九味书屋 > 魔法玄幻电子书 > 一无所有 >



小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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crossed the murky basement to the door; and went up onto the street。 The fleet of armored cars had passed。 A very few stragglers of the demonstration went by; hurrying; their heads down; in enemy territory。 Shevek tried to stop two; a third finally halted for him。 〃I need a doctor; there is a man hurt。 Can you send a doctor back here?〃

〃Better get him out。〃

〃Help me carry him。〃

The man hurried on。 〃They ing through here;〃 he called back over his shoulder。 〃You better get out。〃

No one else came by; and presently Shevek saw a line of blackcoats far down the street He went back down into the basement; shut the door; returned to the wounded man's side; sat down on the dusty floor。 〃Hell;〃 he said。

After a while he took the little notebook out of his shirt pocket and began to study it。

In the afternoon; when he cautiously looked outside; he saw an armored car stationed across the street and two others slewed across the street at the crossing。 That explained the shouts he had been hearing: it would be soldiers giving orders to each other。

Atro had once explained to him how this was managed; how the sergeants could give the privates orders; how the lieutenants could give the privates and the sergeants orders; how the captains 。。。 and so on and so on up to the generals; who could give everyone else orders and need take them from none; except the mander in chief。 Shevek had listened with incredulous disgust 〃You call that anization?〃 he had inquired。 〃You even call it discipline? But it is neither。 It is a coercive mechanism of extraordinary inefficiency — a kind of seventhmillennium steam engine! With such a rigid and fragile structure what could be done that was worth doing?〃 This had given Atro a chance to argue the worth of warfare as the breeder of courage and manliness and the weederout of the unfit; but the very line of his argument had forced him to concede the effectiveness of guerillas; anized from below; selfdisciplined; 〃But that only works when the people think they're fighting for something of their own — you know; their homes; or some notion or other;〃 the old man had said。 Shevek had dropped the argument He now continued it; in the darkening basement among the stacked crates of unlabeled chemicals。 He explained to Atro that he now understood why the army was anized as it was。 It was indeed quite necessary。 No rational form of anization would serve the purpose。 He simply had not understood that the purpose was to enable men with machine guns to kill unarmed men and women easily and in great quantities when told to do so。 Only he still could not see where courage; or manliness; or fitness entered in。

He occasionally spoke to his panion; too; as it got darker。 The man was lying now with his eyes open; and he moaned a couple of times in a way that touched Shevek; a childish; patient sort of moan。 He had made a gallant effort to keep up and keep going; all the time they were in the first panic of the crowd forcing into and through the Directorate; and running; and then walking towards Old Town; he had held the hurt hand under his coat; pressed against his side; and had done his best to keep going and not to hold Shevek back。 The second time he moaned; Shevek took his good hand and whispered。 〃Don't; don't。 Be quiet; brother;〃 only because he could not bear to hear the man's pain and not be able to do anything for him。 The man probably thought he meant he should be quiet lest he give them away to the police; for he nodded weakly and shut his lips together。

The two of them endured there three nights。 During all that time there was sporadic fighting in the warehouse district; and the army blockade remained across that block of Mesee Boulevard。 The fighting never came very close to it; and it was strongly manned; so the men in hiding had no chance to get out without surrendering themselves。 Once when his panion was awake Shevek asked him; 〃'If we went out to the police what would they do with us?〃

The man smiled and whispered; 〃Shoot us。〃

As there had been scattered gunfire around; near and far; for hours; and an occasional solid explosion; and the clacking of the helicopters; his opinion seemed well founded。 The reason for his smile was less clear。

He died of loss of blood that night; while they lay side by side for warmth on the mattress Shevek had made from packingcrate straw。 He was already stiff when Shevek woke; and sat up; and listened to the silence in the great dark basement and outside on the street and in all the city; a silence of death。

Chapter 10

Rail lines in Southwest ran for the most part on embankments a meter or more above the plain。 There was less dust drift on an elevated roadbed; and it gave travelers a good view of desolation。

Southwest was the only one of the eight Divisions of Anarres that lacked any major body of water。 Marshes were formed by polar melt in summer in the far south; towards the equator there were only shallow alkaline lakes in vast salt pans。 There were no mountains; every hundred kilometers or so a chain of hills ran northsouth; barren; cracked; weathered into cliffs and pinnacles。 They were streaked with violet and red; and on cliff faces the rockmoss; a plant that lived in any extreme of heat; cold; aridity; and wind; grew in bold verticals of greygreen; making a plaid with the striations of the sandstone。 There was no other color in the landscape but dun; fading to whitish where salt pans lay half covered with sand。 Rare thunderclouds moved over the plains; vivid white in the purplish sky。 They cast no rain; only shadows。 The embankment and the glittering rails ran straight behind the truck train to the end of sight and straight before it to the end of sight。

Nothing you can do with Southwest;〃 said the driver; 〃but get across it。〃

His panion did not answer; having fallen asleep。 His head jiggled to the vibration of the engine。 His hands; workhard and blackened by frostbite; lay loose on his thighs; his face in relaxation was lined and sad。 He had hitched the ride in Copper Mountain; and since there were no other passengers the driver had asked him to ride in the cab for pany。 He had gone to sleep at once。 The driver glanced at him from time to time with disappointment but sympathy。 He had seen so many wornout people in the last years that it seemed the normal condition to him。

Late in the long afternoon the man woke up; and after staring out at the desert a while be asked; 〃You always do this run alone?〃

〃Last three; four years。〃

〃Ever break down out here?〃

〃Couple of times。 Plenty of rations and water in the locker。 You hungry; by the way?〃

〃Not yet。〃

〃They send down the breakdown rig from Lonesome within a day or so。〃

〃That's the next settlement?〃

〃Right Seventeen hundred kilometers from Sedep Mines to Lonesome。 Longest run between towns on Anarres。 I've been doing it for eleven years。〃 

〃Not tired of it?〃

〃No。 Like to run a job by myself。〃

The passenger nodded agreement。

〃And it's steady。 I like routine; you can think。 Fifteen days on the run; fifteen off with the partner in New Hope。 Year in; year out; drought; famine; whatever。 Nothing changes; it's always drought down here。 I like the run。 Get the water out; will you? Cooler's back underneath the locker。〃

They each had a long swig from the bottle。 The water had a flat; alkaline taste; but was cool。 〃Ah; that's good!〃 the passenger said gratefully。 He put the bottle away and; returning to his seat in the front of the cab; stretched; bracing his hands against the roof。 〃You're a partnered man; then;〃 he said。 There was a simplicity in the way he said it that the driver liked; and he answered; 〃Eighteen years。〃

〃Just starting。〃

〃By damn; I agree with that! Now that's what some don't see。 But the way I see it; if you copulate around enough in your teens; that's when you get the most out of it; and also you find out that it's all pretty much the same damn thing。 And a good thing; tool But still; what's different isn't the copulating; it's the other person。 And eighteen years is just a start; all right; when it es to figuring out that difference。 At least; if it's a woman you're trying to figure out。

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