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小说: rl.thebourneultimatum 字数: 每页4000字

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ton rum; and some highly erotic skinny…dipping in the pool。 Damn Alex! Double damn the son…of…a…bitch bachelor who could only respond to the event of a wedding anniversary by saying; 〃What the hell? You made the year; so what's a day count? Get your jollies tomorrow; I need you tonight。〃
 So he had lied to his wife; the former head nurse at Mass。 General。 He told her that a patient's life was in the balance…it was; but it had already tipped the wrong way。 She had replied that perhaps her next husband would be more considerate of her life; but her sad smile and her understanding eyes denied her words。 She knew death。 Hurry; my darling!
 Jax turned off the engine; grabbed his medical bag and got out of the car。 He walked around the hood as the front door opened and a tall man in what appeared to be dark skintight clothing stood silhouetted in the frame。 〃I'm your doctor;〃 said Ivan; walking up the steps。 〃Our mutual friend didn't give me your name; but I guess I'm not supposed to have it。〃
 〃I guess not;〃 agreed Bourne; extending a hand in a surgical glove as Jax approached。
 〃And I guess we're both right;〃 said Jax; shaking hands with the stranger。 〃The mitt you're wearing is pretty familiar to me。〃
 〃Our mutual friend didn't tell me you were black。〃
 〃Is that a problem for you?〃
 〃Good Christ; no。 I like our friend even more。 It probably never occurred to him to say anything。〃
 〃I think we'll get along。 Let's go; no…name。〃
 Bourne stood ten feet to the right of the desk as Jax swiftly; expertly tended to the corpse; mercifully wrapping the head in gauze。 Without explaining; he had cut away sections of the general's clothing; examining those parts of the body beneath the fabric。 Finally; he carefully rolled the hooded body off the chair and onto the floor。 〃Are you finished in here?〃 he asked; looking over at Jason。
 〃I've swept it clean; Doctor; if that's what you mean。〃
 〃It usually is。 。。。 I want this room sealed。 No one's to enter it after we leave until our mutual friend gives the word。〃
 〃I certainly can't guarantee that;〃 said Bourne。
 〃Then he'll have to。〃
 〃Your general didn't mit suicide; no…name。 He was murdered。〃
 〃The woman;〃 said Alex Conklin over the line。 〃From everything you told me it had to be Swayne's wife。 Jesus!〃
 〃It doesn't change anything; but it looks that way;〃 agreed Bourne halfheartedly。 〃She had reason enough to do it; God knows…still; if she did; she didn't tell Flannagan; and that doesn't make sense。〃
 〃No; it doesn't。 。。。 Conklin paused; then spoke quickly。 〃Let me talk to Ivan。〃
 〃Ivan? Your doctor? His name is Ivan?〃
 〃Nothing。 He's outside。 。。。 'packing the merchandise' was the way he put it。〃
 〃In his wagon?〃
 〃That's right。 We carried the body…〃
 〃What makes him so sure it wasn't suicide?〃 broke in Alex。
 〃Swayne was drugged。 He said he'd call you later and explain。 He wants to get out of here and no one's to e into this room after we leave…after I leave…until you give the word for the police。 He'll tell you that; too。〃
 〃Christ; it must be a mess in there。〃
 〃It's not pretty。 What do you want me to do?〃
 〃Pull the curtains; if there are any; check the windows and; if possible; lock the door。 If there's no way to lock it; look around for…〃
 〃I found a set of keys in Swayne's pocket;〃 interrupted Jason。 〃I checked; one of them fits。〃
 〃Good。 When you leave; wipe the door down clean。 Find some furniture polish or a dusting spray。〃
 〃That's not going to keep out anyone who wants to get in。〃
 〃No; but if someone does; we might pick up a print。〃
 〃You're reaching…〃
 〃I certainly am;〃 concurred the former intelligence officer。 〃I've also got to figure out a way to seal up the whole place without using anybody from Langley; and; not incidentally; keep the Pentagon at bay just in case someone among those twenty…odd thousand people wants to reach Swayne; and that includes his office and probably a couple of hundred buyers and sellers a day in procurements。。。。 Christ; it's impossible!〃
