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小说: cw.imarriedadeadman 字数: 每页4000字

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 do me a favor; and then we drop the whole thing; nothing further is said。 But there isn't any fourth alternative。〃
 He shook his head slightly; in patient disapproval。 〃You overdramatize everything so; Patrice。 That's the unfailing hallmark of cheapness。 You're a cheap girl。 That's the basic difference between us。 I may be; according to your lights; a rotter; but I have a certain tone。 As you visualize it; I'd stride in there; throw my arms out wide in declamation; and blare; 'This girl is not your daughter…in…law!' Not at all。 That wouldn't work with people like that。 It would overreach itself。 All I'd have to do would be to let you accuse yourself out of your own mouth。 In their presence。 You couldn't refuse the house to me。 'When you were in Paris with Hugh; Patrice; which bank did you live on; Left or Right?' 'What was the name of the boat you made the trip back on; again?' 'Well; when I ran into you over there that day with him…oh; you forgot to mention that we'd already met before; Pat?…why is it you looked so different from what you do today? You don't look like the same girl at all。' Until you crumpled and caved in。〃
 He was capable of it。 He was too cold about the whole thing; that was the dangerous feature。 No heat; no impulse; no emotion to cloud the issue。 Everything planned; plotted; graphed; ahead of time。 Drafted。 Charted。 Every step。 Even the notes。 She knew their purpose now。 Not poison…pen letters at all。 They had been important to the long…term scheme of the thing。 Psychological warfare; nerve warfare; breaking her down ahead of time; toppling her resistance before the main attack had even been made。 The research…trip to New York in…between; to make sure of his own ground; to make sure there was no flaw; to leave her no loophole。
 He skipped the edge of his hand off the wheel…rim; as if brushing off a particle of dust。 〃There's no villain in this。 Let's get rid of the Victorian trappings。 It's just a business transaction。 It's no different from taking out insurance; really。〃 He turned to her with an assumption of candor that was almost charming for a moment。 〃Don't you want to be practical about it?〃
 〃I suppose so。 I suppose I should meet you on your own ground。〃 She didn't try to project her contempt; it would have failed to reach him; she knew。
 〃If you get rid of these stuffy fetishes of virtue and villainy; of black and white; the whole thing bees so simple it's not even worth the quarter of an hour we're giving it here in the car。〃
 〃I have no money of my own; Georgesson。〃 Capitulation。 Submission。
 〃They're one of the wealthiest families in town; that's mon knowledge。 Why be technical about it? Get them to open an account for you。 You're not a child。〃
 〃I couldn't ask them outright to do such a…〃
 〃You don't ask。 There are ways。 You're a woman; aren't you? It's easy enough; a woman knows how to go about those things…〃
 〃I'd like to go now;〃 she said; reaching blindly for the door…handle。
 〃Do we understand one another?〃 He opened it for her。 〃I'll give you another ring after awhile。〃
 He paused a moment。 The threat was so impalpable there was not even a change of inflection in the lazy drawl。
 〃Don't neglect it; Patrice。〃
 She got out The crack of the door was the unfelt slap…in…the…face of loathing she gave him。
 〃Goodnight; Patrice;〃 he drawled after her amiably。
 〃…perfectly plain;〃 she was saying animatedly。 〃It had a belt of the same material; and then a row of buttons down to about here。〃
 She was purposely addressing herself to Mother Hazzard; to the exclusion of the two men members of the family。 Well; the topic in itself was excuse enough for that。
 〃Heaven sakes; why didn't you take it?〃 Mother Hazzard wanted to know。
 〃I couldn't do that;〃 she said reluctantly。 She stopped a moment; then she added: 〃Not right…then and there。〃 And played a lot with her fork。 And felt low。
 They must have thought the expression on her face was wistful disappointment。 It wasn't。 It was self…disgust。
