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小说: rl.thebourneultimatum 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃That isn't the way I seem to recall it…what I can recall。 Some of it's ing back; not much; but some。〃
 〃During that trial you adapted to the necessities of your immediate surroundings…you might say like a chameleon。〃 Their eyes locked; and Jason turned back to the television screen。
 〃And there he is with Carlos。 It's a small rotten world; isn't it? Does he know I'm Jason Bourne?〃
 〃How could he?〃 asked Conklin; getting out of the chair。 〃There was no Jason Bourne then。 There wasn't even a David; only a guerrilla they called Delta One。 No names were used; remember?〃
 〃I keep forgetting; what else is new?〃 Jason pointed at the screen。 〃Why is he in Moscow? Why did you say Medusa found the Jackal? Why?〃
 〃Because he's the law firm in New York。〃
 〃What?〃 Bourne whipped his head toward Conklin。 〃He's the…〃
 〃The chairman of the board;〃 pleted Alex; interrupting。 〃The Agency closed in and he got out。 Two days ago。〃
 〃Why the hell didn't you tell me?〃 cried Jason angrily。
 〃Because I never thought for a moment we'd be standing here looking at that picture on the screen。 I still can't understand it; but I can't deny it; either。 Also; I saw no reason to bring up a name you might or might not remember; a personally very disturbing occurrence you might or might not remember。 Why add an unnecessary plication? There's enough stress。〃
 〃All right; Aleksei!〃 said an agitated Krupkin; stepping forward。 〃I've heard words and names that evoke certain unpleasant memories for me; at any rate; and I think it behooves me to ask a question or two…specifically one。 Just who is this Ogilvie that concerns you so? You've told us who he was in Saigon; but who is he now?〃
 〃Why not?〃 Conklin asked himself quietly。 〃He's a New York attorney who heads up an organization that's spread throughout Europe and the Mediterranean。 Initially; by pushing the right buttons in Washington; they bought up panies through extortion and leveraged buy…outs; they've cornered markets and set prices; and in the bargain they've moved into the killing game; employing some of the best professionals in the business。 There's hard evidence that they've contracted for the murder of various officials in the government and the military; the most recent example…with which you're no doubt familiar…is General Teagarten; supreme mander of NATO。〃
 〃Unbelievable!〃 whispered Krupkin。
 〃Jeez…Chrize!〃 intoned the peasant…colonel; his eyes bulging。
 〃Oh; they're very creative; and Ogilvie's the most inventive of all。 He's Superspider and he's spun a hell of a web from Washington through every capital in Europe。 Unfortunately for him; and thanks to my associate here; he was caught like a fly in his own spinning。 He was about to be pounced on by people in Washington he couldn't possibly corrupt; but he was tipped off and got out the day before yesterday。 。。。 Why he came to Moscow I haven't the vaguest idea。〃
 〃I may be able to answer that for you;〃 said Krupkin; glancing at the KGB colonel and nodding; as if to say It's all right。 〃I know nothing…absolutely nothing…about any such killing as you speak of; indeed of any killing whatsoever。 However; you could be describing an American enterprise in Europe that's been servicing our interests for years。〃
 〃In what way?〃 asked Alex。
 〃With all manner of restricted American technology; as well as armaments; matériel; spare parts for aircraft and weapons systems…even the aircraft and the weapons systems them selves on various occasions through the bloc countries。 I tell you this knowing that you know I'd vehemently deny ever having said it。〃
 〃Understood;〃 nodded Conklin。 〃What's the name of this enterprise?〃
 〃There's no single name。 Instead; there are fifty or sixty panies apparently under one umbrella but with so many different titles and origins it's impossible to determine the specific relationships。〃
 〃There's a name and Ogilvie runs it;〃 said Alex。
 〃That crossed my mind;〃 said Krupkin; his eyes suddenly glass…cold; his expression that of an unrelenting zealot。 〃However; what appears to disturb you so about your American attorney; I can assure you is far; far outweighed by our own concerns。〃 Dimitri turned to the television set and the shakily stationary picture; his eyes now filled with anger。 〃The Soviet intelligence officer on that screen is General Rodchenko; second in mand of the KGB and close adviser to the premier of the Soviet Union。 Many things may be done in the name of Russian interests and without the premier's knowledge; but in this day and age not in the areas you describe。 My God; the supreme mander of NATO! And never…never…using the services of Carlos the Jackal! These embarrassments are no less than dangerous and frightening catastrophes。〃
 〃Have you got any suggestions?〃 asked Conklin。
 〃A foolish question;〃 answered the colonel gruffly。 〃Arrest; then the Lubyanka 。。。 then silence。〃
 〃There's a problem with that solution;〃 said Alex。 〃The Central Intelligence Agency knows Ogilvie's in Moscow。〃
 〃So where is the problem? We rid us both of an unhealthy person and his crimes and go about our business。〃
 〃It may seem strange to you; but the problem isn't only with the unhealthy person and his crimes; even where the Soviet Union is concerned。 It's with the cover…up…where Washington's concerned。〃
 The Komitet officer looked at Krupkin and spoke in Russian。 〃What is this one talking about?〃
 〃It's difficult for us to understand;〃 answered Dimitri in his native language; 〃still; for them it is a problem。 Let me try to explain。〃
 〃What's he saying?〃 asked Bourne; annoyed。
 〃I think he's about to give a civics lesson; U。S。 style。〃
 〃Such lessons more often than not fall on deaf ears in Washington;〃 interrupted Krupkin in English; then immediately resuming Russian; he addressed his KGB superior。 〃You see; rade; no one in America would blame us for taking advantage of this Ogilvie's criminal activities。 They have a proverb they repeat so frequently that it covers oceans of guilt: 'One does not look a gift horse in the mouth。' 〃
 〃What has a horse's mouth got to do with gifts? From its tail es manure for the farms; from its mouth; only spittle。〃
 〃It loses something in the translation。 。。。 Nevertheless; this attorney; Ogilvie; obviously had a great many government connections; officials who overlooked his questionable practices for large sums of money; practices that entailed millions upon millions of dollars。 Laws were circumvented; men killed; lies accepted as the truth; in essence; there was considerable corruption; and; as we know; the Americans are obsessed with corruption。 They even label every progressive acmodation as potentially 'corrupt;' and there's nothing older; more knowledgeable peoples can do about it。 They hang out their soiled linen for all the world to see like a badge of honor。〃
 〃Because it is;〃 broke in Alex; speaking English。 〃That's something a lot of people here wouldn't understand because you cover every acmodation you make; every crime you mit; every mouth you shut with a basket of roses。 。。。 However; considering pots and kettles and odious parisons; I'll dispense with a lecture。 I'm just telling you that Ogilvie has to be sent back and all the accounts settled; that's the 'progressive acmodation' you have to make。〃
 〃I'm sure we'll take it under advisement。〃
 〃Not good enough;〃 said Conklin。 〃Let's put it this way。 Beyond accountability; there's simply too much known…or will be in a matter of days…about his enterprise; including the connection to Teagarten's death; for you to keep him here。 Not only Washington; but the entire European munity would dump on you。 Talk of embarrassments; this is a beaut; to say nothing about the effects on trade; or your imports and exports…〃
 〃You've made your point; Aleksei;〃 interrupted Krupkin。 〃Assuming this acmodation can be made; will it be clear that Moscow cooperated fully in bringing this American criminal back to American justice?〃
 〃We obviously couldn't do it without you。 As the temporary field officer of record; I'll swear to it before both intelligence mittees of Congress; if need be。〃
 〃And that we had nothing…absolutely nothing to do with the killings you mentioned; specifically the assassination

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