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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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    〃There's one small consolation;〃 mumbled Rooney。 He was beginning to have trouble standing。 〃Uncle Sam didn't get everything。〃
    〃Like what?〃
    〃Something omitted from my report。 One lab result that was too controversial to put on paper; too wild to mention outside a looney house。〃
    〃What are you talking about?〃 Sweat demanded。
    〃The cause of death。〃
    〃You said hypothermia。〃
    〃True; but I left out the best part。 You see; I neglected to state the time of death。〃 Rooney's speech was being slurred。
    〃Could only be within the last few days。〃
    〃Oh; no。 Those poor guys froze their guts a long time ago。〃
    〃How long?〃
    〃Anywhere from one to two years ago。〃
    Sheriff Sweat stared at Rooney; incredulous。 But the coroner stood there grinning like a hyena。 He was still grinning when he sagged over the side of the boat and threw up。


    The home of Dirk Pitt was not on a suburban street or in a high…rise condominium overlooking the jungled treetops of Washington。 There was no landscaped yard or next…door neighbors with squealing children and barking dogs。 The house was not a house but an old aircraft hangar that stood on the edge of the capital's International Airport。
    From the outside it appeared deserted。 Weeds surrounded the building and its corrugated walls were weathered and devoid of paint。 The only clue remotely suggesting any occupancy was a row of windows running beneath the huge curved roof。 Though they were stained and layered with dust; none were shattered like those of an abandoned warehouse。
    Pitt thanked the airport maintenance man who had given him a lift from the terminal area。 Glancing around to see that he wasn't observed; he took a small transmitter from his coat pocket and issued a series of voice mands that closed down the security systems and opened a side door that looked as if it hadn't swung on its hinges for thirty years。
    He entered and stepped onto a polished concrete floor that held nearly three dozen gleaming; classic automobiles; an antique airplane; and a turn…of…the…century railroad car。 He paused and stared fondly at the chassis of a French Talbot…Lago sports coupe that was in an early stage of reconstruction。 The car had been nearly destroyed in an explosion; and he was determined to restore the twisted remains to their previous elegance and beauty。
    He hauled his suitcase and garment bag up a circular staircase to his apartment; elevated against the far wall of the hangar。 His watch read 2:15 PM。; but his mind and body felt as though it was closer to midnight。 After unpacking his luggage; he decided to spend a few hours working on the Talbot…Lago and take a shower later。 He had already donned a pair of old coveralls and his hand was pulling open the drawer of a toolbox; when a loud chime echoed through the hangar。 He pulled a cordless phone from a deep pocket。
    〃Mr。 Pitt; please;〃 said a female voice。
    〃One moment。〃
    After waiting for nearly two minutes; Pitt cut the connection and began rebuilding the Talbot's distributor。 Another five minutes passed before the chime sounded again。 He opened the line and said nothing。
    〃Are you still there; sir?〃 asked the same voice。
    〃Yes;〃 Pitt replied indifferently; tucking the phone between his shoulder and ear as he kept working with his hands。
    〃This is Sandra Cabot; Mrs。 Jessie LeBaron's personal secretary。 Am I talking to Dirk Pitt?〃
    Pitt took an instant dislike to people who couldn't dial their own phone calls。 〃You are。〃
    〃Mrs。 LeBaron wishes to meet with you。 Can you e to the house at four o'clock?〃
    〃Pretty fast off the mark; aren't you?〃
    〃I beg your pardon?〃
    〃Sorry; Miss Cabot; but I have to doctor a sick car。 Maybe if Mrs。 LeBaron cares to drop by my place; we could talk。〃
    〃I'm afraid that won't do。 She's holding a formal cocktail party in the greenhouse later in the evening that will be attended by the Secretary of State。 She can't possibly break away。〃
    〃Some other time then。〃
    There was an icy silence; then Miss Cabot said; 〃You don't understand。〃
    〃You're right; I don't understand。〃
    〃Doesn't the name LeBaron mean anything to you?〃
    〃No more than Shagnasty; Quagmire; or Smith;〃 Pitt lied fiendishly。
    She seemed lost for a moment。 〃Mr。 LeBaron〃

