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小说: cyclops 字数: 每页4000字

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eing no worse or no better than other men; and with a mind that could radiate passion; pettiness; brilliance; or ruthlessness almost on cue to suit the moment。
    She closed her eyes tightly to shut out his death。 Think of someone or something else; she told herself。 Think of how to survive the next few days。 Think of。 。 。 Dirk Pitt。
    Who was he; she wondered。 What kind of man? She looked at him through the drainpipe as he bent and flexed his body and for the first time since meeting him felt a sexual attraction toward him。 It was ridiculous; she reasoned; she was older by at least fifteen years。 And besides; he had not shown any interest in her as a desirable woman; never once cast a suggestive insinuation or made a flirtatious overture。 She decided Pitt was an enigma; the type of man who intrigued women; incited them to wanton behavior; but could never be owned or beguiled by their feminine ploys。
    Jessie was snapped back to reality as Pitt leaned into the pipe and smiled。 〃How are you feeling?〃
    She looked away nervously。 〃Battered but ready to meet the day〃 〃Sorry about not having breakfast ready;〃 he said; his voice hollow through the pipe。 〃The room service leaves much to be desired hereabouts。〃
    〃I'd sell my soul for a cup of coffee。〃
    〃According to a road sign I spotted a few hundred yards up the road; we're ten kilometers from the next town。〃
    〃What time is it?〃
    〃Twenty minutes to one。〃
    〃The day is half gone;〃 she said; rolling to her hands and knees; and beginning to crawl toward the light。 〃We have to get moving。〃
    〃Stay where you are。〃
    He didn't answer; but returned and sat down beside her。 He gently took her face in his hands and kissed her mouth。
    Jessie's eyes widened; and then she returned his kiss hungrily。 After a long moment; he pulled back。 She waited expectantly; but he made no further move; just sat there and stared into her eyes。
    〃I want you;〃 she said。
    He drew her to him; pressing against her body; and kissed her again。 Then he broke away from her。 〃First things first。〃
    She gave him a hurt; curious look。 〃Like what things?〃
    〃Like why did you hijack me to Cuba?〃
    〃You have a strange sense of timing。〃
    〃I don't usually conduct foreplay in a drainpipe either。〃
    〃What do you want to know?〃
    〃And if I don't tell you?〃
    He laughed。 〃We shake hands and part pany。〃
    For a few seconds she lay against the side of the pipe; considering how far she would get without him。 Probably no farther than the next town; the first suspicious policeman or security guard。 Pitt seemed an incredibly resourceful man。 He had proven that several times over。 There was no avoiding the hard fact that she needed him more than he needed her。
    She tried to find the right words to explain; an introduction that made some kind of sense。 Finally she gave up and blurted it out。 〃The President sent me to meet with Fidel Castro。〃
    His deep green eyes examined her with honest curiosity。 〃That's a good start。 I'd like to hear the rest。〃
    Jessie took a deep breath and continued。
    She revealed Fidel Castro's genuine offer of a pact and his bizarre manner of sending it past the watchful eyes of Soviet intelligence。
    She told of her secret meeting with the President after the unexpected return of the Prosperteer and his request for her to convey his reply by retracing her husband's flight in the blimp; a guise Castro would have recognized。
    She admitted the deception in recruiting Pitt; Giordino; and Gunn; and she asked Pitt's forgiveness for a plan gone wrong by the surprise attack from the Cuban helicopter。
    And last; she described General Velikov's narrowing suspicion of the true purpose behind the botched attempt to reach Castro and his demand for answers through Foss Gly's torture methods。
    Pitt listened to the whole story without ment。
    His response was the part she dreaded。 She feared what he would say or do now that he had discovered how he had been used; lied to; and misled; battered bloody and nearly killed on several occasions for a mission he knew nothing about。 She felt he had every right to strangle her。
    She could think of nothing further to say except 〃I'm sorry。〃
    Pitt did not strangle her。 He held out his hand。 She grasped it; and he pulled her toward him。 〃So you conned me all up and down the line;〃 he said。
    God; those green eyes; she thought。 She wanted to dive into them。 〃I can't blame you for being angry。〃
    He embraced her for several moments silently。
    〃Well what?〃
    〃Aren't you going to say something?〃 she asked timidly。 〃Aren't you even mad?〃
    He unbuttoned the shirt of the uniform and lightly touched her breasts。 〃Lucky for you I'm not one to harbor a grudge。〃
    Then they made love as the traffic rumbled over the highway above。

    Jessie felt incredibly calm。 The warm feeling had stayed with her for the last hour as they walked openly along the road's shoulder。 It spread like an anesthetic; deadening her fear and sharpening her confidence。 Pitt had accepted her story and agreed to help her reach Castro。 And now she walked along beside him as he led her through the backcountry of Cuba as though he owned it; feeling secure and warm in the afterglow of their intimacy。
    Pitt scrounged some mangoes; a pineapple; and two half…ripened tomatoes。 They ate as they walked。 Several vehicles; mostly trucks loaded with sugarcane and cirtrus fruits; passed them。 Once in a while a military transport carrying militia swept by。 Jessie would tense and look down at her tightly laced boots nervously while Pitt lifted his rifle in the air and shouted 〃Saludos amigos!〃
    〃A good thing they can't hear you clearly;〃 she said。
    〃Why is that?〃 he asked in mock indignation。
    〃Your Spanish is awful。〃
    〃It always got me by at the dog races in Tijuana。〃
    〃It won't do here。 You'd better let me do the talking。〃
    〃You think your Spanish is better than mine?〃
    〃I can speak it like a native。 I can also converse fluently in Russian; French; and German。〃
    〃I'm continually amazed at your talents;〃 Pitt said sincerely。 〃Did Velikov know you spoke Russian?〃
    〃We'd have all been dead if he had。〃
    Pitt started to say something and suddenly gestured ahead。 They were rounding a curve; and he pointed at a car parked by the highway。 The hood was up and someone was leaning over the fender; his head and shoulders lost in the engine partment。
    Jessie hesitated; but Pitt took her by the hand and tugged her along。 〃You handle this;〃 he said softly。 〃Don't be frightened。 We're both in military uniform; and mine belongs to an elite assault force。〃
    〃What should I say?〃
    〃Play along。 This may be a chance to get a ride。〃
    Before she could protest; the driver heard their feet on the gravel and turned at their approach。 He was a short man in his fifties with thick black hair and dark skin。 He was shirtless and wore only shorts and sandals。 Military uniforms were so mon in Cuba he scarcely gave them any notice。 He flashed a broad smile。 〃Hola。〃
    〃Having motor trouble?〃 Jessie asked in Spanish。
    〃Third time this month。〃 He gave a helpless shrug。 〃She just stopped。〃
    〃Do you know the problem?〃
    He held up a short length of wire that had rotted apart in three different places and was barely hanging together by its insulation。 〃Runs from the coil to the distributor。〃
    〃You should have replaced it with a new one。〃
    He looked at her suspiciously。 〃Parts for old cars like this one are impossible to find。 You must know that。〃
    Jessie caught her mistake and; smiling sweetly; quickly played on Latin machismo。 〃I'm only a woman。 What would I know about mechanics?〃
    〃Ah;〃 he said; smiling graciously; 〃but a very pretty woman。〃
    Pitt paid little attention to the conversation。 He was walking around the car; examining its lines。 He leaned over the front end and studied the engine for a moment。 Then he straightened and stepped back。
    〃A fifty…seven Chevy;〃 he said admiringly in English。 〃One damned fine automobile。 Ask him if he has a knife and some tape。〃
    Jessie's mouth drop

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