michael crichton.congo-第33部分
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Kahega called to him in Swahili; Munro turned to Ross and said; 〃Kahega wants to know how to pitch the tents。〃
Kahega was holding a crumpled silver ball of fabric in his outstretched hand; the other porters were just as confused; rummaging through their loads; looking for familiar tent poles or stakes; finding none。
The ERTS camp had been designed under contract by a NASA team in 1977; based on the recognition that wilderness expedition equipment was fundamentally unchanged since the eighteenth century。 〃Designs for modern exploration are long overdue;〃 ERTS said; and asked for state…of the…an improvements in lightness; fort; and efficiency of expedition gear。 NASA had redesigned everything; from clothing and boots to tents and cooking gear; food and menus; first…aid kits; and munications systems for ERTS wilderness parties。
The redesigned tents were typical of the' NASA approach。 NASA had determined that tent weight consisted chiefly of the structural supports。 In addition; single…ply tents were poorly insulated。 If tents could be properly insulated; clothing and sleeping…bag weight could be reduced; as could the daily caloric requirements of expedition members。 Since air was an excellent insulator; the obvious solution was an unsupported; pneumatic tent: NASA designed one that weighed six ounces。
Using a little hissing foot pump; Ross inflated the first tent。 It was made from double…layer silvered Mylar; and looked like a gleaming ribbed Quonset hut。 The porters clapped their hands with delight; Munro shook his head; amused; Kahega produced a small silver unit; the size of a shoebox。 〃And this; Doctor? What is this?〃
〃We won't need that tonight。 That's an air conditioner;〃 Ross said。
〃Never go anywhere without one;〃 Munro said; still amused。
Ross glared at him。 〃Studies show;〃 she said; 〃that the single greatest factor limiting work efficiency is ambient temperature; with sleep deprivation as the second factor。〃
Munro laughed and looked to Elliot; but Elliot was studiously examining the view of the rain forest in the evening sun。 Amy came up and tugged at his sleeve。
Woman and nosehair man fight; she signed。
Amy had liked Munro from the beginning; and the feeling was mutual。 Instead of patting her on the head and treating her like a child; as most people did; Munro instinctively treated her like a female。 Then; too; he had been around enough gorillas to have a feeling for their behavior。 Although he didn't know ASL; when Amy raised her arms; he understood that she wanted to be tickled; and would oblige her for a few moments; while she rolled grunting with pleasure on the ground。
But Amy was always distressed by conflict; and she was frowning now。 〃They're just talking;〃 Elliot assured her。
She signed; Amy want eat。
〃In a minute。〃 Turning back; he saw Ross setting up the transmitting equipment; this would be a daily ritual during the rest of the expedition; and one which never failed to fascinate Amy。 Altogether; the equipment to send a transmission ten thousand miles by satellite weighed six pounds; and the electronic countermeasures; or ECM devices; weighed an additional three pounds。
First; Ross popped open the collapsed umbrella of the silver dish antenna; five feet in diameter。 (Amy particularly liked this; as each day progressed; she would ask Ross when she would 〃open metal flower。〃) Then Ross attached the transmitter box; plugging in the krylon…cadmium fuel cells。 Next she linked the anti…jamming modules; and finally she hooked up the miniaturized puter terminal with its tiny keyboard and three…inch video screen。
This miniature equipment was highly sophisticated。 Ross's puter had a 189K memory and all circuitry was redundant; housings were hermetically sealed and shockproof; even the keyboard was impedance…operated; so there were no moving parts to get gummed up; or admit water or dust。
And it was incredibly rugged。 Ross remembered their 〃field tests。〃 In the ERTS parking lot; technicians would throw new equipment against the wall; kick it across the concrete; and leave it in a bucket of muddy water overnight。 Anything found working the next day was certified as field…worthy。
Now; in the sunset at Moruti; she punched in code coordinates to lock the transmission to Houston; checked signal strength; and waited the six minutes until the transponders matched up。 But the little screen continued to show only gray static; with intermittent pulses of color。 That meant someone was jamming them with a 〃symphony。〃
In ERTS slang; the simplest level of electronic jamming was called 〃tuba。〃 Like a kid next door practicing his tuba; this jamming was merely annoying; it occurred within limited frequencies; and was often random or accidental; but transmissions could generally pass through it。 At the next level was 〃string quartet;〃 where multiple frequencies were jammed in an orderly fashion; next was 〃big band;〃 where the electronic music covered a wider frequency range; and finally 〃symphony;〃 where virtually the full transmission range was blocked。
Ross was now getting hit by a 〃symphony。〃 To break through demanded coordination with Houston…which she was unable to arrange…but ERTS had several prearranged routines。 She tried them one after another and finally broke the jamming with a technique called interstitial coding。 (Interstitial coding utilized the fact that even dense music had periods of silence; or interstices; lasting microseconds。 It was possible to monitor the jamming signals; identify regularities in the interstices; and then transmit in bursts during the silences。)
Ross was gratified to see the little screen glow in a multicolored image…a map of their position in the Congo。 She punched in the field position lock; and a light blinked on the screen。 Words appeared in 〃shortline;〃 the pressed language devised for small…screen imagery。 F I L D TME…POSITN CHEK; PLS CONFRM LOCL TME 18:04 H 6/17/79。 She confirmed that it was indeed just after 6 P。M。 at their location。 Immediately; overlaid lines produced a scrambled pattern as their Field Time…Position was measured against the puter simulation run in Houston before their departure。
Ross was prepared for bad news。 According to her mental calculations; they had fallen some seventy…odd hours behind their projected timeline; and some twenty…odd hours behind the consortium。
Their original plan had called for them to jump onto the slopes of Mukenko at 2 P。M。 on June 17; arriving at Zinj approximately thirty…six hours later; around midday of June 19。 This would have put them onsite nearly two days before the consortium。
However; the SAM attack forced them to jump eighty miles south of their intended drop zone。 The jungle terrain before them was varied; and they could expect to pick up time rafting on rivers; but it would still take a minimum of three days to go eighty miles。
That meant that they could no longer expect to beat the consortium to the site。 Instead of arriving forty…eight hours ahead; they would be lucky if they arrived only twenty…four hours too late。
To her surprise; the screen blinked: FILD TME…POSITN CHEK : …09 : 04 H WEL DUN。 They were only nine hours off their simulation timeline。
〃What does that mean?〃 Munro asked; looking at the screen。
There was only one possible conclusion。 〃Something has slowed the consortium;〃 Ross said。
〃Travis has been working back in Houston;〃 Ross said。 She could imagine what it must have cost ERTS to put in the fix at the rural airport in Goma。 〃But it means we can still do it; if we can make up the nine hours。〃
〃We can do it;〃 Munro said。
In the light of the setting equatorial sun; Moruti camp gleamed like a cluster of dazzling jewels…a silver dish antenna; and five silver…domed tents; all reflecting the fiery sun。 Peter Elliot sat on the hilltop with Amy and stared at the rain forest spread out below them。 As night fell; the first hazy strands of mist appeared; and as the darkness deepened and water vapor condensed in the cooling air; the forest became shrouded in dense; darkening fog。