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小说: rl.thebourneultimatum 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃You heard me; only I used the wrong word and I apologize for that。 I'll give you a nonnegotiable figure and you can either accept it or reject it。〃
 〃A 。。。 contract? On Simon…Webb?〃
 〃No;〃 replied the mafioso; slowly shaking his head。 〃On a character named Jason Bourne。 It's cleaner to kill someone who's already dead; isn't it? 。。。 Since we just saved you one and a half mill; the price of the contract is five。〃
 〃Five million?〃
 〃The cost of eliminating problems in the category of major items is high。 Menaces are even higher。 Five million; Alby; half on acceptance within the usual twenty…four hours。〃
 〃That's outrageous!〃
 〃Then turn me down。 You e back; it's seven…fifty; and if you e back again; it's double that。 Fifteen million。〃
 〃What guarantee do we have that you can even find him? You heard DeSole。 He's Four Zero; which means he's out of reach; buried。〃
 〃Oh; we'll dig him up just so we can replant him。〃
 〃How? Two and a half million is a lot to pay on your word。 How?〃
 Again smiling; the Mafia supremo reached into his pocket and pulled out the small notebook Steven DeSole had returned to him。 〃Close friends are the best sources; Alby。 Ask the sleazes who write all those gossip books。 I got two addresses。〃
 〃You won't get near them。〃
 〃Hey; e on。 You think you're dealing with old Chicago and the animals? With Mad Dog Capone and Nitti; the nervous finger。 We got sophisticated people on the payroll these days。 Geniuses。 Scientists; electronics whiz kids…doctors。 By the time we get finished with the spook and the yid; they won't know what happened。 But we'll have Jason Bourne; the character who doesn't exist because he's already dead。〃
 Albert Armbruster nodded once and turned to the window in silence。
 〃I'll close up for six months; change the name; then start a promotional campaign in the magazines before reopening;〃 said John St。 Jacques; standing by the window as the doctor worked on his brother…in…law。
 〃There's no one left?〃 asked Bourne; wincing as he sat in a chair dressed in a bathrobe; the last suture on his neck being pincered。
 〃Sure; there is。 Seven crazy Canadian couples; including my old buddy; who's needlepointing your throat at the moment。 Would you believe they wanted to start up a brigade; Renfrews of the Mounties; after the evil people。〃
 〃That was Scotty's idea;〃 interrupted the doctor softly; concentrating on the wound。 〃Count me out。 I'm too old。〃
 〃So's he but he doesn't know it。 Then he wanted to advertise a reward to the tune of a hundred thousand for information leading to the et cetera! I finally convinced him that the less said the better。〃
 〃Nothing said is the best;〃 added Jason。 〃That's the way it's got to be。〃
 〃That's a little tough; David;〃 said St。 Jacques; misunderstanding the sharp glance Bourne leveled at him。 〃I'm sorry; but it is。 We're deflecting most of the local inquiries with an ersatz story about a massive propane…gas leak; but not too many people are buying it。 Of course; to the world outside; an earthquake down here wouldn't rate six lines buried in the last pages of the want ads; but rumors are flying around the Leewards。〃
 〃You said local inquiries 。。。 what about that world outside? Has there been anything from it?〃
 〃There will be but not about here; not about Tranquility。 Montserrat; yes; and the news will get a column in the London Times and maybe an inch in the New York and Washington papers; but I don't think it'll touch us。〃
 〃Stop being so cryptic。〃
 〃We'll talk later。〃
 〃Say whatever you like; John;〃 broke in the doctor。 〃I'm just about finished; so I'm not paying much attention; and even if I heard you; I'm entitled to。〃
 〃I'll make it brief;〃 said St。 Jacques; walking to the right of the chair。 〃The Crown governor;〃 he continued。 〃You were right; at least I have to assume you were right。〃
 〃The news came in while you were getting cleaned up。 The CG's boat was found smashed on one of the nastier reefs off Antigua; halfway to Barbuda。 There was no sign of survivors。 Plymouth assumes it was one of those whipsaw squalls that can e out of south Nevis; but it's hard to swallow。 Not a squall necessarily; but the circumstances。〃
