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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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're diamonds?〃
    〃Yes; a rare form of black diamond。 It was his birthstone。〃
    〃April; I believe。〃
    She merely nodded。
    〃Besides your husband's personal articles; Mrs。 LeBaron; do you recognize anything belonging to Buck Caesar or Joseph Cavilla?〃
    〃I don't recall the jewelry they wore; but I'm certain the other clothing items are what Buck and Joe were wearing when I last saw them。〃
    〃Our investigators can find no next of kin of Caesar and Cavilla;〃 said Sweat。 〃It would be most helpful if you can point out which articles of clothing belonged to whom。〃
    For the first time Jessie LeBaron faltered。 〃I'm not sure。 。 。 I think the denim shorts and flowered shirt are Buck's。 The other things probably belonged to Joe Cavilla。〃 She paused。 〃May we view my husband's body now?〃
    〃I can't change your mind?〃 Rooney asked in a sympathetic voice。
    〃No; I must insist。〃
    〃You'd best do what Mrs。 LeBaron asks;〃 said the governor's aide; who had yet to introduce himself。
    Rooney looked at Sweat and shrugged in resignation。 〃If you will please follow me。 The remains are kept in the refrigeration room。〃
    Obediently; everyone trailed him to a thick door with a small window set at eye level and stood in silence as he yanked on a heavy latch。 Cold air spilled over the threshold and Jessie involuntarily shivered as Rooney motioned them inside。 A morgue attendant appeared and led the way to one of the square doors along the wall。 He swung it open; pulled out a sliding stainless steel table; and stood aside。
    Rooney took one corner of the sheet covering the corpse and hesitated。 This was the only part of his job he hated。 The reaction to viewing the dead usually fell into four categories。 Those who vomited; those who passed out cold; those who broke into hysterics。 But it was the last type that intrigued Rooney。 The ones who stood as if turned to stone and showed no emotion at all。 He would have given a month's salary to know the thoughts circulating through their minds。
    He lifted the sheet。
    The governor's aide took one look; made a pathetic groaning sound; and passed out into the arms of the sheriff。 The grisly work of decay was revealed in all its horror。
    Rooney was astonished by Jessie's response。 She stared long and hard at the grotesque thing that lay rotting on the table。 She sucked in her breath and her whole body went taut。 Then she raised her eyes; not blinking; and spoke in a calm; controlled voice。
    〃That is not my husband!〃
    〃Are you positive?〃 Rooney asked softly。
    〃Look for yourself;〃 she said in a flat monotone。 〃The hairline is wrong。 So is the bone structure。 Raymond had an angular face。 This one is more round。〃
    〃Deposition of the flesh distorts facial features;〃 Rooney explained。
    〃Please study the teeth。〃
    Rooney looked down。 〃What about them?〃
    〃They have silver fillings。〃
    〃I don't follow。〃
    〃My husband's fillings were gold。〃
    There was no arguing with her on that score; thought Rooney。 A man of Raymond LeBaron's wealth wouldn't have settled for cheap dental work。
    〃But the watch; the clothing; you identified them as his。〃
    〃I don't give a damn what I said!〃 she cried。 〃This loathsome thing is not Raymond LeBaron。〃
    Rooney was stunned at her fury。 He stood dazed and unable to speak as she stormed from the icy room。 The sheriff handed the limp aide to the morgue attendant and turned to the coroner。
    〃What in hell do you make of that?〃
    Rooney shook his head。 〃I don't know。〃
    〃My guess is; she went into shock。 Probably fell over the edge and began raving。 You know better than I; most people can't accept the death of a loved one。 She closed her mind and refused to accept the truth。〃
    〃She wasn't raving。〃
    Sweat looked at him。 〃What do you call it?〃
    〃Shrewd acting。〃
    〃How did you pick that out of the air?〃
    〃The wristwatch;〃 answered Rooney。 〃One of my staff worked nights as a jeweler to put himself through medical school。 He spotted it right off。 The expensive Cartier watch Mrs。 LeBaron gave her husband on their anniversary is a fake; one of those inexpensive reproductions that are illegally manufactured in Taiwan or Mexico。〃
    〃Why would a woman who could write a check for a million dollars give her husband a cheap imitation?〃
    〃Raymond LeBaron was no slouch when it came to style and taste。 He must have recognized it for what it was。 Better to ask the question; why did he stoop to wearing it?〃
    〃So you think she put on an act and lied about the body ID?〃
    〃My gut reaction is that she prepared herself for what to expect;〃 Rooney replied。 〃And I'd go; so far as to bet my new Mercedes…Benz that genetic tracing; the dental report; and the results of the rubber casts I made from what remained of the fingerprints and sent to the FBI lab will prove she was right。〃 He turned and peered at the corpse。 〃That isn't Raymond LeBaron lying there on the slab。〃


    Detective Lieutenant Harry Victor; a lead investigator for the Metro Dade County Police Department; sat back in a swivel chair and studied several photographs taken inside the Prosperteer's control cabin。 After several minutes; he raised a pair of rimless glasses over a forehead that slipped under a blond hairpiece and rubbed his eyes。
    Victor was a tidy man; everything in its correct pigeonhole; neatly alphabetized and consecutively numbered; the only cop in the memory of the department who actually enjoyed making out reports。 When most men watched sports on television on weekends or relaxed around a resort swimming pool on vacations; reading Rex Burns detective novels; Victor reviewed files on unsolved cases。 A diehard; he was more fanatical about tying up loose ends than obtaining a conviction。
    The Prosperteer case was unlike any he'd faced in his eighteen years on the force。 Three dead men falling out of the sky in an antique blimp didn't exactly lend itself to routine police investigation。 Leads were nonexistent。 The three bodies in the morgue revealed no clues to where they had been hiding for a week and a half。
    He lowered his glasses and was attacking the photographs again when the desk phone buzzed。 He lifted the receiver and said pensively; 〃Yes?〃
    〃You have a witness to see you about a statement;〃 answered the receptionist。
    〃Send him on back;〃 said Victor。
    He closed the file containing the photographs and laid it on the metal desk; whose surface was antiseptic except for a small sign with his name and the telephone。 He held the receiver to his ear as though receiving a call and swiveled sideways; looking across the spacious homicide office; keeping his eyes focused at an angle toward the door leading to the corridor。
    A uniformed receptionist appeared at the threshold and pointed in Victor's direction。 A tall man nodded; eased past her; and approached。 Victor gestured to a chair opposite the desk and began muttering in a one…way conversation with the dial tone。 It was an old interrogation ploy that gave him an uninterrupted minute to inspect a witness or suspect and mentally construct a profile。 Most important; it was an opportunity to observe habits and odd mannerisms that could be used for leverage later。
    The male seated across from Victor was about thirty…seven or thirty…eight; approximately six foot three; weight 185; give or take five pounds; black hair tending to be a bit wavy; with no indication of gray。 Skin darkened from year…round exposure to the sun。 Eyebrows dark and slightly bushy。 Straight; narrow nose; lips firm with corners turned up in a slight but fixed grin。 Wearing light blue sports coat and off…white slacks; pale yellow polo shirt with collar open。 Good taste; casual but not ultraexpensive; probably purchased at Saks rather than a plush 'men's store。 Nonsmoker; as there was no evidence of cigarette package bulge in coat or shirt。 Arms were folded; suggesting calm and indifference; and the hands were narrow; long and weathered。 No rings or other jewelry; only an old orange…faced diver's watch with a heavy stainless steel band。
    This one didn't follow the general pattern。 The others who had sat in that chair tu

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