃What the hell are you talkin' about?〃
 〃These men were fictionalized; Signor DeFazio; into many different shadings of what they may actually have been; but regardless of the distortions; they were real。 Just as the Jackal is real; and is a deadly problem for you。 As; unfortunately; he is a problem for us; for he's a plication we cannot accept。〃
 〃Huh?〃 The capo supremo; mouth gaping; stared at the Italian aristocrat。
 〃The presence of the Soviets was both alarming and enigmatic;〃 continued the count。 〃Then finally we perceived a possible connection; which you just confirmed。 。。。 Moscow has been hunting Carlos for years; solely for the purpose of executing him; and all they've gotten for their efforts is one dead hunter after another。 Somehow…God knows how…Jason Bourne negotiated with the Russians to pursue their mon objective。〃
 〃For Christ's sake; speak English or Italian; but with words that make sense! I didn't exactly go to Harvard City College; gumball。 I didn't have to; capisce?〃
 〃The Jackal stormed that country inn yesterday。 He's the one hunting down Jason Bourne; who was foolish enough to e back to Paris and persuade the Soviets to work with him。 Both were stupid; for this is Paris and Carlos will win。 He'll kill Bourne and your other targets and laugh at the Russians。 Then he'll proclaim to the clandestine departments of all governments that he has won; that he's the padrone; the maestro。 You in America have never been exposed to the whole story; only bits and pieces; for your interest in Europe stops at the money line。 But we have lived through it; watching in fascination; and now we are mesmerized。 Two aging master assassins obsessed with hatred; each wanting only to cut the other's throat。〃
 〃Hey; back up; gumball!〃 shouted DeFazio。 〃This slime Bourne's a fake; a contraffazione。 He never was an executioner!〃
 〃You're quite wrong; signore;〃 said the countess。 〃He may not have entered the arena with a gun; but it became his favorite instrument。 Ask the Jackal。〃
 〃Fuck the Jackal!〃 cried DeFazio; getting up from the chair。
 〃Shut up; Mario! This Bourne is mine; ours! We deliver the corpse; we take the pictures with me…us…standing over all three with a dozen ice picks in their bodies; their heads pulled up by the hair; so nobody can say it ain't our kills!〃
 〃Now you're the one who's pazzo;〃 said the Mafia count quietly; in counterpoint to the capo supremo's raucous yelling。 〃And please keep your voice down。〃
 〃Then don't get me excited…〃
 〃He's trying to explain things; Lou;〃 said DeFazio's relative; the killer。 〃I want to hear what the gentleman has to say because it could be vital to my approach。 Sit down; Cousin。〃 Louis sat down。 〃Please continue; Count。〃
 〃Thank you; Mario。 You don't object to my calling you Mario。〃
 〃Not at all; sir。〃
 〃Perhaps you should visit Rome…〃
 〃Perhaps we should get back to Paris;〃 again choked the capo supremo。
 〃Very well;〃 agreed the Roman; now dividing his attention between DeFazio and his cousin; but favoring the latter。 〃You might take out all three targets with a long…range rifle; but you won't get near the bodies。 The Soviet guards will be indistinguishable from any other people in the area; and if they see the two of you ing in to the killing ground; they'll 

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