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小说: 高等意识手册 字数: 每页4000字

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love paying more attention to someone else than to you? Do you have unpaid
bills that you cannot take care of? Do you have a pain that could be cancer?
Now; these problems either have solutions  or they don’t。 Either you can do
something about them here and now  or you can’t。 If you can do something
here and now about them; then do it  even if it’s just a first step。 It saps
your energy to be worried or anxious about a problem。 Do what you can do
 but don’t be addicted to the results or you will create more worry for
yourself。 If you can’t do anything about a problem here and now; then why
make yourself unfortable and drain your energy by worrying about it? It
is part of the here and nowness of your life。 That’s what is  here and now。
Worry; anxiety; or other unpleasant emotions are absolutely unnecessary 
and simply lower your insight and the effectiveness of your actions。
You must absolutely convince yourself of the lack of utility of these draining
emotions。 You must see your unnecessary worrying as depriving you of the
flowing effectiveness and joyousness that you should have in your life。 As
long as you think that these negative emotions have any function whatsoever;
you will retard your growth into higher consciousness。 If you do not hassle
yourself emotionally when the outside world does not conform with your
inside programming (your desires; expectations; demands; or models of how
the world should treat you) you will have so much energy that you probably
will sleep fifty per cent less。 You will be joyous and loving; and really
appreciate each moment of your life  no matter what’s happening in the
world of people and situations outside you。
Where and how did we get this emotional programming? Almost all of it was
acquired in the first few years of life。 For example; when we were very
young; we had the experience of mother forcefully taking a perfume bottle
from our tiny fingers and at the same time sending out bad vibrations based
on her desire not to have her perfume bottle broken。 We cried。 Through
being painfully pushed around; dominated; told what to do; and controlled
when we were babies; we developed our emotionally intense security;
sensation; and power programs。 Many of our emotion…backed programs
came from repeated moral directives or statements about how things “should”
be。 We developed a “self” consciousness with robot…like emotional
responses to protect the “survival” of this separate self。
So we bee emotionally programmed to feel that we must have power to
control and manipulate people in order to be happy。 We eventually bee
very finely attuned to the actions or vibrations of any person or situation that
even remotely threatens our power addictions  our ability to manipulate and
control people and things around us。
As we reach physical maturity and our bioputer (or brain) is able to
function more perceptively; we have all the power we need。 But our
bioputer (backed up by the full repertory of our emotions) is still
programmed to pensate for the power deficiency we experienced when
we were infants and young children。 We now need to learn to flow with the
people and things around us。 But our power addiction keeps us from loving
people because we perceive them as objects that may threaten our power;
prestige; or pecking order。 If we want to love and be loved; we can’t be
addicted to power  or to anything else。
As conscious beings the only thing we need to find happiness in life is to
perceive clearly who we are (we are pure consciousness and not the social
roles we are acting out); and exactly what are the real conditions; here and
now; of our lives。 How basically simple is our problem! But to achieve this
clear perception of ourselves and the world around us takes constant inner
work。 And this means developing the habit of emotionally accepting
whatever is here and now in our lives。 For only an emotionally calm
bioputer can see clearly and wisely; and e up with effective ways to
interact with people and situations。
Our power addiction is only one example of the happiness…destroying
programming that we put into our bioputers when we were too young to
perceive the realities of the world in which we lived。 Although we now have
the basic capacity for clear perception; the operating instructions we gave our
bioputer anchor us to the lower levels。 And so we’re unconsciously
Here and now is the reality in our lives  and it is only from the conditions of
the present that our future can be generated。 But our present addictions;
demands; and expectations (the programming of our bioputer) dominate
our consciousness and force us to spend most of the time we are awake (and
most of the time we are dreaming) in protesting and pouting about the here
and now situation in our lives。 This lowers our perceptiveness and keeps us
from finding effective solutions to our problems。 The Living Love Way to
Higher Consciousness shows us how to break through this trap; to free
ourselves; and to find our full potential as human beings。
Chapter 3
The Law of Higher Consciousness
Your growth into higher consciousness should begin by fully understanding
the importance of being one with the Law of Higher Consciousness :
Love everyone unconditionally  including yourself。
This law can enable you to find the hidden splendor within yourself and
others。 Unfortunately; we have never been taught how to love
unconditionally。 Almost all of our loving has been motivated by emotional
desires programmed into us at an early age。 Most of our love experiences
have taught us we must earn or deserve love before we can have it  and that
others must deserve our love。 This is conditional love  it is like a barter or a
business transaction。 It is no wonder that our well…meaning but unskilled
attempts to love usually end up in separation and alienation。 We have been
taught to place conditions on our love : “If you really loved me you would 。 。
。”  and then we use one of our addictions to finish the sentence。 This is an
exchange  it is not unconditional love。
What is unconditional love? It is not; “I can love you if you do what my
emotional programming  my addictions  says I want you to do。” It is just
love。 Just; “I love you because you are there。 I love you because you are
part of the nowness of my life。 I love you because although our bodies and
minds may be on different trips; on the consciousness level all of us are alike
in our humanness。 We are one。”
Real love is simply accepting another person。 pletely and
unconditionally! We experience things from his or her psychic space。 It is
like seeing the world through his or her eyes。 Whatever he or she is going
through  whatever he or she is feeling  we have been there; too  at some
time in our lives。
When we love; we view others as unfolding beings in their journey toward
higher consciousness。 We realize that no matter how intensely we strive for
worldly attainments; we all seek love and oneness on the consciousness
level。 We are all on the journey to higher consciousness。 Some of us are
hearing the messages life offers us and are working consciously to eliminate
our addictions。 Others are not progressing rapidly because they do not yet
know how to consciously work on themselves。
We must also learn to love ourselves  right here and now。 We need to feel
that no matter how horrible we have judged our past actions; each day our life
begins anew。 We have at all times been lovable。 A child may be naughty; but
he is always lovable。 And so we are all children as long as we are
programmed with our lower consciousness addictions。 So we must accept
the melodramas we get involved in as we live out our current crop of
addictions。 This; too; is a part of life and growth。
Every part of the system of Living Love is designed to help you learn to love
everyone unconditionally  including yourself。 You only need to plant the
living Love seeds in your consciousness and they will automatically sprout。
Do not berate yourself because you are not enlightened by the third Tuesday
of next month。 The more you learn to love and accept yourself; the more you
will realize that you are doing exactly what you

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