九味书屋 > 魔法玄幻电子书 > 一无所有 >



小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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〃e in;〃 Takver said; 〃oh e in; e in。〃

Shevek opened his eyes。 Farther into the room; which now seemed very bright; be saw the serious; watchful face of a small child。

〃Sadik; this is Shevek。〃

The child went to Takver; took hold of her leg; and burst into tears。

〃But don't cry; why are you crying; little soul?〃

〃Why are you?〃 the child whispered。 

〃Because I'm happy! Only because I'm happy。 Sit on my lap。 But Shevek; Shevek! The letter from you only came yesterday。 I was going to go by the telephone when I took Sadik home to sleep。 You said you'd call tonight。 Not e tonight! Oh; don't cry。 Sadik!; look; I'm not any more; am I?〃

〃The man cried too。〃

〃Of course I did。〃

Sadik looked at him with mistrustful curiosity。 She was four years old。 She had a round head; a round face; she was round; dark; furry; soft。

There was no furniture in the room but the two bed platforms。 Takver had sat down on one with Sadik on her lap; Shevek sat down on the other and stretched out his legs。 He wiped his eyes with the backs of his hands; and held the knuckles out to show Sadik。 〃See;〃 he said; 〃they're wet。 And the nose dribbles。 Do you keep a handkerchief?〃

〃Yes。 Don't you?〃

〃I did; but it got lost in a washhouse。〃

〃You can share the handkerchief I use;〃 Sadik said after a pause。

〃He doesn't know where it is;〃 said Takver。

Sadik got off her mother's lap and fetched a handkerchief from a drawer in the closet。 She gave it to Takver; who passed it across to Shevek。 〃It's clean;〃 Takver said; with her large smile。 Sadik watched closely while Shevek wiped his nose。

〃Was there an earthquake here a little while ago?〃 he asked。

〃It shakes all the time; you really stop noticing;〃 Takver said; but Sadik; delighted to dispense information; said in her high but husky voice; 〃Yes; there was a big one before dinner。 When there's an earthquake the windows go gliggle and the floor waves; and you ought to go into the doorway or outside。〃

Shevek looked at Takver; she returned the look。 She had aged more than four years。 She had never had very good teeth; and now had lost two; just back of the upper eyeteeth; so that the gaps showed when she smiled。 Her skin no longer had the fine taut surface of youth; and her hair; pulled back neatly; was dull。

Shevek saw clearly that Takver had lost her young grace; and looked a plain; tired woman near the middle of her life。 He saw this more clearly than anyone else could have seen it。 He saw everything about Takver in a way that no one else could have seen it; from the standpoint of years of intimacy and years of longing。 He saw her as she was。

Their eyes met。

〃How — how's it been going here?〃 he asked; reddening all at once and obviously speaking at random。 She felt the palpable wave; the outrush of his desire。 She also flushed slightly; and smiled。 She said in her husky voice; 〃Oh; same as when we talked on the phone。〃

〃That was six decads ago!〃

〃Things go along pretty much the same here。

〃It's very beautiful here — the hills。〃 He saw in Takver's eyes the darkness of the mountain valleys。 The acuteness of his sexual desire grew abruptly; so that he was dizzy for a moment; then he got over the crisis temporarily and tried to mand his erection to subside。 〃Do you think youll want to stay here?〃 he said。

〃I don't care;〃 she said; in her strange; dark; husky voice;

〃Your nose is still dribbling;〃 Sadik remarked; keenly; but without emotional bias。

〃Be glad that's all;〃 Shevek said。 Takver said; 〃Hush; Sadik; don't egoize!〃 Both the adults laughed。 Sadik continued to study Shevek。

〃I do like the town; Shev。 The people are nice — all characters。 But the work isn't much。 It's just lab work in the hospital。 The shortage of technicians is just about over; I could leave soon without leaving them in the lurch。 I'd like to go back to Abbenay; if you were thinking of that。 Have you got a repeating?〃

