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小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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〃You are certainly wele to him。〃

〃He won't be any trouble。 Passed out in the hall。 May I use your phone before I go?〃

〃Give my love to the Chief;〃 Vea said archly。

Oiie had e to his sister's fiat with Pae; and left with him。 They sat in the middle seat of the big Government limousine that Pae always had on call; the same one that had brought Shevek from the space port last summer。 He now lay as they had dumped him on the back seat。

〃Was he with your sister all day; Demaere?〃

〃Since noon; apparently。〃

Thank God!〃

〃Why are you so worried about his getting into the slums? Any Odonian's already convinced we're a lot of oppressed wage slaves; what's the difference if he sees a bit of corroboration?〃

〃I don't care what he sees。 We dont want him seen。 Have you been reading the birdseed papers? Or the broadsheets that were circulating last week in Old Town; about the 'Forerunner'? The myth — the one who es before the millennium — a stranger; an outcast; an exile; bearing in empty hands the time to e。' They quoted that。 The rabble are in one of their damned apocalyptic moods。 Looking for a figurehead。 A catalyst。 Talking about a general strike。 They'll never learn。 They need a lesson all the same。 Damned rebellious cattle; send them to fight Thu。 It's the only good we'll ever get from them。〃

Neither man spoke again during the ride。

The night watchman of the Senior Faculty House helped them get Shevek up to his room。 They loaded him onto the bed。 He began to snore at once。

Oiie stayed to take off Shevek's shoes and put a blanket over him。 The drunken man's breath was foul; Oiie stepped away from the bed; the fear and the love he felt for Shevek rising up in him; each strangling the other。 He scowled; and muttered; 〃Dirty fool。〃 He snapped the light off and returned to the other room。 Pae was standing at the desk going through Shevek's papers。

〃Leave off;〃 Oiie said; his expression of disgust deepening。 〃e on。 It's two in the morning。 I'm tired。〃

〃What has the bastard been doing; Demaere? Still nothing here; absolutely nothing。 Is he a plete fraud? Have we been taken in by a damned mere peasant from Utopia? Where's his theory? Where's our instantaneous spaceflight? Where's our advantage over the Hainish? Nine; ten months we've been feeding the bastard; for nothing!〃 Nevertheless he pocketed one of the papers before he followed Oiie to the door。

Chapter 8

They were out on the athletic fields of Abbenay's North Park; six of them; in the long gold and heat and dust of the evening。 They were all pleasantly replete; for dinner had gone on most of the afternoon; a street festival and feast with cooking over open fires。 It was the midsummer holiday。 Insurrection Day; memorating the first great uprising in Nio Bsseia in the Urrasti year 740; nearly two hundred years ago。 Cooks and refectory workers were honored as the guests of the rest of the munity on that day; because a syndicate of cooks and waiters had begun the strike that led to the insurrection。 There were many such traditions and festivals on Anarres; some instituted by the Settlers and others; like the harvest homes and the Feast of the Solstice; that had risen spontaneously out of the rhythms of life on the pla and the need of those who work; together to celebrate together。

They were talking; all rather desultorily except for Takver。 She had danced for hours; eaten quantities of fried bread and pickles; and was feeling very lively。 〃Why did Kvigot get posted to the Keran Sea fisheries; where he'll have to start all over again; while Turib takes on his research program here?〃 she was saying。 Her research syndicate had been assimilated into a project managed directly by PDC; and she had bee a strong partisan of some of Bedap's ideas。 〃Because Kvigot is a good biologist who doesnt agree with Simas's fuddyduddy theories; and Turib is a nothing who scrubs Simas's back in the baths。 See who takes over directing the program when Simas retires。 She will; Turib will; I'll bet you!〃

〃What does that expression mean?〃 asked somebody who felt indisposed for social criticism。

Bedap; who had been putting on weight at the waist and was serious about exercise; was trotting earnestly around the playing field。 The others were sitting on a dusty bank under trees; getting their exercise verbally。

