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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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    〃Sandecker。 Can you e up to my office?〃
    〃Five minutes; Admiral。〃
    〃Try for two。〃
    Admiral James Sandecker was the director of the National Underwater and Marine Agency。 A man in his late fifties; he was of short stature; his body thin and stringy but hard as armor plating。 The straight hair and Vandyke beard were blaze red。 A fitness freak; he adhered to a strict exercise regimen。 His naval career was distinguished more by hard…nosed efficiency than sea bat tactics。 And though he wasn't popular in Washington social circles; politicians respected him for his integrity and organizational ability。
    The admiral greeted Pitt's entry into his office with nothing more than a curt nod; then gestured to a woman sitting in a leather chair across the room。
    〃Dirk; I understand you've met Mrs。 Jessie LeBaron。〃
    She looked up and smiled; but it was an ingratiating smile。 Pitt bowed slightly and pressed her hand。
    〃Sorry;〃 he said indifferently。 〃I'd rather forget I know Mrs。 LeBaron。〃
    Sandecker's eyebrows pinched together。 〃Am I missing something?〃
    〃My fault;〃 said Jessie; staring into Pitt's eyes but seeing only green ice。 〃I was very rude to Mr。 Pitt last night。 I hope he accepts my apology and forgives my bad manners。〃
    〃You needn't act so formal; Mrs。 LeBaron。 Since we're old pals; I won't throw a tantrum if you call me Dirk。 As to forgiving you; how much is it going to cost me?〃
    〃My intent was to hire you;〃 she replied; ignoring the gibe。
    He gave Sandecker a bemused look。 〃Strange; I had this funny idea I worked for NUMA。〃
    〃Admiral Sandecker has kindly consented to release you for a few days; providing; of course; you're agreeable;〃 she added。
    〃To do what?〃
    〃To look for my husband。〃
    〃No deal。〃
    〃May I ask why?〃
    〃I have other projects。〃
    〃You won't work for me because I'm a woman。 Is that it?〃
    〃Sex has no bearing on my decision。 Let's just say I don't work for someone I can't respect。〃
    There was an embarrassed silence。 Pitt looked at the admiral。 The lips were turned down in a grimace; but the eyes fairly twinkled。 The old bastard was enjoying this; he thought。
    〃You've misjudged me; Dirk。〃 Jessie's face was flushed in confusion; but her eyes were hard as crystal。
    〃Please。〃 Sandecker raised both hands。 〃Let's call a truce。 I suggest you two get together some evening and have it out over dinner。〃
    Pitt and Jessie stared at each other for a long moment。 Then Pitt's mouth slowly spread in a wide infectious smile。 〃I'm willing; providing I pay。〃
    Despite herself Jessie had to smile too。 〃Allow me some self…respect。 Let's split the bill?〃
    〃Now we can get on with the business at hand;〃 Sandecker said in his no…nonsense way。 〃Before you arrived; Dirk; we were discussing theories on Mr。 LeBaron's disappearance。〃
    Pitt looked at Jessie。 〃There is no doubt in your mind that the bodies in the blimp were not those of Mr。 LeBaron and his crew?〃
    Jessie shook her head。 〃None。〃
    〃I saw them。 There wasn't much left to identify。〃
    〃The corpse lying in the morgue was more muscular than Raymond;〃 explained Jessie。 〃Also; he'd been wearing an imitation of a Cartier wristwatch。 One of those cheap replicas made in Taiwan。 I'd given my husband an expensive original on our first anniversary。〃
    〃I've made a few calls on my own;〃 added Sandecker。 〃The Miami coroner backed Jessie's judgment。 Physical characteristics of the bodies in the morgue didn't match the three men who took off in the Prosperteer。〃
    Pitt looked from Sandecker to Jessie LeBaron; realizing he was getting involved in something he had wished to avoid the emotional entanglements plicating any project that depended on solid research; practical engineering; and razor…sharp organization。
    〃Bodies and clothes switched;〃 said Pitt。 〃Personal jewelry replaced with fakes。 Any thoughts on a motive; Mrs。 LeBaron?〃
    〃I don't know what to think。〃
    〃Did you know that between the time the blimp vanished and when it reappeared in Key Biscayne the gas bags inside the hull would have had to be reinflated with helium?〃
