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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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ls; but he was sure it was on board the Cyclops when it disappeared。 He and Hans spent two years dragging some sort of instrument that detected iron up and down the Caribbean。 Finally; they found the wreck。 Ray borrowed some money from his mother to buy diving equipment and a small salvage boat。 He sailed ahead to Cuba to set up a base of operations while Hans was finishing up a job off New Jersey。〃
    〃Did you ever receive a letter or a phone call from Hans after he sailed on the Monterey?〃
    〃He called once from Cuba。 All he said was that he and Ray were leaving for the wreck site the next day。 Two weeks later; Ray returned and told me Hans had died from the bends and was buried at sea。〃
    〃And the treasure?〃
    〃Ray described it as a huge golden statue;〃 she replied。 〃He somehow raised it onto the salvage boat and took it to Cuba。〃
    Pitt stood; stretched; and knelt beside Hilda again。 〃Odd that he didn't bring the statue back to the States。〃
    〃He was afraid that Brazil; the state of Florida; the federal government; other treasure hunters and marine archeologists would confiscate or tie up the La Dorada in court claims and eventually leave him nothing。 Then; of course; there was always the Internal Revenue Service。 Ray couldn't see giving away millions of dollars in taxes if he could get around it。 So he told no one but me of the discovery。〃
    〃What ever became of it?〃
    〃Ray removed a giant ruby from the statue's heart; cut it up into small stones; and sold them piecemeal。〃
    〃And that was the beginning of the LeBaron financial empire;〃 said Pitt。
    〃Yes; but before Ray could cut up the emerald head or melt down the gold; Castro came to power and he was forced to hide the statue。 He never told me where he hid it。〃
    〃Then the La Dorada is still buried somewhere in Cuba。〃
    〃I'm certain Ray was never able to return and retrieve it。〃
    〃Did you see Mr。 LeBaron after that?〃
    〃Oh my; yes;〃 she said brightly。 〃We were married。〃
    〃You were the first Mrs。 LeBaron?〃 Pitt asked; astonished。
    〃For thirty…three years。〃
    〃But the records say his first wife's name was Hillary and she died some years ago。〃
    〃Ray preferred Hillary over Hilda when he became wealthy。 Thought it had more class。 My death was a convenient arrangement for him when I became ill divorcing an invalid was abhorrent to him。 So he buried Hillary LeBaron; while Hilda Kronberg withers away here。〃
    〃That strikes me as inhumanly cruel。〃
    〃My husband was generous if not passionate。 We lived two different lives。 But I don't mind。 Jessie es to see me occasionally。〃
    〃The second Mrs。 LeBaron?〃
    〃A very charming and thoughtful person。〃
    〃How can she be married to him if you're still alive?〃
    She smiled brightly。 〃The one time Ray made a bad deal。 The doctors told him I had only a few months to live。 But I fooled them all and have hung on for seven years。〃
    〃That makes him a bigamist as well as a murderer and a thief。〃
    Hilda did not argue。 〃Ray is a plicated man。 He takes far more than he gives。〃
    〃If I were you I'd nail him to the nearest cross。〃
    〃Too late for me; Mr。 Pitt。〃 She looked up at him; a sudden twinkle in her eyes。 〃But you could do something in my place。〃
    〃Name it。〃
    〃Find the La Dorada;〃 she said fervently。 〃Find the statue and give it to the world。 See that it's displayed to the public。 That would hurt Ray more than losing his magazine。 But more important; it's what Hans would have wanted。〃
    Pitt took her hand and held it。 〃Hilda;〃 he said softly; 〃I'll do my damnedest。〃


    Hudson adjusted the clarity of the image and nodded a greeting at the face staring back。 〃Eli; I have someone who has asked to talk to you。〃
    〃Always happy to see a new face;〃 Steinmetz replied cheerfully。
    Another man took Hudson's place beneath the video camera and monitor。 He gazed in fascination for a few moments before speaking。
    〃Are you really on the moon?〃 he asked finally。