    〃We can cut the fun and games;〃 Pitt interrupted。 〃I'm quite aware of Raymond LeBaron's reputation。 And I can save us both time by saying I have nothing to add to the mystery surrounding his disappearance and death。 Tell Mrs。 LeBaron she has my condolences。 That's all I can offer。〃
    Cabot took a deep breath and exhaled。 〃Please; Mr。 Pitt; I know she would be most grateful if you could see her。〃
    Pitt could almost see her speaking the word 〃please〃 through clenched teeth。 〃All right;〃 he said。 〃I guess I can make it。 What's the address?〃
    The arrogance quickly returned to her tone。 〃I'll send the chauffeur to pick you up。〃
    〃If it's all the same to you; I'd prefer to drive my own car。 I get claustrophobic in limousines。〃
    〃If you insist;〃 she said stiffly。 〃You'll find the house at the end of Beacon Drive in Great Falls Estates。〃
    〃I'll check a street map。〃
    〃By the way; what kind of car do you drive?〃
    〃Why do you want to know?〃
    〃To inform the guard at the gate。〃
    Pitt hesitated and looked across the hangar floor at a car parked by the main door。 〃An old convertible。〃
    〃Yes; a 1951。〃
    〃Then would you be so kind to park in the lot by the servants' house。 It's to the right as you e up the drive。〃
    〃Aren't you ever ashamed of the way you dictate to people?〃
    〃I don't have to be ashamed of anything; Mr。 Pitt。 We'll expect you at four。〃
    〃Will you be through with me before the guests arrive?〃 asked Pitt; his voice heavy with sarcasm。 〃I wouldn't want to embarrass anyone by having them see my old junk car littering the grounds。〃
    〃Not to worry;〃 she replied testily。 〃The party doesn't begin until eight。 Goodbye。〃
    After Sandra Cabot hung up; Pitt walked over to the convertible; staring at it for several moments。 He removed the floorboards under the rear seat and clipped on the cables of a battery charger。 Then he returned to the Talbot…Lago and calmly took up where he left off。

    At precisely eight…thirty; the security guard at the LeBaron estate's front gate greeted a young couple driving a yellow Ferrari; checked their names on the party list; and waved them through。 Next came a Chrysler limousine carrying the President's chief adviser; Daniel Fawcett; and his wife。
    The guard was immune to the exotic cars and their celebrity occupants。 He raised his hands over his head in a bored stretch and yawned。 Then his hands froze in midair and his mouth snapped shut as he found himself staring at the largest car he'd ever seen。
    The car was a veritable monster; measuring nearly twenty…two feet from bumper to bumper and weighing well over three tons。 The hood and doors were silver…gray and the fenders a metallic maroon。 A convertible; its top was pletely hidden from view when folded down。 The body lines were smooth and elegant in the grand manner; an example of flawless craftsmanship seldom equaled。
    〃That's some kind of car;〃 the guard finally said。 〃What is it?〃
    〃A Daimler;〃 replied Pitt。
    〃Sounds British。〃
    〃It is。〃
    The guard shook his head in admiration and looked at his guest list。 〃Your name; please。〃
    〃I can't seem to find your name。 Do you have an invitation?〃
    〃Mrs。 LeBaron and I had an earlier appointment。〃
    The guard went into the gatehouse and checked a clipboard。 〃Yes; sir; your appointment was for four o'clock。〃
    〃When I phoned to say I was running late; she said to join the party。〃
    〃Well; since she expected you;〃 the guard said; still soaking in the Daimler's lines; 〃I guess it's all right。 Have a good evening。〃
    Pitt nodded a thank…you and eased the immense car silently up the winding drive to the LeBaron residence。 The main building sat on a low hill above a tennis court and a swimming pool。 The architecture was mon to the area; a three…s

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