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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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is hand would be an understatement。
    Hagen sat fascinated。 This was all news to him。
    〃If you'll bear with me;〃 the President continued; 〃I'll indulge in mixing facts with speculation。 To begin with; you and your moon colonists have acplished an incredible achievement。 I pliment you on your perseverance and genius; as will the world in the ing weeks。 However; you have unwittingly made a terrible error that could easily stain your acplishment。
    〃In your zeal to wave the Stars and Stripes you have ignored the international space law treaty governing activities on the moon; which was ratified by the United States; the Soviet Union; and three other countries in 1984。 Then you took it upon yourselves to claim the moon as a sovereign possession and; figuratively speaking; posted ‘Trespassers Will Be Shot' signs。 Only you backed it up by somehow destroying three Soviet lunar probes。 One of them; Selenos 4; managed to return to earth; where it orbited for eighteen months before control was reestablished。 Soviet space engineers attempted to bring it down in the steppes of Kazakhstan; but the craft was damaged and it fell near Cuba instead。
    〃Under the guise of a treasure hunt; you sent Raymond LeBaron to find it before the Russians。 Telltale marks of damage inflicted by your colonists had to be obliterated。 But the Cubans beat you both to the downed craft and retrieved it。 You weren't aware of that until now; and the Russians still don't know。 Unless。 。 。〃
    The President hung on the word。 〃Unless Raymond LeBaron has spilled his knowledge of the Jersey Colony under torture。 I have it on good authority he was captured by the Cubans and turned over to Soviet military intelligence; the GRU。〃
    〃Raymond won't talk;〃 Hudson said wrathfully。
    〃He may not have to;〃 the President replied。 〃A few hours ago intelligence analysts; whom I asked to reexamine Soviet space signals received during Selenos 4's reentry orbits; have discovered that its data on the lunar surface were transmitted to a ground tracking station on the island of Socotra; near Yemen。 Do you prehend the consequences; gentlemen?〃
    〃We prehend what you're driving at。〃 It was General Fisher who spoke; his voice reflective。 〃The Soviets may have visual proof of the Jersey Colony。〃
    〃Yes; and they've probably put two and two together and figured your people up there had something to do with the Selenos disasters。 You can be sure they will retaliate。 No calls on the hot line; no messages slipped through diplomatic channels; no announcements in Toss or Pravda。 The battle for the moon will be kept secret by both sides。 When you total the score; gentlemen; the result is you have launched a war that may prove impossible to stop。〃
    The men seated around the table were shocked and confused; dazed and angry。 But they were angry only because of a miscalculation of an event that was beyond their knowledge。 The awful truth took several moments to register。
    〃You speak of Soviet retaliation; Mr。 President;〃 said Fawcett。 〃Do you have any insight on the possibility?〃
    〃Put yourself in Soviet shoes。 They were on to you a good week before their Selenos 8 lunar station was launched。 If I were President Antonov; I'd have ordered the mission converted from scientific exploration to a military operation。 There is little doubt in my mind that when Selenos 8 touches down on the moon twenty hours from now; a special team of Soviet mandos will encircle and attack the Jersey Colony。 Now you tell me; can the base defend itself?〃
    General Fisher looked at Hudson; then turned to the President and shrugged his shoulders。 〃I can't say。 We've never made contingency plans for an armed assault on the colony。 As I recall; their only weapons are two handguns and a missile launcher。〃
    〃Incidentally; when were your colonists scheduled to leave the moon?〃
    〃They should lift off in about thirty…six hours;〃 answered Hudson。
    〃I'm curious;〃 said the President。 〃How do they intend to return through earth's atmosphere? Certainly their lunar transport vehicle doesn't have the capability。〃
    Hudson smiled。 〃They'll return to the Kennedy spaceport at Cape Canaveral on the shuttle。〃
    The President sighed。 〃The Gettysburg。 Stupid of me not to think of it。 She's already docked at our space station。〃
    〃Her crew hasn't been advised yet;〃 said Steve Busche of NASA; 〃but once they get over the shock of seeing the colonists suddenly show up on the transport vehicle; they'll be more than willing to take on extra passengers。〃
    The President paused and stared at the members of the 〃inner core;〃 his expression suddenly bleak。 〃The burning question we all have to face; gentlemen; is whether the Jersey colonists will survive to make the trip。〃


    〃Do you really expect to get away with it?〃 Pitt asked。
    Colonel Ramon Kleist; U。S。 Marine Corps; Retired; rocked on his heels and scratched an itch on his back with a swagger stick。 〃So long as we can withdraw as a unit with our casualties; yes; I believe the mission can be pulled off successfully。〃
    〃Nothing this plicated can go letter perfect;〃 said Pitt。 〃Destroying the pound and the antenna; plus killing off Velikov and his entire staff; sound to me like you're biting off more than you can chew。〃
    〃Your eyewitness observation and our stealth aircraft photos corroborate the light defensive measures。〃
    〃How many men make up your team?〃 asked Pitt。
    〃Thirty…one including yourself〃
    〃The Russians are bound to find out who trashed their secret base。 You'll be kicking a hornet's nest。〃
    〃All part of the plan;〃 Kleist said airily。
    Kleist stood ramrod straight; his chest threatening to burst from a flowered shirt。 Pitt guessed his age as late fifties。 He was a medium skinned black; born in Argentina; the only child of a former SS officer who had fled Germany after the war and the daughter of a Liberian diplomat。 Sent to a private school in New York; he decided to drop out and make a career in the Marines。
    〃I thought there was an unwritten agreement between the CIA and the KGB we won't waste your agents if you don't waste ours。〃
    The colonel gave Pitt an innocent look。 〃Whatever gave you the idea our side will do the dirty work?〃
    Pitt did not reply; only stared at Kleist; waiting。
    〃The mission will be conducted by Cuban Special Security Forces;〃 he explained。 〃Their equivalent to our SEALS。 Or to be honest; expertly trained exiles dressed in genuine Cuban battle fatigues。 Even their underwear and socks will be standard Cuban military issue。 Weapons; wristwatches; and other equipment will be of Soviet manufacture。 And; just so we keep up appearances; the landing will e from the Cuban side of the island。〃
    〃All neat and tidy。〃
    〃We try to be efficient。〃
    〃Are you leading the mission?〃
    Kleist smiled。 〃No; I'm getting too old to leap out of the surf onto beaches。 The assault team will be led by Major Angelo Quintana。 You'll meet him at our camp in San Salvador。 I'll be standing by on the SPUT。〃
    〃Say again。〃
    〃Special…purpose undersea transport;〃 answered Kleist; 〃a vessel constructed expressly for missions of this kind。 Most people don't know they exist。 You'll find it most interesting。〃
    〃I'm not what you'd call trained for bat。〃
    〃Your job is purely to guide the team into the pound and show them the ventilator access to the garage area。 Then you're to return to the beach and stay under cover until the mission is pleted。〃
    〃Do you have a timetable for the raid?〃
    Kleist had a pained expression。 〃We prefer to call it a covert operation。〃
    〃Sorry; I've never read your bureaucratic manual on semantics。〃
    〃In answer to your question; the landing is set for 0200 four days from now。〃
    〃Four days may be too late to save my friends。〃
    Kleist looked genuinely concerned。 〃We're already working on short notice and cutting our practice exercises razor thin。 We need time to cover every uncertainty; every freak event。 The plan has to be as airtight as our puter's tactical programs can make it。〃
    〃And if there's a human flaw in your plan?〃
    Any expression of friendly warmth left Kleis

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