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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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e eliminating questions by the curious over new construction of one vast development center。〃
    〃How was the operation kept secret?〃 the President asked。 〃Surely there were leaks。〃
     Joe shrugged。 〃A simple technique。 The research teams had their own pet projects。 Each worked at a different location。 The old act of one hand not knowing what the other was doing。 The hardware was farmed out to small manufacturers。 It was that elementary。 The difficult part was coordinating the efforts under NASA's nose without letting their people know what was going on。 So phony military officers were moved into the space centers at Cape Canaveral and
Houston; also one at the Pentagon to backstop any embarrassing probes。〃
    〃Are you saying the Defense Department knows nothing of this?〃
    Joe smiled。 〃The easiest part。 One member of the ‘inner core' was a high…ranking staff officer; whose name is of no importance to you。 He had no problem burying another military mission in the labyrinth of the Pentagon。〃
    Joe paused as they pulled up beside the ball。 The President played another shot as if he were sleepwalking。 He returned to the cart and stared at Joe。
    〃Doesn't seem possible NASA could be so pletely hoodwinked。〃
    〃Again; one of the Space Administration's key directors belonged to the ‘inner core。' His vision was also that of a permanent base with limitless opportunity instead of focusing on a few temporary manned landings on the lunar surface。 But he realized NASA couldn't do two plicated and expensive programs at the same time; so he became a member of the Jersey Colony。 The project was kept secret so there would be no interference from the Executive Office; Congress; or the military。 As things turned out; it was a wise decision。〃
    〃And the bottom line is that the United States has a solid foot on the moon。〃
    Joe nodded solemnly。 〃Yes; Mr。 President; that is correct。〃
    The President could not fully prehend the enormity of the concept。 〃Incredible that a project so vast could be carried off behind an impenetrable curtain of security; unknown and undiscovered for twenty…six years。〃
    Joe stared down the fairway。 〃It would take me a month to describe the problems; the setbacks; and the tragedies that were suffered。 The scientific and engineering breakthroughs in developing a hydrogen reduction process for making water; an oxygen…extraction apparatus; and a power…generating plant whose turbine is driven by liquid nitrogen。 The accumulation of materials and equipment launched into designated orbit by a private space agency sponsored by the ‘inner core。' The construction of a lunar transfer vehicle designed to ferry it all from earth orbit to the Jersey Colony。〃
    〃And this was done under the nose of our entire space program?〃
    〃What was advertised as large munication satellites were disguised sections of the lunar transfer vehicle; each containing a man in an internal capsule。 I won't go into the ten years of planning for that moment or the remarkable plexity of their linkup with each other and one of our abandoned space laboratories that was used as a base for the vehicle's assembly。 Or the breakthrough in designing a lightweight; efficient solar electric engine using oxygen as the propulsion fuel。 But the job was acplished。〃
    Joe stopped to allow the President to hit another shot。 〃Then it was a matter of gathering up the life…support systems and supplies already sent into orbit and transporting all of it; actually towing it like a tugboat; to the predetermined site on the moon。 Even an old Soviet orbiting laboratory and any useful piece of space junk were pulled to the Jersey Colony。 From the beginning; it's been a no…frills operation; the pioneering trek of man from his home on earth; the most important evolutionary step since the first fish struggled onto land over 300 million years ago。 But by God; we did it。 As we sit here and talk ten men are living and working in a hostile environment 240;000 miles away。〃
    As Joe spoke his eyes took on the look of a messiah。 Then the vision faded and he glanced at his watch。 〃We'd better hurry along before the Secret Service wonders why we're lagging。 Anyway; that's the gist of it。 I'll try to answer your questions while you play〃
    The President stared at him in awe。 〃Jesus;〃 he groaned。 〃I don't think I can absorb all this。〃
    〃My apologies for throwing so much at you in so short a time;〃 said Joe swiftly。 〃But it was necessary。〃
    〃Where exactly on the moon is this Jersey Colony?〃
    〃After studying the photographs from the Lunar Orbiter probes and Apollo missions; we detected a geyser of vapor issuing from a volcanic region in the southern hemisphere of the moon's far side。 Closer examination showed it to be a large cavern; perfect shelter for locating the initial installation。〃
    〃You said ten men are up there?〃
    〃What about rotation; replacements?〃
    〃No rotation。〃
    〃God; that means the original crew who assembled the lunar transport have been in space six years。〃
    〃That's true;〃 acknowledged Joe。 〃One died and seven were added as the base was expanded to support more life。〃
    〃What about their families?〃
    〃All bachelors。 All knew and accepted the hardship and risk。〃
    〃You say I'm only the second President to learn of the project?〃
    〃That's correct。〃
    〃Not allowing the nation's Chief Executive to share in the project is an insult to the office。〃
    Joe's dark blue eyes deepened even more。 He stared at the President with stern malice。 〃Presidents are political animals。 Votes bee more precious than treasure。 Nixon might have used the Jersey Colony as a smokescreen to bail himself out of Watergate。 Same with Carter and the Iranian hostage fiasco。 Reagan to enhance his image while lording it over the Russians。 What's even more deplorable is the thought of what Congress would do with the project; the partisan politics that would e into play as debate raged to no good purpose over whether the money would be better spent on defense or feeding the poor。 I love my country; Mr。 President; and consider myself a better patriot than most; but I no longer have any faith in the government。〃
    〃You took the people's tax dollars。〃
    〃Which will be repaid with interest from scientific benefits。 But do not forget; private individuals and their corporations contributed half the money; and; I might add; without any thought of profit or personal gain。 Defense and space contractors cannot make that claim。〃
    The President did not argue。 He quietly set his ball on a tee and socked the ball toward the eighteenth green。
    〃If you distrust Presidents so much;〃 he said bitterly; 〃why did you drop out of the heavens to tell me all this?〃
    〃We may have a problem。〃 Joe slipped a photograph from the back of the folder and held it up。 〃Through our connections I've obtained a picture taken from an Air Force stealth aircraft making surveillance flights over Cuba。〃
    The President knew better than to ask how it came to be in Joe's hands。 〃So what am I looking for?〃
    〃Please study the area above the northern coast of the island and below the Florida Keys。〃
    The President took a pair of glasses from his shirt pocket and peered at the image in the photo。 〃Looks like the Goodyear blimp。〃
    〃No; it's the Prosperteer; an old airship belonging to Raymond LeBaron。〃
    〃I thought he was lost over the Caribbean two weeks ago。〃
    〃Ten days to be exact; along with the blimp and two crewmen。〃
    〃Then this photo was taken before he disappeared。〃
    〃No; the film came off the aircraft only eight hours ago。〃
    〃Then LeBaron must be alive。〃
    〃I'd like to think so; but all attempts to raise the Prosperteer by radio have gone unanswered。〃
    〃What's LeBaron's connection with the Jersey Colony?〃
    〃He was a member of the ‘inner core。' 〃

    The President leaned close。 〃And you; Joe; are you one of the original nine men who conceived the project?〃
    Joe didn't answer。 He didn't have to。 The President; staring at him; knew without a doubt。
    Satisfied; he sat back and relaxed。 〃Okay; so what's your problem?〃
    〃In ten days the Soviets will take their newest heavy…lift launch vehicle o

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