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小说: rl.thebourneultimatum 字数: 每页4000字

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he myth of Novgorod matched its reality; it was; indeed; an advanced indoctrination center for the most gifted of rades…as they were given to understand; yet none really understood; for Novgorod was rarely spoken about except in whispers。 With several nods; Carlos acknowledged the impact of his revelation and continued。
 〃The years since have been spent in many foreign countries promoting the interests of the great Soviet revolution; an undercover missar with a flexible portfolio that called for many trips back here to Moscow and extensive research into the specific departments in which each of you holds a responsible position。〃 Again the Jackal paused; then spoke suddenly; sharply。 〃Positions of responsibility but without the authority that should be yours。 Your abilities are undervalued and under…rewarded; for there is deadwood above you。〃
 The small crowd's reaction was now somewhat more audible; definitely less constrained。 〃pared to similar departments in the governments of our adversaries;〃 went on Carlos; 〃we here in Moscow have lagged far behind when we should be ahead; and we are behind because your talents have been suppressed by entrenched officeholders who care more for their office privileges than they do for the functions of their departments!〃
 The response was immediate; even electric; with the three women openly if softly applauding。 〃It is for that reason; these reasons; that I and my associate rades here in Moscow have sought you out。 Further; it is why I have sent you funds…to be used totally at your discretion…for the money you've received is the approximate value of the privileges your superiors enjoy。 Why should you not receive them and enjoy them as they do?〃
 The rumble of why not? and he's right rippled through the audience; now actually looking at one another; eyes locked; and heads nodding firmly。 The Jackal then began to reel off the eight major departments in question; and as each was named successively; there was an enthusiastic nodding of heads。 〃The ministries of Transport; Information; Finance; Import/Export; Legal Procedures; Military Supply; Scientific Research 。。。 and hardly the least; Presidium Appointments。 。。。 These are your domains; but you have been cut out from all final decisions。 That is no longer acceptable…changes must be made!〃
 The assembled listeners rose almost as one; no longer strangers but; instead; people united in a cause。 Then one; the obviously cautious bureaucrat who had closed the door; spoke。 〃You appear to know our situations well; sir; but what can change them?〃
 〃These;〃 announced Carlos; gesturing dramatically at the file folders spread out across the low table。 Slowly the small group sat down; singly and in couples; looking at one another when not staring at the folders。 〃On this table are secretly gathered confidential dossiers of your superiors in each of the departments represented here。 They contain such injurious information that when presented by you individually will guarantee your immediate promotions; and in several cases your succession to those high offices。 Your superiors will have no choice; for these files are daggers aimed at their throats…exposure would result in disgrace and execution。〃
 〃Sir?〃 A middle…aged woman in a neat but nondescript plain blue dress cautiously stood up。 Her blond…gray hair was swept back into a stern bun; she touched it briefly; self…consciously; as she spoke。 〃I evaluate personnel files on a daily basis 。。。 and frequently discover errors 。。。 how can you be certain these dossiers are accurate? For if they are not accurate; we could be placed in extremely dangerous situations; is that not so?〃
 〃That you should even question their accuracy is an affront; madame;〃 replied the Jackal coldly。 〃I am the monseigneur from Paris。 I have accurately described your individual situations and accurately depicted the inferiority of your superiors。 Further; and at great expense and risk to myself and my associates here in Moscow; I have covertly funneled monies to you so as to make your lives more fortable。〃
 〃Speaking for myself;〃 interrupted a gaunt man wearing glasses and a brown business suit; 〃I appreciate the money…I assigned mine to our collective fund and expect a moderate return…but does one have anything to do with the other? I am with the Ministry of Finance; of course; and having admitted that; I absolve myself of plicity for being clear about my status。〃
 〃Whatever that means; accountant; you're about as clear as your paralyzed ministry;〃 interrupted an obese man in a black suit too small for his girth。 〃You also cast doubt on your ability to recognize a decent return! Naturally; I'm with Military Supply; and you consistently shortchange us。〃
 〃As you do constantly with Scientific Research!〃 exclaimed a short; tweedy professorial member of the audience; the irregularity of his clipped beard due; no doubt; to poor vision; despite the thick spectacles bridging his nose。 〃Returns; indeed! What about allocations?〃
 〃More than sufficient for your grade…school scientists! The money is better spent stealing from the West!〃
 〃Stop it!〃 cried the priest…assassin; raising his arms like a messiah。 〃We are not here to discuss interdepartmental conflicts; for they will all be resolved with the emergence of our new elite。 Remember! I am the monseigneur from Paris; and together we will bring about a new; cleansed order for our great revolution! placency is over。〃
 〃It is a thrilling concept; sir;〃 said a second woman; a female in her early thirties; her skirt expensively pleated; her pact features obviously recognized by the others as a popular newscaster on television。 〃However; may we return to the issue of accuracy?〃
 〃It is settled; 〃said the dark…eyed Carlos; staring in turn at each person。 〃How else would I know all about you?〃
 〃I do not doubt you; sir;〃 continued the newscaster。 〃But as a journalist I must always seek a second source of verification unless the ministry determines otherwise。 Since you are not with the Ministry of Information; sir; and knowing that whatever you say will remain confidential; can you give us a secondary source?〃
 〃Am I to be hounded by manipulated journalists when I speak the truth?〃 The assassin caught his breath in anger。 〃Everything I've told you is the truth and you know it。〃
 〃So were the crimes of Stalin; sir; and they were' buried along with twenty million corpses for thirty years。〃
 〃You want proof; journalist? I'll give you proof。 I have the eyes and the ears of the leaders of the KGB…namely; the great General Grigorie Rodchenko himself。 He is my eyes and my ears; and if you care to know a harsher truth; he is beholden to me! For I am his monseigneur from Paris as well。〃
 There was a rustling among the captive audience; a collective hesitancy; a wave of quiet throat clearing。 The television newscaster spoke again; now softly; her wide brown eyes riveted on the man in priest's clothes。
 〃You may be whatever you say you are; sir;〃 she began; 〃but you do not listen to Radio Moscow's all…night station。 It was reported over an hour ago that General Rodchenko was shot to death this morning by foreign criminals。 。。。 It was also reported that all high officers of the Komitet have been called into an emergency session to evaluate the circumstances of the general's murder。 The speculation is that there had to be extraordinary reasons for a man of General Rodchenko's experience to be lured into a trap by these foreign criminals。〃
 〃They will tear apart his files;〃 added the cautious bureaucrat; stiffly getting to his feet。 〃They will put everything under a KGB microscope; searching for those 〃extraordinary reasons。' 〃 The circumspect public official looked at the killer in priest's clothes。 〃Perhaps they will find you; sir。 And your dossiers。〃
 〃No;〃 said the Jackal; perspiration breaking out on his high forehead。 〃No! That is impossible。 I have the only copies of these dossiers…there are no others!〃
 〃If you believe that; priest;〃 said the obese man from the Ministry of Military Supply; 〃you do not know the Komitet。〃
 〃Know it?〃 cried Carlos; a tremor developing in his left hand。 〃I have its soul! No secrets are kept from me; for I am the repository of all secr

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