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小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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happy partnership that way。 That's why they did it; you know。 They're against partnerships; you can see it all the time; they intentionally post partners apart。 That's what happened with me and Labeks; exactly the same thing。 We'll never get back together。 Not with the whole of Divlab lined up against us。 There's the little empty crib。 Poor little thing! She never ceased crying these four decads; day and night。 Kept me awake for hours。 It's the shortages; of course; Takver just didn't have enough milk。 And then to send a nursing mother off to a posting hundreds of miles away like that; imagine! I don't suppose you'll be able to join her there; where is it they sent her to?〃

〃Northeast I want to get over to breakfast; Bunub。

〃I'm hungry。〃

〃Isn't it typical how they did it while you were away。

〃Did what while I was away?〃

〃Sent her away — broke up the partnership。〃 She was reading Sabul's note; which she had uncrumpled with care。 〃They know when to move inl I suppose you'll be leaving this room now; wont you? They won't let you keep a double。 Takver talked about ing back soon; but I could see she was just trying to keep her spirits up。 Freedom; we're supposed to be free; big Joke! Pushed around from here to there—〃

〃Oh; by damn; Bunub; if Takver hadn't wanted the posting she'd have refused it。 You know we're facing a famine。〃

〃Well。 I wondered if she hadn't been looking for a move。 It often happens after a baby es。 I thought long ago you should have given that baby to a nursery。 The amount it cried。 Children e between partners。 Tie them down。 It's only natural; as you say; that she should have been looking for a change; and jumped at it when she got it〃

〃I did not say that。 I'm going to breakfast。〃 He strode out; quivering at five or six sensitive spots which Bunub had accurately wounded。 The horror of the woman was that she voiced all his own most despicable fears。 She now stayed behind in the room; probably to plan her move into it。

He had overslept and got to mons just before they closed the doors。 Ravenous still from the journey; he took a double helping of both porridge and bread。 The boy behind the serving tables looked at him frowning。 These days nobody took double helpings。 Shevek stared frowning back and said nothing。 He had gone eightyodd hours now on two bowls of soup and one kilo of bread; and he had a right to make up for what he had missed; but he was damned if he would explain。 Existence is its own justification; need is right He was an Odoniaa; he left guilt to profiteers。

He sat down by himself; but Desar joined him immediately; smiling; staring at or beside him with disconcerting wall eyes。 〃Been gone while;〃 Desar said。

〃Farm draft。 Six decads。 How have things been here?〃


〃They'll get leaner。〃 Shevek said; but without real conviction; for he was eating; and the porridge tasted exceedingly good。 Frustration; anxiety; famine! said his forebrain; seat of intellect; but his hindbrain; squatting in unrepentant savagery back in the deep skull's darkness; said Food now! Food now! Good; good!

〃Seen Sabul?〃

〃No。 I got in late last night。〃 He glanced up at Desar and said with attempted indifference; 'Takver got a famine posting; she had to leave four days ago。〃

Desar nodded with genuine indifference。 〃Heard that。 You hear about Institute reanizing?〃

〃No。 What's up?〃

The mathematician spread out his long; slender hands on me table and looked down at them。 He was always tonguetied and telegraphic; in fact; he stammered; but whether it was a verbal or a moral stammer Shevek had never decided。 As he had always liked Desar without knowing why; so there were moments when he disliked Desar intensely; again without knowing why。 This was one of the moments。 There was a slyness in the expression of Desar's mouth; his downcast eyes; like Bunub's downcast eyes。

〃Shakedown。 Cutting back to functional staff。 Shipeg's out。〃 Shipeg was a notoriously stupid mathematician who had always managed; by assiduous flattery of students; to get himself one studentrequisitioned course each term。 〃Sent him off。 Some regional institute。〃

〃He'd do less harm hoeing groundholum;〃 Shevek said。 Now that he was fed; it appeared to him that the drought might after all be of service to the social anism。 The priorities were being clear again。 Weaknesses; soft spots; sick spots would be scoured out; sluggish ans restored to full function; the fat would be trimmed off the body politic。

〃Put in word for you。 Institute meeting;〃 Desar said; looking up but not meeting; because he could not meet; Shevek's eyes。 As he spoke; though Shevek did not yet understand what he meant; he knew that Desar was lying。 He knew it positively。 Desar had not put in a word for him; but a word against him。

The reason for his moments of detesting Desar was clear to him now: a recognition; heretofore unadmitted; of the element of pure malice in Desar's personality。 That Desar also loved him and was trying to gain power over him was equally clear; and; to Shevek; equally detestable。 The devious ways of posseasivenesa; the labyrinths of love/hate; were meaningless to him。 Arrogant; intolerant; he walked right through their walls。 He did not speak again to the mathematician; but finished his breakfast and went off across the quadrangle; through the bright morning of early autumn; to the physics office。

He went to the back room which everybody called 〃Sabul's office;〃 the room where they had first met; where Sabul had given him the grammar and dictionary of lotic。 Sabul looked up warily across the desk; looked down again; busy with papers; the hardworking; abstracted scientist then allowed awareness of Shevek's presence to seep into his overloaded brain; then became; for him; effusive。 He looked thin and aged; and when he got up he stooped more than he had used to do; a placating kind of stoop。 〃Bad times;〃 he said。 〃Eh? Bad times!〃

〃They'll get worse;〃 Shevek said lightly。 〃How's everything here?〃

〃Bad; bad。〃 Sabul shook his grizzled head。 〃This is a bad time for pure science; for the intellectual。〃

〃Is there ever a good one?〃

Sabul produced an unnatural chuckle。

〃Did anything e in for us on the summer shipments from Urras?〃 Shevek inquired; clearing off sitting room on the bench。 He sat down and crossed his legs。 His light skin had tanned and the fine down that covered his face had bleached to silver while he worked in the fields in Southrising。 He looked spare; and sound; and young; pared to Sabul。 Both men were aware of the contrast

〃Nothing of interest。〃

〃No reviews of the Principles?〃

〃No。〃 Sabul's tone was surly; more like himself。

〃No letters?〃


〃That's odd。〃

〃What's odd about it? What did you expect; a lectureship at leu Eun University? The Seo Oen Prize?〃

〃I expected reviews and replies。 There's been time。〃 He said this as Sabul said; 〃Hardly been time for reviews yet〃

There was a pause。

〃You'll have to realize; Shevek; that a mere conviction of rightness isn't selfjustifying。 You worked hard on the book; I know。 I worked hard editing if too; trying to make clear that it wasn't just an irresponsible attack on Sequency theory; but had positive aspects。 But if other physicists don't see value in your work; then you've got to begin looking at the values you hold and seeing where the discrepancy lies。 If it means nothing to other people; what's the good of it? What's its function?〃

〃I'm a physicist; not a functions analyst;〃 Shevek said amiably。

〃Every Odonian has to be a functions analyst You're thirty; aren't you? By that age a man should know not only his cellular function but his anic function — what his optimum role in the social anism is。 You haven't had to think about that; perhaps; as much as most people〃

〃No。 Since I was ten or twelve I've known what kind of work I had to do。〃

〃What a boy thinks he likes to do isn't always what his society needs from him。〃

〃I'm thirty; as you say。 Rather an old boy。〃

〃You've reached that age in an unusually sheltered; protected environment First the Northsetting Regional Institute—〃

〃And a forest project; and farm projects; and practical trainingi and block mittees; and volunteer work since the drou

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