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小说: rl.thebourneultimatum 字数: 每页4000字

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ect he doesn't want to deal with the French authorities for fear of a leak to Carlos's people。 A single woman with a mon name on crowded flights is probably best。〃
 〃I'll spend more time sitting in airports than in the air。〃
 〃Probably; so cover those great legs of yours and carry a Bible。〃
 〃That's sweet;〃 said Marie; touching his face。 〃I suddenly hear you; David。〃
 〃What?〃 Again Bourne did not respond to the warmth。
 〃Nothing。 。。。 Do me a favor; will you?〃
 〃What is it?〃 asked Jason; in a distant monotone。
 〃Bring that David back to me。〃
 〃Let's get an update on the plane;〃 said Bourne; his voice flat and abrupt as he touched her elbow and led her back inside。 I'm getting older…old…and I cannot much longer be what I am not。 The Chameleon is slipping away; the imagination isn't there the way it used to be。 But I cannot stop! Not now! Get away from me; David Webb!
 No sooner had they reentered the small terminal than the telephone on the counter began to ring。 The lone clerk picked it up。 〃Oui?〃 He listened for no more than five seconds。 〃Merci;〃 he said; hanging up and addressing the four interested parties in French。 〃That was the tower。 The plane from Poitiers will be on the ground in approximately four minutes。 The pilot requests that you be ready; madame; as he would like to fly ahead of the weather front moving east。〃
 〃So would I;〃 agreed Marie; rushing to Alex Conklin and Mo Panov。 The farewells were brief; the embraces strong; the words heartfelt。 Bourne led his wife back outside。 〃I just remembered…where are Krupkin's guards?〃 she asked as Jason unlatched the gate and they walked toward the lighted runway。
 〃We don't need them or want them;〃 he answered。 〃The Soviet connection was made in the Montaigne; so we have to assume the embassy's being watched。 No guards rushing out into cars; therefore no movement on our part for Carlos's people to report。〃
 〃I see。〃 The sound of a small decelerating jet could be heard as the plane circled the airfield once and made its descent onto the four…thousand…foot runway。 〃I love you so much; David;〃 said Marie; raising her voice to be heard over the roar of the aircraft; rolling toward them。
 〃He loves you so much;〃 said Bourne; images colliding in his mind。 〃I love you so much。〃
 The jet loomed clearly into view between the rows of amber lights; a white bullet…like machine with short delta wings sweeping back from the fuselage; giving it the appearance of an angry flying insect。 The pilot swung the plane around in a circle; ing to a jarring stop as the automatic passenger door sprang out and up while metal steps slapped down to the ground。 Jason and Marie ran toward the jet's entrance。
 It happened with the sudden impact of a murderous wind shear; at once unstoppable; enveloping; the swirling winds of death! Gunfire。 Automatic weapons…two of them; one nearby; one farther away…shattering windows; ripping into wood; a piercing screech of pain erupting from the terminal; announcing a mortal hit。
 With both hands Bourne gripped Marie by the waist; heaving her up and propelling her into the plane as he shouted to the pilot。 〃Shut the door and get out of here!〃
 〃Mon Dieu!〃 cried the man from the open flight deck。 〃Allez…vous…en!〃 he roared; ordering Jason away from the spring…hinged door and the metal steps; gunning the jet's engine as the plane lurched forward。 Jason plunged to the ground and raised his eyes。 Marie's face was pressed against the window; she was screaming hysterically。 The plane thundered down the runway; it was free。
 Bourne was not。 He was caught in the wash of the amber lights; the glowing rows a cyclorama of yellowish orange。 No matter where he stood or knelt or crouched he was in silhouette。 So he pulled out the automatic from his belt…the weapon; he reflected; given to him by Bernardine…and began slithering; snaking his way across the asphalt toward the bordering grass outside the fenced…gate area。
 The gunfire erupted again; but now they were three scattered single shots from within the terminal; where the lights had been extinguished。 They had to have e from Conklin's gun; or possibly the clerk's if he had a weapon; Panov did not。 Then who had been hit? 。。。 No time! A shattering fusillade burst out of the nearest automatic rifle; it was steady; prolonged and deadly; spraying the side of the small building and the gate area。
 Then the second automatic weapon menced firing; from the sound it was on the opposite side of the terminal's waiting room。 Moments later there were two single shots; the last one acpanied by a scream 。。。 again on the other side of the building。
 〃I've been hit!〃 The voice was the cry of a man in pain 。。。 on the other side of the building。 The automatic rifle! Jason slowly rose to a low crouch in the grass and peered into the darkness。 A fragment of blacker darkness moved。 He raised his automatic and fired into the moving mass; getting to his feet and racing across the gate area; turning and squeezing the trigger until he was both out of bullets and out of sight on the east side of the building; where the runway ended and the amber lights stopped。 He crawled cautiously to the section of the waist…high fence that paralleled the corner of the small terminal。 The grayish…white gravel of the parking area was a gratifying sight; he was able to make out the figure of a man writhing on the stones。 The figure gripped a weapon in his hands; then pushing it into the gravel; raised himself to a half…sitting position。
 〃Cugino!〃 he screamed。 〃Help me!〃 His answer was another burst of gunfire from the west side of the building; diagonally to the right of the wounded man。 〃Holy Christ!〃 he shrieked。 〃I'm hit bad!〃 Again the reply was yet another fusillade from the automatic rifle; these rounds simultaneous with crashing glass。 The killer on the west side of the building had smashed the windows and was blowing apart everything inside。
 Bourne dropped the useless automatic and grabbed the top of the fence; vaulting over it; his left leg landing in agony on the ground。 What's happened to me? Why do I hurt? Goddamn it! He limped to the wood…framed corner of the building and edged his face to the open space beyond。 The figure on the gravel fell back; unable to support himself on the automatic rifle。 Jason felt the ground; found a large rock; and threw it with all his strength beyond the wounded man。 It crashed; bouncing into the gravel; for an instant like the sound of approaching footsteps。 The killer spastically rose and spun his body to the rear; gripping his weapon; which twice fell out of his grasp。
 Now! Bourne raced across the stones of the parking lot and lunged off his feet down into the man with the gun。 He tore the weapon from the killer's grip and crashed the metal stock into his skull。 The short; slender man went limp。 And; again; suddenly; there was another crescendo of gunfire from the west exterior of the terminal building; again acpanied by the shattering of glass。 The first and nearer killer was narrowing down his targets。 He had to be stopped! thought Jason; his breath gone; every muscle in his body in pain。 Where was the man from yesterday? Where was Delta from Medusa? The Chameleon from Treadstone Seventy…one? Where was that man?
 Bourne grabbed the MAC…10 submachine gun from the unconscious figure on the gravel and raced toward the side door of the terminal。
 〃Alex!〃 he roared。 〃Let me in! I've got the weapon!〃
 The door crashed open。 〃My God; you're alive!〃 shouted Conklin in the darkness of the shadows as Jason ran inside。 〃Mo's in bad shape…he was shot in the chest。 The clerk's dead and we can't raise the tower out on the field。 They must have reached it first。〃 Alex slammed the door shut。 〃Get down on the floor!〃 A fusillade raked the walls。 Bourne got to his knees and fired back; then threw himself down beside Conklin。
 〃What happened?〃 cried Jason; breathless; his voice strained; the sweat dripping down his face and stinging his eyes。
 〃The Jackal happened。〃
 〃How did he do it?〃
 〃He fooled us all。 You; me; Krupkin and Lavier…worst of all; me。 He sent the word out that he'd be away; no explanation even with you here in Paris; just that he'd be gone for a while。 We thought the tra

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