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小说: cw.imarriedadeadman 字数: 每页4000字

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 〃Every time you call me that; it's a lie。 I can't go back to that house with you。 I can't go in there ever again。 It's too late now… two years too late; two years…but at least let me tell it to you。 Oh God; let me get it out! Patrice Hazzard was killed on the train; right along with your brother。 I was deserted by a man named…〃
 Again he placed his hand over her mouth; as he had at Georgesson's place。 But more gently than he had then。
 〃I don't want to know;〃 he told her。 〃I don't want to hear。 Can't you understand; Patrice?〃 Then took his hand away; but now she was silent; for that was the way he wanted her to be。 And that was the easier way to be。 〃Won't you understand howl feel?〃 He glanced about for an instant; this way and that; as if helplessly in search of some means of convincing her。 Some means that wasn't there at hand。 Then back to her again; to try once more; speaking low and from the heart。
 〃What difference does it make if there once was another Patrice; another Patrice than you; a girl I never knew; some other place and some other time? Suppose there were two? There are a thousand Marys; a thousand Janes; but each man that loves Mary; he loves only his Mary; and for him there are no others in the whole wide world。 And that's with me too。 A girl named Patrice came into my life one day。 And that's the only Patrice there is for me in the world。 I don't love the name; I love the girl。 What kind of love do you think I have; anyway? That if she got the name from a clergyman; it's on; but if she helped herself to it; it's off?〃
 〃But she stole the name; took it away from the dead。 And she lay in someone else's arms first; and then came into your house with her child…〃
 〃No; she didn't; no;〃 he contradicted her with tender stubbornness。 〃You still don't see; you still won't see; because you're not the man who loves you。 She couldn't have; because she wasn't; until I met her。 She only began then; she only starts from then。 She only came into existence; as my eyes first took her in; as my love first started in to start。 Before then there wasn't any she。 My love began her; and when my love ends; she ends with it。 She has to; because she is my love。 Before then; there was a blank。 A vacant space。 That's the way with any love。 It can't go back before itself。
 〃And it's you I love。 The you I made for myself。 The you I hold in my arms right now in this car。 The you I kiss like this; right now。 。 。 right now。 。 。 and now。
 〃Not a name on a birth…certificate。 Not a name on a Paris wedding…license。 Not a bunch of dead bones taken out of a railroad…car and buried somewhere by the tracks。
 〃The name of my love is Patrice to me。 My love doesn't know any other name; my love doesn't want any。〃
 He swept her close to him; this time with such quivering violence that she was almost stunned。 And as his lips found hers; between each pledge he told her:
 〃You are Patrice。 You'll always be Patrice。 You'll only be Patrice。 I give you that name。 Keep it for me; forever。〃
 They lay that way for a long while; one now; wholly one。 Made one by love; made one by blood and violence。
 Presently she murmured; 〃And you knew; and you never…?〃
 〃Not right away; not all in a flash。 Life never goes that way。 It was a slow thing; gradual。 I think I first suspected inside of a week or two after you got here。 I don't know when I was first sure。 I think that day I bought the fountain pen。〃
 〃You must have hated me that day。〃
 〃I didn't hate you that day。 I hated myself; for stooping to such a trick。 (And yet I couldn't have kept from doing it; I couldn't have; no matter how I tried!) And do you know what I got from it? Only fear。 Instead of you being the frightened one; I was。 I was afraid that you'd take fright from it; and that I'd lose you。 I knew I'd never be the one to expose you; I was too afraid I'd lose you that way。 A thousand times I wanted to tell you; 'I know; I know all about it;' and I was afraid you'd take flight and I'd lose you。 The secret wasn't heavy on you; it was me it weighted down。〃
 〃But in the beginning。 How is it you didn't say anything in the very beginning? Surely you didn't condone it from the very start?〃
 〃No; no; I didn't。 My first reaction was resentment; enmity; about what you'd expect But for one thing; I wasn't sure enough。 And the lives of too many others were involved。 Mainly there was Mother。 I couldn't risk doing that to her。 Right after she'd lost Hugh。 For all I knew it might have killed her。 And even just to implant seeds of suspicion; that would have been just as bad; that would have wrecked her happiness。 Then too; I wanted to see what the object was; the game。 I thought if I gave you enough rope…Well; I gave you rope and rope; and there was no game。 You were just you。 Every day it became a little harder to be on guard against you。 Every day it became a little easier to look at you; and think of you; and like you。 Then that night of the will…〃
 〃You knew what you did; and yet you let them go ahead and…〃
 〃There was no real danger。 Patrice Hazzard was the name they put down in black and white。 If it became necessary; it would have been easy enough to break it; or rather restrict it to its literal application; I should say。 Prove that you and Patrice Hazzard were not identically one and the same and; therefore; that you were not the one intended。 The law isn't like a man in love; the law values names。 I pumped our lawyer a little on the q。t; without of course letting on what I had on my mind; and what he told me reassured me。 But what that incident did for me once and for all; was to show me there was no game; no ulterior motive。 I mean; that it wasn't the money that was at the bottom of it Patrice; the fright and honest aversion I read on your face that night; when I came to your door to tell you about it; couldn't have been faked by the most expert actress in creation。 Your face got as white as a sheet; your eyes darted around as though you wanted to run out of the house for dear life then and there; I touched your hand; and it was icy…cold。 There is a point at which acting stops; and the heart begins。
 〃And that gave me the answer。 I knew from that night on what it was you really wanted; what it was that had made you do it: safety; security。 It was on your face a hundred times a day; once I had the clue。 I've seen it over and over。 Every time you looked at your baby。 Every time you said; 'I'm going up to my room。' The way you said 'my room。' I've seen it in your eyes even when you were only looking at a pair of curtains on the window; straightening them out; caressing them。 I could almost hear you say; 'They're mine; I belong here。' And every time I saw it; it did something to me。 I loved you a little more than I had the time before。 And I wanted you to have all that rightfully; permanently; beyond the power of anyone or anything to ever take it away from you again…〃
 He lowered his voice still further; till she could barely hear the message it breathed。
 〃At my side。 As my wife。 And I still do。 Tonight more than ever; a hundred times more than before。 Will you answer me now? Will you tell me if you'll let me?〃
 His face swam fluidly before her upturned eyes。
 〃Take me home; Bill;〃 she said brokenly; happily。 〃Take Patrice home to your house with you; Bill。〃
 For a moment; as he braked and as she turned her face toward it; her overtired senses received a terrifying impression that it was on fire; that the whole interior was going up in flame。 And then as she recoiled against him; she saw that bright as the light ing from it was; brazier…bright against the early…morning pall; it was a steady brightness; it did not quiver。 It poured from every window; above and below; and spilled in gradations of intensity across the lawn; and even as far as the frontal walk and the roadway beyond; but it was the static brightness of lighted…up rooms。 Rooms lighted up in emergency。

 He nudged and pointed wordlessly; and on the rear plate of the car already there; that they had just drawn up behind; stood out the ominous 〃MD。〃 Spotlighted; menacing; beetling; within the circular focus of their own headlights。 Prominent as the skull and crossbones on a bottle label。 And 

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