九味书屋 > 魔法玄幻电子书 > 一无所有 >



小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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all take madeup names; then; and learn a madeup language — everything new?〃

'The Settlers of Anarres? Yes。 They were romantic people; I suppose。〃

〃And you're not?〃

〃No。 We are very pragmatic。〃

〃You can be both;〃 she said。

He had not expected any subtlety of mind from her。 〃Yes; that's true;〃 he said。

〃What's more romantic than your ing here; all alone; without a coin in your pocket; to plead for your people?〃

〃And to be spoiled with luxuries while I am here。〃

〃Luxuries? In university rooms? Good Lord! You poor dear! Haven't they taken you anywhere decent?〃

〃Many places; but all the same。 I wish I could e to know Nio Esseia better。 I have seen only the outside of the city — the wrapping of the package。〃 He used the phrase because he had been fascinated from the start by the Urrasti habit of wrapping everything up in clean; fancy paper or plastic or cardboard or foil。 Laundry; books; vegetables; clothes; medicines; everything came inside layers and layers of wrappings。 Even packets of paper were wrapped in several layers of paper。 Nothing was to touch anything else。 He had begun to feel that he; too; had been carefully packaged。

〃I know。 They made you go to the Historical Museum; and take a tour of the Dobunnae Monument; and listen to a speech in the Senate!〃 He laughed; because that had been precisely the itinerary one day last summer。 〃I know! They're so stupid with foreigners I shall see to it that you see the real Nio!〃

〃I should like that。〃

〃I know all kinds of wonderful people。 I collect people。 Here you are trapped among all these stuffy professors and politicians。 。 。 。〃 She rattled on。 He took pleasure in her inconsequential talk just as he did in the sunshine and the snow。

They came to the little station of Amoeno。 She had her return ticket; the train was due in any moment。

〃Don't wait; you'll freeze。〃

He did not reply but just stood; bulky in the fleecelined coat; looking amiably at her。

She looked down at the cuff of her coat and brushed a speck of snow off the embroidery。

〃Have you a wife; Shevek?〃


〃No family at all?〃

〃Oh — yes。 A partner; our children。 Excuse me; I was thinking of something else。 A 'wife;' you see。 I think of that as something that exists only on Urras。〃

〃What's a 'partner'?〃 She glanced up mischievously into his face。

〃I think you would say a wife or husband。〃

〃Why didn't she e with you?〃

She did not want to; and the younger child is only one 。。。 no; two; now。 Also—〃 He hesitated。

〃Why didn't she want to e?〃

〃Well; there she has work to do; not here。 If I had known how she would like so many things here; I would have asked her to e。 But I did not。 There is the question of safety; you see。〃

〃Safety here?〃

He hesitated again; and finally said; 〃Also when I go home。〃

〃What will happen to you?〃 Vea asked; roundeyed。 The train was pulling over the hill outside town。

〃Oh; probably nothing。 But there are some who consider me a traitor。 Because I try to make friends with Urras; you see。 They might make trouble when I go home。 I dont want that for her and the children。 We had a little of it before I left。 Enough。〃

〃You'll be in actual danger; you mean?〃

He bent toward her to hear; for the train was pulling into the station with a clatter of wheels and carriages。 〃I don't know;〃 he said; smiling。 〃You know; our trains look very much like these? A good design need not change。〃 He went with her to a firstclass carriage。 Since she did not open the door; he did。 He put his head in after her; looking around the partment。 〃Inside they are not alike; though。 This is all private — for yourself?〃

〃Oh; yes。 I detest second class。 Men chewing maeragum and spitting。 Do people chew maera on Anarres? No; surely not。 Oh; there are so many things I'd love to know about you and your country!〃

〃I love to tell about it; but nobody asks。〃

〃Do let's meet again and talk about it; then! When you're next in Nio; will you call me? Promise。〃

〃I promise;〃 he said goodnaturedly。

〃Odd。 I know you don't break promises。 I don't know anything about you yet; except that。 I can see that。 Goodbye; Shevek。〃 She put her gloved hand on his for a moment as he held the door。 The engine gave its twonote honk; he shut the door。 and watched the train pull out Vea's face a nicker of white and scarlet at the window。

He walked back to the Oiies' in a very cheerful frame of mind; and had a snowball battle with Ini until dark。


The birdseed paper was excited into its hugest typeface。 Spelling and grammar fell by the wayside; it read like Efor talking: 〃By last night rebels hold all west of Meskti and pushing army hard。。。。〃 It was the verbal mode of the Nioti; past and future rammed into one highly charged unstable present tense。

Shevek read the papers and looked up a description of Benbili in the CWG Encyclopedia。 The nation was in form a parliamentary democracy; in fact a military dictatorship; run by generals。 It was a large country in the western hemisphere; mountains and arid savannahs; underpopulated; poor。 〃I should have gone to Benbili;〃 Shevek thought; for the idea of it drew him; be imagined pale plains; the wind blowing。 The news had stirred him strangely。 He listened for bulletins on the radio; which be had seldom turned on after finding that its basic function was advertising things for sale。 Its reports; and those of the official telefax in public rooms; were brief and dry: a queer contrast to the popular papers; which shouted Revolution! on every page。

General Havevert; the President; got away safe in his famous armored airplane; but some lesser generals were caught and emasculated; a punishment the Benbili traditionally preferred to execution。 The retreating army burned the fields and towns of their people as they went Guerrilla partisans harried the army。 The revolutionaries in Meskti; the capital; opened the Jails; giving amnesty to all prisoners。 Reading that; Shevek's heart leapt。 There was hope; there was still hope。 。。。 He followed the news of the distant revolution with increasing intensity。 On the fourth day。 watching a telefax broadcast of debate in the Council of World Governments; he saw the loti ambassador to the CWG announce that AIo; rising to the support of the democratic government of Benbili; was sending armed reinforcements to PresidentGeneral Havevert。

The Benbfli revolutionaries were mostly not even armed。 The loti troops would e with guns; armored cars; airplanes; bombs。 Shevek read the description of their equipment in the paper and felt sick at his stomach。

He felt sick and enraged; and there was nobody he could talk to。 Pae was out of the question。 Atro was an ardent militarist。 Oiie was an ethical man; but his private insecurities; his anxieties as a property owner; made him cling to rigid notions of law and order。 He could cope with his personal liking for Shevek only by refusing to admit that Shevek was an anarchist。 The Odonian society called itself anarchistic; he said; but they were in fact mere primitive populists whose social order functioned without apparent government because there were so few of them and because they had no neighbor states。 When their property was threatened by an aggressive rival; they would either wake up to reality or be wiped out。 The Benbili rebels were waking up to reality now: they were finding freedom is no good if you have no guns to back it up。 He
explained this to Shevek in the one discussion they had on the subject。 It did not matter who governed; or Aught they governed; the Benbilis: the politics of reality concerned the power struggle between AIo and Thu。

〃The politics of reality;〃 Shevek repeated。 He looked at Oiie and said; 〃That is a curious phrase for a physicist to use。〃

〃Not at all。 The politician and the physicist both deal with things as they are; with real forces; the basic laws of the world。〃

〃You put your petty miserable 'laws' to protect wealth; your 'forces' of guns and bombs; in the same sentence with the law of entropy and the force of gravity? I had thought better of your mind; Demaere!〃


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