九味书屋 > 魔法玄幻电子书 > 一无所有 >



小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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She took him to a matinee at the theater; a edy about young married people and their mothersinlaw; full of jokes about copulation which never mentioned copulation。 Shevek attempted to laugh when Vea did。 After that they went to a downtown restaurant; a place of incredible opulence。 The dinner cost a hundred units。 Shevek ate very little of it; having eaten at noon; but he gave in to Vea's urging and drank two or three glasses of wine; which was pleasanter than he had expected it to be; and seemed to have no deleterious effect on his thinking。 He had not enough money to pay for the dinner; but Vea made no offer to share the cost; merely suggesting that he write a check; which he did。 They then took a hired car to Vea's apartment; she also let him pay the driver。 Could it be; he wondered; that Vea was actually a prostitute; that mysterious entity? But prostitutes as Odo wrote of them were poor women; and surely Vea was not poor; 〃her〃 party; she had told him; was being got ready by 〃her〃 cook; 〃her〃 maid; and 〃her〃 caterer。 Moreover men at the University spoke of prostitutes contemptuously as dirty creatures; while Vea; despite her continual allurements; displayed such sensitivity to open talk about anything sexual that Shevek watched his language with her as he might have done; at home; with a shy child of ten。 All together; he did not know what exactly Vea was。

Vea's rooms were large and luxurious; with glittering views of the lights of Nio; and furnished entirely in white; even the carpeting。 But Shevek was getting callous to luxury; and besides was extremely sleepy。 The guests were not due to arrive for an hour。 While Vea was changing her clothes; he fell asleep in a huge white armchair in the living room。 The maid rattling something on the table woke him in time to see Vea e back in; dressed now in loti formal evening wear for women; a fulllength pleated skirt draped from the hips; leaving the whole torso naked。 In her navel a little jewel glittered; just as in the pictures he had seen with Tirin and Bedap a quartercentury ago at the Northsetting Regional Institute of Science; just so。 。。。 Half awake and wholly roused; be stared at her。

She gazed back at him; smiling a little。

She sat down on a low; cushioned stool near him; so she could look up into his face。 She arranged her white skirt over her ankles; and said; 〃Now; tell me how it really is between men and women on Anarres。〃

It was unbelievable。 The maid and the caterer's man were both in the room; she knew he had a partner; and he knew she did〃; and not a word about copulating had passed between them。 Yet her dress; movements; tone — what were they but the most open invitation?

〃Between a man and a woman there is what they want there to be between them;〃 he said; rather roughly。 〃Each; and both。〃

〃Then it's true; you really have no morality?〃 she asked; as if shocked but delighted。

〃I don't know what you mean。 To hurt a person there is the same as to hurt a person here。〃

〃You mean you have all the same old rules? You see; I believe that morality is just another superstition; like religion。 It's got to be thrown out。〃

〃But my society;〃 he said; pletely puzzled; 〃is an attempt to reach it。 To throw out the moralizing; yes — the rules; the laws; the punishments — so that men can see good and evil and choose between them。〃

〃So you threw out all the do's and don'ts。 But you know; I think you Odonians missed the whole point。 You threw out the priests and Judges and divorce laws and all that; but you kept the real trouble behind them。 You just stuck it inside; into your consciences。 But it's still there。 You're just as much slaves as ever! You aren't really free。〃

〃How do you know?〃

〃I read an article in a magazine about Odonianism;〃 she said。 〃And we've been together all day。 I don't know you; but I know some things about you。 I know that you've got a — a Queen Teaea inside you; right inside that hairy head of yours。 And she orders you around just like the old tyrant did her serfs。 She says; 'Do this!' and you do; and 'Don't' and you don't。〃

〃That is where she belongs;〃 he said; smiling。 〃Inside my head。〃

〃No。 Better to have her in a palace。 Then you could rebel gainst her。 You would have to。 Your greatgreatgrandfather did; at least he ran off to the Moon to get a; and you've still got her!〃

〃Maybe。 But she has learned; on Anarres; that if she tells me to hurt another person; I hurt myself。〃

〃The same old hypocrisy。 Life is a fight; and the strongest wins。 All civilization does is hide the blood and cover up the hate with pretty words!〃

〃Your civilization; perhaps。 Ours hides nothing。 It is all plain。 Queen Teaea wears her own skin; there。 We follow one law; only one; the law of human evolution。〃

〃The law of evolution is that the strongest survives!〃

〃Yes; and the strongest; in the existence of any social species; are those who are most social。 In human terms; most ethical。 You see; we have neither prey nor enemy; on Anarres。 We have only one another。 There is no strength to be gained from hurting one another。 Only weakness。〃

〃I don't care about hurting and not hurting。 I don't care about other people; and nobody else does; either。 They pretend to。 I don't want to pretend。 I want to be free。〃

〃But Vea;〃 he began; with tenderness; for the plea for freedom moved him very much; but the doorbell rang。 Vea stood up; smoothed her skirt; and advanced smiling to wele her guests。

During the next hour thirty or forty people came。 At first Shevek felt cross; dissatisfied; and bored。 It was Just another of the parties where everybody stood about with glasses in their hands smiling and talking loudly。 But presently it became more entertaining。 Discussions and arguments got going; people sat down to talk; it began to be like a party at home。 Delicate little pastries and bits of meat and fish were passed around; glasses were constantly refilled by the attentive waiter。 Shevek accepted a drink。 He had watched Urrasti guzzling alcohol for months now; and none of them had seemed to fall ill from it。 The stuff tasted like medicine; but somebody explained that it was mostly carbonated water; which he liked。 He was thirsty; so he drank it right off。

A couple of men were determined to talk physics with him。 One of them was well mannered; and Shevek managed to evade him for a while; for he found it hard to talk physics with nonphysicists。 The other was overbearing; and no escape was possible from him; but irritation; Shevek found; made it much easier to talk。 The man knew everything; apparently because he had a lot of money。 〃As I see it;〃 he informed Shevek; 〃your Simultaneity Theory simply denies the most obvious fact about time; the fact that time passes。〃

〃Well; in physics one is careful about what one calls 'facts。' It is different from business;〃 Shevek said very mildly and agreeably; but there was something in his mildness that made Vea; chatting with another group nearby; turn around to listen。 〃Within the strict terms of Simultaneity Theory; succession is not considered as a physically objective phenomenon; but as a subjective one。〃

〃Now stop trying to scare Dearri; and tell us what that means in baby talk;〃 Vea said。 Her acuteness made Shevek grin。

〃Well。 we think that time 'passes;' flows past us; but what if it is we who move forward; from past to future; always discovering the new? It would be a little like reading a book; you see。 The book is all there; all at once; between its covers。 But if you want to read the story and understand it; you must begin with the first page; and go forward; always in order。 So the universe would be a very great book; and we would be very small readers。〃

〃But the fact is;〃 said Dearri; 〃that we experience the universe as a succession; a flow。 In which case; what's the use of this theory of how on some higher plane it may be all eternally coexistent? Fun for you theorists; maybe; but it has no practical application; no relevance to real life。

Unless it means we can build a time machine!〃 he added with a kind of hard; false joviality。

〃But we don't experience the universe only successively;〃 Shevek said。 〃Do you never dream; Mr。 Dearri?〃 He was proud of himself for having;

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