〃It's an lotic verb;〃 Shevek said。 〃A game the Urrasti play with probabilities。 The one who guesses right gets the other one's property。〃 He had long ago ceased to observe Sabul's ban on mentioning his lotic studies。

〃How did one of their words get into Pravic?〃

〃The Settlers;〃 said another。 〃They had to leam Pravic as adults; they must have thought in the old languages for a long time。 I read somewhere that the word damn isn't in the Pravic Dictionary — it's lotic too。 Farigv didnt provide any swearwords when he invented the language; or if he did his puters didnt understand the necessity。〃

〃What's hell; then?〃 Takver asked。 〃I used to think it meant the shit depot in the town where I grew up。 'Go to hell!' The worst place to go。〃

Desar; the mathematician; who had now taken a permanent posting to the Institute staff; and who still hung around Shevek; though he seldom spoke to Takver; said in his cryptographic style; 〃Means Urras。〃

〃On Unas; it means the place you go to when you're damned。〃

'That's a posting to Southwest in summer;〃 said Terms; an ecologist; an old friend of Takver's。

〃It's in the religious mode; in lotic。〃

〃I know you have to read lotic; Shev; but do you have to read religion?〃

〃Some of the old Urrasti physics is all in the religious mode。 Concepts like that e up。 'Hell' means the place of absolute evil。〃

〃The manure depot in Round Valley;〃 Takver said。 〃I thought so。〃

Bedap came pumping up; dustwhitened; sweatstreaked。 He sat down heavily beside Shevek and panted。

〃Say something in lotic;〃 asked Richat; a student of Shevek's。 〃What does it sound like?〃

〃You know: Hell! Damn!〃

〃But stop swearing at me;〃 said the girl; giggling; and say a whole sentence。〃

Shevek goodnaturedly said a sentence in lotic。 〃I don't really know how it's pronounced;〃 he added; 〃I just guess。〃

〃What did it mean?〃

〃If the passage of time is a feature of human consciousness; past and future are functions of the mind。 From a preSequentist; Keremcho。〃

〃How weird to think of people speaking and you couldn't understand them!〃

〃They can't even understand each other。 They speak hundreds of different languages; all the crazy archists on the Moon。。。。〃

〃Water; water;〃 said Bedap; still panting。

〃There is no water;〃 said Terrus。 〃It hasnt rained for eighteen decads。 A hundred and eightythree days to be precise。 Longest drought in Abbenay for forty years。〃

〃If it goes on; well have to recycle urine; the way they did in the Year 20。 Glass of piss; Shev?〃

〃Don't joke;〃 said Terrus。 〃That's the thread we walk on。 Will it rain enough? The leaf crops in Southrising are a dead loss already。 No rain there for thirty decads。〃

They all looked up into the hazy; golden sky。 The serrated leaves of the trees under which they sat; tall exotica from the Old World; drooped on their branches; dusty; curled by the dryness。

〃Never be another Great Drought;〃 Desar said; 〃Modern desalinization plants。 Prevent。〃

〃They might help alleviate it;〃 Terrus said。

Winter that year came early; cold; and dry in the Northern Hemisphere。 Frozen dust on the wind in the low; wide streets of Abbenay。 Water to the baths strictly rationed: thirst and hunger outranked cleanliness。 Food and clothing for the twenty million people of Anarres came from the holum plants; leaf; seed; fiber; root。 There was some stockpile of textiles in the warehouses and depots; but there had never been much reserve of food。 Water went to the land; to keep the plants alive。 The sky over the city was cloudless and would have been clear; but it was yellowed with dust windbome from drier lands to the south and west。 Sometimes when the wind blew down from the north; from the Ne Theras; the yellow haze cleared and left a brilliant; empty sky; dark blue hardening to purple at the zenith。

Takver was pregnant。 Mostly she was sleepy and be

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