〃Didn't ask for one and haven't checked。 I've been on the road for a decad。〃

〃What were you doing on the road?〃 traveling on it; Sadik。〃

〃He was ing from half across the world; from the south; from the deserts; to e to us;〃 Takver said。 The child smiled; settled herself more fortably on her lap; and yawned。

〃Have you eaten; Shev? Are you worn out? I must get this child to bed; we were just thinking of leaving when you knocked。〃

〃She sleeps in the dormitory already?〃

〃Since the beginning of this quarter。〃

〃I was four already;〃 Sadik stated。

〃You say; I am four already;〃 said Takver; dumping her off gently in order to get her coat from the closet Sadik stood up; in profile to Shevek; she was extremely conscious of him; and directed her remarks towards him。 〃But I was four; now I'm more than four。〃

〃A temporalist; like the father!〃

〃You can't be four and more than four at the same time; can you?〃 the child asked; sensing approbation; and now speaking directly to Shevek。

〃Oh; yes; easily。 And you can be four and nearly five at the same time; too。〃 Sitting on the low platform; he could hold his head on a level with the child's so that she did not have to look up at him。 〃But I'd fotten that you were nearly five; you see。 When I last saw you you were hardly more than nothing。〃

〃Really?〃 Her tone was indubitably flirtatious。

〃Yes。 You were about so long。〃 He held his hands not very far apart。

〃Could I talk yet?〃

〃You said waa; and a few other things。〃

〃Did I wake up everybody in the dom like Cheben's baby?〃 she inquired; with a broad; gleeful smile。

〃Of course。〃

〃When did I leam how to really talk?〃

〃At about one half year old;〃 said Takver; 〃and you have never shut up since。 Where's the hat。 Sadik?〃

〃At school。 I hate the hat I wear;〃 she informfed Shevek。

They walked the child through the windy streets to the learningcenter dormitory and took her into the lobby。 It was a little; shabby place too; but brightened by children's paintings; several fine brass model engines; and a litter of toy houses and painted wooden people。 Sadik kissed her mother good night; then turned to Shevek and put up her arms; he stooped to her; she kissed him matteroffactly but firmly; and said; 〃Good night!〃 She went off with the night attendant; yawning。 They heard her voice; the attendant's mild hushing。

〃She's beautiful; Takver。 Beautiful; intelligent; sturdy。〃

〃She's spoiled; I'm afraid。〃

〃No; no。 You've done well; fantastically well — in such a time —〃

〃It hasn't been so bad here; not the way it was in the south;〃 she said; looking up into his face as they left the dormitory。 〃Children were fed; here。 Not very well; but enough。 A munity here can grow food。 If nothing else there's the scrub holum。 You can gather wild holum seeds and pound them for meal。 Nobody starved here。 But I did spoil Sadik。 I nursed her till she was three; of course; why not when there was nothing good to wean her to! But they disapproved; at the research station at Rolny。 They wanted me to put her in the nursery there full time。 They said I was being propertarian about the child and not contributing full strength to the social effort in the crisis。 They were right; really。 But they were so righteous。 None of them understood about being lonely。 They were all groupers。 no characters。 It was the women who nagged me about nursing。 Real body profiteers。 I stuck it out there because the food was good — trying out the algaes to see if they were palatable; sometimes you got quite a lot over standard rations; even if it did taste like glue — until they could replace me with somebody who fitted in better。 Then I went to Fresh Start for about ten decads。 That was winter; two years ago; that long time the mail didn't get through; when things were so bad where you were。 At Fresh Start I saw this posting listed; and came here。 Sadik stayed with me in the dom till this autumn。 I still miss her。 The room's so silent。〃

〃Isn't there a roommate?〃

〃Sherut; she's very nice; but she works night shift at the hospital。 It was time Sadik went; it's good for her living with the other children。 She was getting shy。 She was very good about going there; very stoical。 Little children are stoical。 They cry over bumps; but they take the big things as they e; they 

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