    She opened her purse; took out a Kleenex; and daintily dabbed at her nose; to give her something to do with her hands。 〃After the police released the Prosperteer; my husband's crew chief inspected every inch of her。 I have his report; if you care to see it。 You're very perceptive。 He found that the gas bags had been refilled。 Not with helium; but with hydrogen。〃
    Pitt looked up in surprise。 〃Hydrogen? That hasn't been used in airships since the Hindenburg burned。〃
    〃Not to worry;〃 said Sandecker。 〃The Prosperteer's gas bags have been refilled with helium。〃
    〃So what's going down?〃 Pitt asked cautiously。
    Sandecker gave him a hard look。 〃I hear you want to go after the Cyclops。〃
    〃It's no secret;〃 answered Pitt。
    〃You'd have to do it on your own time without NUMA personnel and equipment。 Congress would eat me alive if they learned I sanctioned a treasure hunt with government funds。〃
    〃I'm aware of that。〃
    〃Will you listen to another proposal?〃
    〃I'll listen。〃
    〃I'm not going to hand you a lot of double…talk about doing me a great service by keeping this conversation to yourself。 If it gets out I go down the drain; but that's my problem。 True?〃
    〃If you say so; yes。〃
    〃You were scheduled to direct a survey of the sea floor in the Bering Sea off the Aleutians next month。 I'll bring in Jack Harris from the deep…ocean mining project to replace you。 To head off any questions or later investigations or bureaucratic wrongdoing; we'll sever your connections with NUMA。 As of now; you're on leave of absence until you find Raymond LeBaron。〃
    〃Find Raymond LeBaron;〃 Pitt repeated sarcastically。 〃A piece of cake。 The trail is two weeks cold and getting colder by the hour。 No motive; no leads; not one clue to why he vanished; who did it; and how。 Impossible is an understatement。〃
    〃Will you at least give it a try?〃 asked Sandecker。
    Pitt stared at the teakwood planking that made up the floor of the admiral's office; his eyes seeing a tropical sea two thousand miles away。 He disliked being linked with a riddle without being able to calculate at the very least an approximate solution。 He knew Sandecker knew that he would accept the challenge。 Chasing after an unknown over the next horizon was a lure Pitt could never resist。
    〃If I take this on; I'd need NUMA's best scientific team to man a first…rate research vessel。 The resources and political clout to back me up。 Military support in case of trouble。〃
    〃Dirk; my hands are tied。 I can offer you nothing。〃
    〃You heard me。 The situation requires the search be conducted as quietly as possible。 You'll have to make do without any help from NUMA。〃
    〃Have you got both oars in the water?〃 Pitt demanded。 〃You expect me; one man working alone; to acplish what half the Navy; Air Force; and Coast Guard failed to do? Why; hell; they couldn't find a one…hundred…and…fifty…foot airship until it showed up on its own。 What am I supposed to use; a dowser and a canoe?〃
    〃The idea;〃 Sandecker explained patiently; 〃is to fly LeBaron's last known course in the Prosperteer。〃
    Pitt slowly sank into an office sofa。 〃This is the craziest scheme I've ever heard;〃 he said; unbelieving。 He turned to Jessie。 〃Do you go along with this?〃
    〃I'll do whatever it takes to find my husband;〃 she said evenly。
    〃A cuckoo's nest;〃 Pitt said gravely。 He stood and began to pace the room; clasping and unclasping his hands。 〃Why the secrecy? Your husband was an important man; a celebrity; a confidant of the rich and famous; closely connected with high government officials; a financial guru to executives of major corporations。 Why in God's name am I the only man in the country who can search for him?〃
    〃Dirk;〃 Sandecker said softly。 〃Raymond LeBaron's financial empire touches hundreds of thousands of people。 Right now; it's hanging in limbo because he's still among the missing。 It can't be proven whether he's alive or dead。 The government has called off any further hunt; because over five million dollars have been spent by mil

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