 You don't have to ask openly。 There are ways; it's easy enough。 A woman knows how to go about those things。
 This was one of them now。
 How defenseless those who love you are against you; she thought bitterly。 How vicious and how criminal it is to trade on that selfimposed defenselessness。 As I am doing now。 Tricks and traps and wiles; those are for strangers。 Those should be used against such only。 Not against those who love you; with their guard down; with their eyes trustfully closed。 It made her skin crawl in revulsion。 She felt indecent; unclean; obscene。
 Father Hazzard cut into the conversation。 〃Why didn't you just charge it up and have it sent? You could have used Mother's account。 She deals there a lot〃
 She let her eyes drop。 〃I wouldn't have wanted to do that;〃 she said reticently。
 〃Nonsense…〃 He stopped suddenly。 Almost as though someone had trodden briefly on his foot under the table。
 She caught Bill glancing at her。 He seemed to be holding the glance a moment longer than was necessary。 But before she could verify this; it had stopped; and he resumed bringing the suspended forkful of pie…fill up to his mouth。
 〃I think I hear Hughie crying;〃 she said; and flung her napkin down and ran out to the stairs to listen。
 But in the act of listening upward; she couldn't avoid overhearing Mother Hazzard's guarded voice in the dining…room behind her; spacing each word with strictural severity。
 〃Donald Hazzard; you ought to be ashamed of yourself。 Do you men…folk have to be told everything? Haven't you got a grain of tact in your heads?〃
 In the morning Father Hazzard had lingered on at the table; she noticed when she came down; instead of leaving early with Bill。 He sat quietly reading his newspaper while she finished her coffee。 And there was just a touch of secretive self…satisfaction in his attitude; she thought。
 He rose in pany with her when she got up。 〃Get your hat and coat; Pat; I want you to e with me in the car。 This young lady and I have business downtown;〃 he announced to Mother Hazzard。 The latter tried; not altogether successfully; to look blankly bewildered。
 〃But what about Hughie's feeding?〃
 〃I'll give him his feeding;〃 Mother Hazzard said serenely。
 〃You'll be back in time for that I'm just borrowing you。〃
 She got in next to him a moment later and they started off。
 〃Did poor Bill have to walk to the office this morning?〃 she asked。
 〃Poor Bill indeed!〃 he scoffed。 〃Do him good; the big lug。 If I had those long legs of his; I'd walk it myself; every morning。〃
 〃Where are you taking me?〃
 〃Now just never you mind。 No questions。 Just wait'll we get there; and you'll see。〃
 They stopped in front of the bank。 He motioned her out and led her inside with him。 He said something to one of the guards in an aside; and he and she sat down to wait for a moment on a bench。
 For the briefest moment only。 Then the guard had e back with a noticeable deference。 He led them toward a door marked 〃Manager; Private。〃 Before they could reach it it had already opened and a pleasant…faced; slightly stout man wearing horn…rimmed spectacles was waiting to greet them。
 〃e in and meet my old friend Harve Wheelock;〃 Father Hazzard said to her。
 They seated themselves in fortable leather chairs in the private office; and the two men shared cigars。
 〃Harve; I've got a new customer for you。 This is my boy Hugh's wife。 Not that I think your mangy old bank is any good; but…well; you know how it is。 Just habit; I reckon。〃
 The manager shook appreciatively all over; as if this were some joke between them that had been going on for years。 He winked for Patrice's benefit。 〃I agree with you there。 Sell it to you real cheap。〃
 〃How cheap?〃
 〃Quarter of a million。〃 Meanwhile he was penning required entries on a filing…form; as though he had all the information called for at his fingers' tips; didn't need to ask anything about it。
 Father Hazzard shook his head。 〃Too cheap。 Can't be any good。〃 He offhandedly palmed an oblong of light blue paper onto the desk; left it there face down。
 〃You think it over and let me know;〃 the manager said drily。 And to her; reversing his pen; 〃Sign here; honey。〃

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