 〃Which were?〃
 〃His usual two crewmen weren't with him。 He dismissed them at the yacht club; saying he wanted to take the boat out by himself; yet he told Henry he was going out for the running big fish…〃
 〃Which means he would've had to have a crew;〃 interrupted the Canadian physician。 〃Oh; sorry。〃
 〃Yes; he would've;〃 agreed the owner of Tranquility Inn。 〃You can't fish the big fellas and skipper a boat at the same time…at least the CG couldn't。 He was afraid to take his eyes off the charts。〃
 〃But he could read them; couldn't he?〃 asked Jason。 〃The charts?〃
 〃As a navigator; he was no Captain Bligh sailing by the Pacific stars; but he was good enough to stay out of trouble。〃
 〃He was told to go out alone;〃 said Bourne。 〃Ordered to rendezvous with a boat in waters that called for him to really keep his eyes on the charts。〃 Jason suddenly realized that the doctor's nimble fingers were no longer touching his neck; instead; there was the constricting bandage and the physician was standing beside him looking down。 〃How are we doing?〃 asked Bourne; looking up; an appreciative smile creasing his lips。
 〃We're done;〃 said the Canadian。
 〃Well 。。。 then I think we'd better meet later; for a drink; all right?〃
 〃Good heavens; you're just getting to the good part。〃
 〃It's not good; Doctor; it's not good at all; and I'd be a very ungrateful patient…which I'm not…if I even unwittingly let you hear things I don't think you should hear。〃
 The elderly Canadian locked his eyes with Jason's。 〃You mean that; don't you? In spite of everything that's happened; you really don't want to involve me any further。 And you're not playing melodramatic games; secrecy for secrecy's sake…an old dodge for inferior doctors; incidentally…but you're really concerned; aren't you?〃
 〃I guess I am。〃
 〃Considering what's happened to you; and I don't just mean these past few hours; which I've been a part of; but what the scars on your body tell me you've been through before; it's rather remarkable that you can be concerned for anyone but yourself。 You're a strange man; Mr。 Webb。 At times you even sound like two different people。〃
 〃I'm not strange; Doctor;〃 said Jason Bourne; momentarily closing his eyes; his lids briefly tight。 〃I don't want to be strange or different or anything exotic at all。 I want to be as normal and ordinary as the next fellow; no games at all。 I'm just a teacher; and that's all I want to be。 But in the present circumstances; I have to do things my way。〃
 〃Which means I leave for my own benefit?〃
 〃Yes; it does。〃
 〃And if I ever learn all the facts; I'll realize that your instructions were very educational。〃
 〃I hope so。〃
 〃I'll bet you're one hell of a teacher; Mr。 Webb。〃
 〃Doctor Webb;〃 interjected John St。 Jacques spontaneously; as if the clarification were mandatory。 〃My brother…in…law's a doctor; too。 Like my sister; he's got a Ph。D。; he speaks a couple of Oriental languages and is a full professor。 Places like Harvard; McGill and Yale have been after him for years; but he won't budge…〃
 〃Will you please be quiet;〃 said Bourne; close to laughing; albeit kindly; at his wife's brother。 〃My entrepreneurial young friend is impressed with any alphabet after a name despite the fact that left to my own resources I couldn't afford one of these villas for more than a couple of days。〃
 〃That's a crock。〃
 〃I said my own resources。〃
 〃You've got a point。〃
 〃I've got a rich wife。 。。。 Forgive us; Doctor; it's an old family argument。〃
 〃Not only a good teacher;〃 the physician repeated; 〃but under the grim exterior I suspect a very engaging one。〃 The Canadian walked to the door; he turned and added; 〃I'll take you up on that drink later; I'd really like that。〃
 〃Thanks;〃 said Jason。 〃Thanks for everything。〃 The doctor nodded and left; closing the door firmly behind him。 Bourne turned to his brother…in…law。 〃He's a good friend; Johnny。〃
 〃Actually; he's a cold fish but a hell of a doctor。 That's the most human I've ever seen him。 。。。 So you figure the Jackal h

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