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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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    〃Oh?〃 Yasenin asked; his irritation turning to curiosity。 He decided to pin Rykov down。 〃All right。 I'll hear you out。 What's so vital to the interest of Mother Russia that it can't go through prescribed channels?〃
    Rykov spoke very calmly。 〃I have proof that someone is on the moon。〃

    Forty…five minutes later; General Yasenin strode into the photo analysis laboratory of the Geophysical Space Center。 Big; beefy; and red of face; he wore a rumpled uniform that was ablaze with decorations。 The hair was smoke…gray; the eyes steady and hard。 He walked quietly; his head thrust out as if stalking a prey。
    〃You Rykov?〃 he asked without prelude。
    〃Yes;〃 Rykov said simply but firmly。
    They stared at each other a moment; neither making any attempt at shaking hands。 Finally; Rykov cleared his throat and motioned toward the stereoscope。
    〃This way; General;〃 he said。 〃Please lie prone on the leather cushion and look through the eyepiece。〃
    As Yasenin positioned himself over the photo montage he asked; 〃What am I searching for?〃
    〃Focus on the small area I've circled;〃 replied Rykov。
    The general adjusted the lenses to his vision and peered downward; his face impassive。 After a full minute; he looked up strangely; then bent over the stereoscope again。 At last he slowly rose and stared at Rykov; eyes stark in open astonishment。
    〃This is not a photographic trick?〃 he asked dumbly。
    〃No; General。 What you see is real。 Two human forms; wearing encapsulated suits; are aiming some sort of device at Selenos 4。〃
    Yasenin's mind could not accept what his eyes saw to be true。 〃It's not impossible。 Where do they e from?〃
    Rykov shrugged helplessly。 〃I don't know。 If they're not United States astronauts; they can only be aliens。〃
    〃I do not believe in supernatural fairy tales。〃
    〃But how could the Americans launch men to the moon without the event leaking to the world news media or our intelligence people?〃
    〃Suppose they left men behind and stockpiled material during the Apollo program。 Such an effort might be possible。〃
    〃Their last known lunar landing was by Apollo 17 in 1972;〃 Rykov recalled。 〃No human could survive the harsh lunar conditions for seventeen years without being resupplied。〃
    〃I can think of no one else;〃 Yasenin insisted。
    He returned to the stereoscope and intently studied the human forms standing in the crater。 The sun's glare was ing from the right; throwing their shadows to the left。 Their suits were white; and he could make out the dark green viewports on the helmets。 They were of a design unfamiliar to him。 Yasenin could clearly distinguish footprints leading into a pitch…black shadow cast by the crater's rim。
    〃I know what you're looking for; General;〃 said Rykov; 〃but I've already examined the landscape on the floor of the crater and cannot find any sign of their spacecraft。〃
    〃Perhaps they climbed down from the top?〃
    〃That's a sheer drop of over a thousand feet。〃
    〃I'm at a loss to explain any of this;〃 Yasenin admitted quietly。
    〃Please look closely at the device they're both holding and pointing at Selenos 4。 It seems to be a large camera with an extremely long telephoto lens。〃
    〃No;〃 said Yasenin。 〃You're treading in my territory now。 Not a camera but a weapon。〃
    〃A laser?〃
    〃Nothing so advanced。 Strikes me as a hand…held surface…to…air missile system of American manufacture。 A Lariat type 40; I should say。 Homes in with a guidance beam; ten…mile range on earth; probably much more in the moon's rarefied atmosphere。 Became operational with NATO forces about six years ago。 So much for your alien theory。〃
    Rykov was awed。 〃Every ounce of weight is precious in space flight。 Why carry something so heavy and useless as a rocket launcher?〃
    〃The men in the crater found a purpose。 They used it against Selenos 4。〃
    Rykov thought a moment。 〃That would explain why the scanners stopped operating a minute later。 They were damaged
    〃By a hit from a rocket;〃 Yasenin finished。
    〃We were fortunate the scanners finally relayed the digitized data before it crashed。〃
    〃A pity the crew were not so lucky。〃
    Rykov stared at the general; not sure he'd heard right。 〃Selenos 4 was unmanned。〃
    Yasenin pulled a slim gold case from his coat; selected a cigarette; and lit it with a lighter embedded in the top。 Then he slid the case back into a breast pocket。
    〃Yes; of course; Selenos 4 was unmanned。〃
    〃But you said
    Yasenin smiled coldly。 〃I said nothing。〃
    The message was clear。 Rykov valued his position too much to pursue the subject。 He simply nodded。
    〃Do you wish a report on what we've seen here tonight?〃 Rykov asked。
    〃The original; no copies; on my desk by ten o'clock tomorrow。 And; Rykov; consider this a state secret of the highest priority。〃
    〃I will confide in no one but you; General。〃
    〃Good man。 There may be party honor in this for you。〃
    Rykov wasn't going to hold his breath waiting for the award; yet he could not suppress a glow of pride in his work。
    Yasenin returned to the stereoscope; drawn to the image of the intruders on the moon。 〃So the fabled star wars have begun;〃 he murmured to himself。 〃And the Americans have launched the first blow。〃


    Pitt rejected any thought of lunch; and opened one of several granola bars he kept in his desk。 Fumbling with the wrapper; held over a wastebasket to catch the crumbs; he kept his concentration locked on a large nautical chart spread across the desk。 The chart's tendency to curl was held down by a memo pad and two books on historic shipwrecks that were opened to chapters on the Cyclops。 The chart covered a large area of the Old Bahama Channel; flanked on the south by the Archipelago de Camaguey; a group of scattered islands off the coast of Cuba; and the shallow waters of the Great Bahama Bank to the north。 The upper left corner of the chart took in the Cay Sal Bank; whose southeastern tip included the Anguilla Cays。
    He sat back and took a bite out of the granola bar。 Then he bent over the chart again; sharpened a pencil; and picked up a pair of dividers。 Setting the needle tips of the dividers on the scale printed on the bottom of the chart; he measured off twenty nautical miles and carefully marked the distance from the tip of the Anguilla Cays with a penciled dot。 Next; he described a short arc another fifty miles to the southeast。 He labeled the top dot Crogan Castle and the lower arc Cyclops with a question mark。
    Somewhere above the arc is where the Cyclops sank; he reasoned。 A logical assumption given the fact of the lumber freighter's position at the time of her distress signal and the Cyclops' distance as given in her reply。
    The only problem was that Raymond LeBaron's piece of the puzzle didn't fit。
    From his experience in searching for shipwrecks; Pitt was convinced LeBaron had performed the same exercise a hundred times; only delving deeper into currents; known weather conditions at the time of the loss; and the projected speed of the Navy collier。 But one conclusion always came out the same。 The Cyclops should have gone down in the middle of the channel under 260 fathoms of water; over 1;500 feet to the bottom。 Far too deep to be visible to anything other than a fish。
    Pitt relaxed in his chair and stared at the markings on the chart。 Unless LeBaron dredged up information nobody else knew about; what was he searching for? Certainly not the Cyclops; and certainly not from a blimp。 A side…scan survey from a surface craft or a deepdiving submersible would have been better suited for the job。
    In addition; the prime search area was only twenty miles off Cuba。 Hardly a fortable place to cruise around in a slow…flying gas bag。 Castro's gunboats would have declared open season on such an easy target。
    He was sitting lost in contemplation; nibbling on the granola bar; trying to see a probability in Raymond LeBaron's scheme that he had missed; when his desk speaker beeped。 He pressed the Talk switch。
    〃Sandecker。 Can you e up to my office?〃
    〃Five minutes; Admiral。〃
    〃Try for two。〃
    Admiral James Sande

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