九味书屋 > 文学经管电子书 > cw.imarriedadeadman >



小说: cw.imarriedadeadman 字数: 每页4000字

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reached her as music; as she was now。 The hypertension of her senses filtered it into a sound somewhat like a scrubbing…brush being passed over a sheet of ribbed tin。 Or maybe; it occurred to her; it was on the inside of her; and not outside anywhere。
 No; there it was。 He had a small battery…portable standing against the side wall。 She went over to it。
 〃Che gelida mannina…〃 some far…off voice was singing; she didn't know what that meant。 She only knew that this was no love…scene; this was a death…scene。
 Her hand gave a brutal little wrench; like wringing the neck of a chicken; and there was a stupor of silence in his two shoddy rooms。 This one out here; and that one in there。
 Now he'd step out to see who had done that。
 She turned to face the opening。 She raised her handbag frontally to her chest。 She undid it; and took out the gun; and fitted her hand around it; the way her hand was supposed to go。 Without flurry; without a tremor; every move in perfect coordination。
 She sighted the gun toward the opening。
 〃Steve;〃 she said to him; at no more than room…to…room conversational pitch in the utter stillness。 〃e out here a second。 I want to see you。〃
 No fear; no love; no hate; no anything at all。
 He didn't e。 Had he seen her in a mirror? Had he guessed? Was he that much of a coward; cringing away even from a woman?
 The fractured cigarette continued to unravel into smoke…skeins。 The ice cube continued to peer through the highball glass; foursquare and uneroded。
 She went toward the opening。
 〃Steve;〃 she rasped。 〃Your wife is here。 Here to see you。〃
 He didn't stir; he didn't answer。
 She made the turn of the doorway; gun wheeling before her like some sort of foreshortened steering…gear。 The second room was not parallel to the first; it was over at a right angle to it It was very small; just an alcove for sleeping in。 It had a bulb up above; as though a luminous blister had formed on the calcimined surface of the ceiling。 There was also a lamp beside the iron cot; and that was lit as well; but it was upside…down。 It was standing on its head on the floor; its extension…wire grotesquely looped in air。
 She'd caught him in the act of getting ready for bed。 His shirt was lying over the foot of the cot。 That was all he'd taken off。 And now he was trying to hide from her; down on the floor somewhere; below cot…level; on the far side of it。 His hand peered over it…he'd forgotten that it showed…clutching at the bedding; pulling it into long; puckered lines。 And the top of his head showed; burrowed against the cot…just a glimpse of it…bowed in attempt at concealment; but not inclined deeply enough。 And then; just on the other side of that; though his second hand didn't show; more of those puckered wrinkles ran over the edge of the bedding at one place; as though it were down below there somewhere out of sight; but hanging on for dear life。
 And when she looked at the floor; out beyond the far side of the cot; she could glimpse the lower part of one leg; extended out behind him in a long; lazy sprawl。 The other one didn't show; must have been drawn up closer under his body。
 〃Get up;〃 she sneered。 〃At least I thought I hated a man。 Now I don't know what you are。〃 She passed around the foot of the cot; and his back came into view。 He didn't move; but every line of his body expressed the arrested impulse to get away。
 Her handbag sprang open and she pulled something out; pitched it at him。 〃Here's the five dollars you gave me。 Remember?〃 It fell between his shoulderblades; and lay there lengthwise across his spine; caught in the sharp upcurve his back made; oddly like a label or tag loosely pasted across him。
 〃You love money so;〃 she said scathingly。 〃Now here's the interest Turn around and get it。〃
 She'd fired before she'd known she was going to。 As though there were some cue in the words for the gun to take of its own accord; without waiting for her。 The crash surprised her; she could feel it go up her whole arm; as though someone had stingingly slapped her wristbone; and the fiery spittle that gleamed for a moment at the muzzle made her blink her eyes and swerve her head aside involuntarily。
 He didn't move。 Even the five…dollar bill didn't flutter off him。 There was a curious low moaning sound from the tubular rod forming the head of the cot; as when a vibration is slowly dimming; and there was a black pockmark in the plaster of the wall; sharply offto one side of it; that seemed to leap up into being for the first time only as her eyes discovered it。
 Her hand was at his shoulder now; while her mind was trying to say 〃I didn't…I didn't…〃 He turned over lazily; and ebbed down to the floor; in a way that was almost playful; as if she had been threatening to tickle him and he was trying to avoid it。
 Indolent dalliance; his attitude seemed to express。 There was even a sort of gashed grin across his mouth。
 His eyes seemed to be fixed on her; watching her; with that same detached mockery they'd always shown toward her。 As if to say; 〃What are you going to do now?〃
 You could hardly tell anything was the matter。 There was only a little dark streak by the outside corner of one eye; like a patch of patent leather used instead of court plaster; as though he'd hurt himself there and then covered it over。 And where that side of his head had e to rest against the lateral thickness of the bedding; there was a peculiar sworled stain; its outer layers of a lighter discoloration than its core。
 Somebody screamed in the confined little room。 Not shrilly; but with a guttural wrench; almost like the bark of a terrified dog。 It must have been she; for there was no one in there to scream but her。 Her vocal chords hurt; as though they had been strained asunder。
 〃Oh; God!〃 she sobbed in an undertone。 〃I didn't need to e…〃
 She cowered away from him; step by faltering step。 It wasn't that little glistening streak; that daub of tar; nor yet the way he lay there; relaxed and languid; as if they had had such fun he was exhausted; and it was too much trouble to get up off his back and see her out。 It was his eyes that knifed her with fear; over and over; until panic had welled up in her; as though gushing through a sieve。 The way they seemed fixed on her; the way they seemed to follow her backward; step by step。 She went over a little to one side; and that didn't get her away from them。 She went over a little to the other; and that didn't get her away from them either。 Contemptuous; patronizing; mocking; to the end; with no real tenderness in them for her; ever。 He looked on her in death as he'd looked on her in life。
 She could almost hear the drawled words that went with that look。 〃Where d'you think you're going now? What's your hurry? e back here; you!〃
 Her mind screamed back: 〃Away from here…! Out of here…! Before somebody es…! Before anybody sees me!〃
 She turned and fled through the opening; and beat her way through the outside room; flailing with her arms; as though it were an endless treadmill going the other way; trying to carry her back in to him; instead of a space of a brief few yards。
 She got to the door and collided against it。 But then; after the first impact; after her body was stopped against it; instead of stilling; it kept on thumping; and kept on thumping; as though there were dozens of her hurling themselves against it in an endless succession。
 Wood shouldn't knock so; wood shouldn't bang so… Her hands flew up to her ears arid clutched them。 She was going mad。
 The blows didn't space themselves and wait between。 They were aggressive; demanding; continuous。 They were already angered; and they were feeding on their own anger with every second's added delay。 They drowned out; in her own ears; her second; smothered scream of anguish。 A scream that held more real fear in it than even the first one had; in the other room just now。 Fear; not of the supernatural now; but of the personal; a fear more immediate; a fear more strong。 Agonizing fear; trapped fear such as she'd never known existed before。 The fear of losing the thing you love。 The greatest fear there is。
 For the voice that riddled the door; that welled through; bated but flinty with stern impatience; was Bill's。

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