    〃Show time;〃 Steinmetz said with an agreeable smile。 He moved offscreen and lifted the portable camera from its tripod and panned it through a quartz window at the lunar landscape。 〃Sorry I can't show you earth; but we're on the wrong side of the ball。〃
    〃I believe you。〃
    Steinmetz replaced the camera and moved in front of it again。 He leaned forward and stared into his monitor。 His smile slowly faded and his eyes took on a questioning look。 〃Are you who I think you are?〃
    〃Do you recognize me?〃
    〃You look and sound like the President。〃
    It was the President's turn to smile。 〃I wasn't sure you were aware; knowing that I was a senator when you left earth; and newspapers aren't delivered in your neighborhood。〃
    〃When the moon's orbit around the earth is in the proper position we can tap into most munication satellites。 During the crew's last rest break; they watched the latest Paul Newman movie on Home Box Office。 We also devour the Cable News Network programs like starving dogs。〃
    〃The Jersey Colony is an incredible achievement。 A grateful nation will forever be in your debt。〃
    〃Thank you; Mr。 President; though it es as a surprise that Leo jumped the gun and announced the success of the project before our return to earth。 That wasn't part of the plan。〃
    〃There has been no public announcement;〃 said the President; being serious。 〃Next to you and your colony people; I am the only one outside the ‘inner core' who is aware of your existence; except maybe the Russians。〃
    Steinmetz stared at him across 240;000 miles of space。 〃How could they know about the Jersey Colony?〃
    The President paused to look at Hudson; who was standing out of camera range。 Hudson shook his head。
    〃The Selenos lunar photo probes;〃 answered the President; omitting any reference to them being manned。 〃One managed to send its data back to the Soviet Union。 We think it showed the Jersey Colony。 We also have reason to believe the Russians suspect you destroyed the probes from the lunar surface。〃
    An uneasy apprehension showed in Steinmetz's eyes。 〃You think they plan to attack us; is that it?〃
    〃Yes; Eli; I do;〃 said the President。 〃Selenos 8; the Soviet lunar station; entered orbit around the moon three hours ago。 NASA puters project it to pass up a safe landing site on the face and e down on the dark side in your block of the neighborhood。 A risky gamble unless they have a definite objective。〃
    〃The Jersey Colony。〃
    〃Their lunar landing vehicle holds seven men;〃 the President continued。 〃The craft requires two pilot…engineers to direct its flight。 That leaves five for bat。〃
    〃There are ten of us;〃 said Steinmetz。 〃Two to one; not bad odds。〃
    〃Except they'll have firepower and training on their side。 These men will be the deadliest team the Russians can field。〃
    〃You paint a grim picture; Mr。 President。 What would you have us do?〃
    〃You've acplished far more than any of us had any right to expect。 But the deck is stacked against you。 Destroy the colony and get out before there's any bloodshed。 I want you and your people safely back on earth to receive the honors you deserve。〃
    〃I don't think you quite realize what we've busted our asses to build here。〃
    〃Whatever you've done isn't worth your lives。〃
    〃We've all lived with death for six years;〃 said Steinmetz slowly。 〃A few more hours won't matter。〃
    〃Don't throw it all away on an impossible fight;〃 the President argued。
    〃Sorry; Mr。 President; but you're talking to a man who lost his daddy at a little sand spit called Wake Island。 I'll put it to a vote; but I already know the oute。 The other guys won't cut and run any more than I will。 We'll stay and fight。〃
    The President felt proud and defeated at the same time。 〃What weapons do you have?〃 he asked wearily。
    〃Our arsenal consists of one used rocket launcher; which is down to its last shell; an M…14 National Match rifle; and a twenty…two…caliber target pistol。 We brought them for a series of gravity experiments。〃
    〃You're outclassed; Eli;〃 the President said miserably。 〃Can't you realize that?〃
    〃No; sir。 I refuse to quit on a technicality。〃
    〃What technical

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