九味书屋 > 魔法玄幻电子书 > 一无所有 >



小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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trying to dissipate his anger and tension in watching other people。 But they were also behaving very emotionally; for loti — shouting; laughing loudly; interrupting each other。 One pair was indulging in sexual foreplay in a er。 Shevek looked away; disgusted。 Did they egoize even in sex? To caress and copulate in front of unpaired people was as vulgar as to eat in front of hungry people。 He returned his attention to the group around him。 They were off prediction; now; and onto politics。 They were all disputing about the war; about what Thu would do next; what AIo would do next; what the CWG would do next。

〃Why do you talk only in abstractions?〃 he inquired suddenly; wondering as he spoke why he was speaking; when he had resolved not to。 〃It is not names of countries; it is people killing each other。 Why do the soldiers go? Why does a man go kill strangers?〃

〃But that's what soldiers are for;〃 said a little fair woman with an opal in her navel。 Several men began to explain the principle of national sovereignty to Shevek。 Vea interrupted; 〃But let him talk。 How would you solve the mess; Shevek?〃

〃Solution's in plain sight。〃



〃But what you people do on the Moon doesnt solve our
problems here。〃

〃Man's problem is all the same。 Survival。 Species; group; individual。〃

〃National selfdefense—〃 somebody shouted。

They argued; he argued。 He knew what he wanted to say; and knew it must convince everyone because it was clear and true; but somehow he could not get it said properly。 Everybody shouted。 The little fair woman patted the broad arm of the chair she was sitting in; and be sat down on it。 Her shaven; silken head came peering up under his arm。 〃Hello; Moon Man!〃 she said。 Vea had joined another group for a time; but now was back near him。 Her face was flushed and her eyes looked large
and liquid。 He thought he saw Pae across the room; but there were so many faces that they blurred together。 Things happened in fits and starts; with blanks in between; as if he were being allowed to witness the operation of the Cyclic Cosmos of old Gvarab's hypothesis from behind the scenes。 〃The principle of legal authority must be upheld; or we'll degenerate into mere anarchy'〃 thundered a fat; frowning man。 Shevek said; 〃Yes; yes; degenerate! We have enjoyed it for one hundred and fifty years now。〃 The little fair woman's toes; in silver sandals; peeped out from under her skirt; which was sewn all over with hundreds and hundreds of tiny pearls。 Vea said; 〃But tell us about Anarres — what's it really like? Is it so wonderful
there really?〃 

He was sitting on the arm of the chair; and Vea was curled up on the hassock at his knees; erect and supple; her soft breasts staring at him with their blind eyes; her face smiling; placent; flushed。

Something dark turned over in Shevek's mind; darkening everything。 His mouth was dry。 He finished the glassful the waiter had just poured him。 〃I don't know;〃 he said; his tongue felt half paralyzed。 〃No。 It is not wonderfuL It is an ugly world。 Not like this one。 Anarres is all dust and dry hills。 All meager; all dry。 And the people aren't beautiful。 They have big hands and feet; like me and the waiter there。 But not big bellies。 They get very dirty; and take baths together; nobody here does that。 The towns are very small and dull; they are dreary。 No palaces。 Life is dull; and hard work。 You can't always have what you want; or even what you need; because there isn't enough。 You Urrasti have enough。 Enough air; enough rain; grass; oceans; food; music; buildings; factories; machines; books; clothes; history。 You are rich; you own。 We are poor; we lack。 You have; we do not have。 Everything is beautiful; here。 Only not the faces。 On Anarres nothing is beautiful; nothing but the faces。 The other faces; the men and women。 We have nothing but that; nothing but each other。 Here you see the jewels; there you see the eyes。 And in the eyes you see the splendor; the splendor of the human spirit Because our men and women are free — possessing nothing; they are free。 And you the possessors are possessed。 You are all in jail。 Each alone; solitary; with a heap of what he owns。 You live in prison; die in prison。 It is all I can see in your eyes — the wall; the wall!〃

They were all looking at him。

He heard the loudness of his voice still ringing in the silence; felt his ears burning。 The darkness; the blankness; turned over once more in his mind。 〃I feel dizzy;〃 he said; and stood up。

Vea was at his arm。 〃e along this way;〃 she said; laughing a little and breathless。 He followed her as she threaded her way through the people。 He now felt his face was very pale; and the dizziness did not pass; he hoped she was taking him to the washroom; or to a window where he could breathe fresh air。 But the room they came into was large and dimly lit by reflection。 A high; white bed bulked against the wall; a lookingglass covered half another wall。 There was a close; sweet fragrance of draperies; linens; the perfume Vea used。

〃You are too much;〃 Vea said。 bringing herself directly before him and looking up into his face; in the dimness; with that breathless laugh。 〃Really too much — you are impossible — magnificent!〃 She put her hands on his shoulders。 〃Oh; the looks on their faces! I've got to kiss you for that!〃 And she lifted herself on tiptoe; presenting him her mouth; and her white throat; and her naked breasts。

He took hold of her and kissed her mouth; forcing her head backward; and then her throat and breasts。 She yielded at first as if she had no bones; then she writhed a little; laughing and pushing weakly at him; and began to talk。 〃Oh; no; no; now behave;〃 she said。 〃Now! e on; we do have to go back to the party。 No; Saevek; now calm down; this won't do at all!〃 He paid no attention。 He pulled her with him toward the bed; and she came; though she kept talking。 He fumbled with one hand at the plicated clothes he was wearing and managed to get his trousers unfastened。 Then there was Vea's clothing; the lowslung but tightfitted skirt band; which he could not loosen。 〃Now; stop;〃 she said。 〃No; now listen; Shevek; it
won't do; not now。 I haven't taken a contraceptive; if I got stuffed I'd be in a pretty mess; my husband's ing back in two weeksl No; let me be;〃 but he could not let her be; his face was pressed against her soft; sweaty; scented flesh。 〃Listen; don't mess up my clothes; people will notice; for heaven's sake。 Wait — just wait; we can arrange it; we can fix up a place to meet; I do have to be careful of my reputation; I can't trust the maid。 Just wait; not now — Not now! Not now!〃 Frightened at last by his blind urgency; his force; she pushed at him as hard as she could; her hands against his chest He took a step backward; confused by her sudden high tone of fear and her struggle; but he could not stop; her resistance excited him further。 He gripped her to him; and his semen spurted out against the white silk of her dress。

〃Let me go! Let me go!〃 she was repeating in the same high whisper。 He let her go。 He stood dazed。 He fumbled at his trousers; trying to dose them。 〃I am — sorry — I thought you wanted—〃

〃For God's sake!〃 Vea said; looking down at her skirt in the dim light; twitching the pleats away from her。 〃Really! Now I'll have to change my dress。〃

Shevek stood; his mouth open; breathing with difficulty; his hands hanging; then all at once be turned and blundered out of the dim room。 Back in the bright room of the party he stumbled through the crowded people; tripped over a leg; found his way blocked by bodies; clothes; jewels; breasts; eyes; candle flames; furniture。 He ran up against a table。 On it lay a silver platter on which tiny pastries stuffed with meat; cream; and herbs were arranged in concentric circles like a huge pale flower。 Shevek gasped for breath; doubled up; and vomited all over the platter。

〃Do take him home;〃 Pae said。

〃Do; for heaven's sake;〃 said Vea。 〃Were you looking for him; Saio?〃

〃Oh; a bit。 Fortunately Demaere called you。〃

〃You are certainly wele to him。〃

〃He won't be any trouble。 Passed out in the hall。 May I use your phone before I go?〃

〃Give my love to the Chief;〃 Vea said archly。

Oiie had e 

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