 〃It's perfect;〃 contradicted Bourne as Dr。 Ivan Jax suddenly appeared in the doorway。 〃Our little game of destabilization will start right here on the 'farm。' Do you have Cactus's number?〃
 〃Not with me。 I think it's probably in a shoebox at home。〃
 〃Call Mo Panov; he's got it。 Then reach Cactus and tell him to get to a pay phone and call me here。〃
 〃What the hell have you got in mind? I hear that old man's name; I get nervous。〃
 〃You told me I had to find someone else to trust besides you。 I just did。 Reach him; Alex。〃 Jason hung up the telephone。 〃I'm sorry; Doctor 。。。 or maybe under the circumstances I can use your name。 Hello; Ivan。〃
 〃Hello; no…name; which is the way I'd like to keep it on my end。 Especially when I just heard you say another name。〃
 〃Alex? 。。。 No; of course it wasn't Alex; not our mutual friend。〃 Bourne laughed quietly; knowingly; as he walked away from the desk。 〃It was Cactus; wasn't it?〃
 〃I just came in to ask you if you wanted me to close the gates;〃 said Jax; bypassing the question。
 〃Would you be offended if I told you that I didn't think of him until I saw you just now?〃
 〃Certain associations are fairly obvious。 The gates; please?〃
 〃Do you owe Cactus as much as I do; Doctor?〃 Jason held his place; looking at the Jamaican。
 〃I owe him so much that I could never think of promising him in a situation like tonight。 For God's sake; he's an old man; and no matter what deviant conclusions Langley wants to e up with; tonight was murder; a particularly brutal killing。 No; I wouldn't involve him。〃
 〃You're not me。 You see; I have to。 He'd never forgive me if I didn't。〃
 〃You don't think much of yourself; do you?〃
 〃Please close the gates; Doctor。 There's an alarm panel in the hallway I can activate when they're shut。〃
 Jax hesitated; as if unsure of what he wanted to say。 〃Listen;〃 he began haltingly; 〃most sane people have reasons for saying things…doing things。 My guess is you're sane。 Call Alex if you need me…if old Cactus needs me。〃 The doctor left; rushing out the door。
 Bourne turned and glanced around the room。 Since Flannagan and Rachel Swayne had left nearly three hours ago; he had searched every foot of the general's study; as well as the dead soldier's separate bedroom on the second floor。 He had placed the items he intended to take on the brass coffee table; he studied them now。 There were three brown leather…bound covers; each equal in size; each holding inserted spiral…bound pages; they were a desk set。 The first was an appointments calendar; the second; a personal telephone book in which the names and numbers were entered in ink; the last was an expense diary; barely touched。 Along with these were eleven office messages of the telephone notepad variety; which Jason found in Swayne's pockets; a golf…club scorecard and several memoranda written at the Pentagon。 Finally; there was the general's wallet containing a profusion of impressive credentials and very little money。 Bourne would turn everything over to Alex and hope further leads would be found; but as far as he could determine; he had turned up nothing startling; nothing dramatically relevant to the modern Medusa。 And that bothered him; there had to be something。 This was the old soldier's home; his sanctum sanctorum inside that home…something! He knew it; he felt it; but he could not find it。 So he started again; not foot by foot now; instead; inch by inch。
 Fourteen minutes later; as he was removing and turning over the photographs on the wall behind the desk; the wall to the right of the cushioned bay window that overlooked the lawn outside; he recalled Conklin's words about checking the windows and the curtains so that no one could enter or observe the scene inside。
 Christ; it must be a mess in there。
 It's not very pleasant。
 It wasn't。 The panes of the central bay window frame were splattered with blood and membrane。 And the 。。。 the small brass latch? Not only was it free from its catch; the window itself was open…barely open; but nevertheless it was open。 Bourne knelt on the cushioned seat and looked closely at the shiny brass fixture and the surrounding panes of glass。 There were smudges among 

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