九味书屋 > 魔法玄幻电子书 > 一无所有 >



小说: 一无所有 字数: 每页4000字

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ossibility。 It should be included in a plan to make a roundtrip tour of the scenic areas of Urras。〃

〃Would it be worthwhile to you — that risk?〃

He looked forward at nothing for a time。 〃Yes;〃 he said; 〃in a way。 If I could finish the theory there; and give it to them — to us and them and all the worlds; you know — I'd like that。 Here I'm walled in。 I'm cramped; it's hard to work; to test the work; alent; without colleagues and students。 And then when I do the work; they don't want it。 Or; if they do; like Sabul; they want me to abandon initiative in return for receivmg approval。 They'll use the work I do; after I'm dead; that always happens。 But why must I give my lifework as a present to Sabul; all the Sabuls; the petty; scheming; greedy egos of one single pla? I'd like to share it。 It's a big subject I work on。 It ought to be given out; handed around。 It won't run out!〃

〃All right; then;〃 Takver said。 〃it is worth it〃

〃Worth what?〃

〃The risk。 Perhaps not being able to e back。〃 

〃Not being able to e back;〃 he repeated。 He looked at Takver with a strange; intense; yet abstracted gaze。

〃I think there are more people on our side; on the Syndicate's side; than we realize。 It's just that we haven't actually done much — done anything to bring them together — taken any risk。 If you took it; I think they'd e out in support of you。 If you opened the door; they'd smell fresh air again; they'd smell freedom。〃

〃And they might all e rushing to slam the door shut。〃

〃If they do; too bad for them。 The Syndicate can protect you when you land。 And then; if people are still so hostile and hateful; we'll say the hell with them。 What's the good of an anarchist society that's afraid of anarchists? We'll go live in Lonesome; in Upper Sedep; in Uttermost; we'll go live alone in the mountains if we have to。 There's room。 There'd be people who'd e with us。 We'll make a new munity。 If our society is settling down into politics and power seeking; then well get out; well go make an Anarres beyond Anarrea; a new beginning。 How's that?〃

〃Beautiful〃 he said; 〃it's beautiful; dear heart。 But I'm not going to go to Urras; you know。〃

〃Oh; yes。 And you will e back;〃 Takver said。 Her eyes were very dark; a soft darkness; like the darkness of a forest at night。 〃If you set out to。 You always get to where you're going。 And you always e back。〃

〃Don't be stupid; Takver。 I'm not going to Urras!〃

〃I'm worn out;〃 Takver said; stretching; and leaning over to put her forehead against his arm。 〃Let's go to bed。〃

Chapter 13

Before they broke orbit; the view ports were filled ense and beautiful。 But the ship turned; and the stars came into sight; and Anarres among them like a round bright rock: moving yet not moving; thrown by what hand; tunelessly circling; creating time。

They showed Shevek all over the ship; the interstellar Davenant。 It was as different as it could be from the freighter Mindful。 From the outside it was as bizarre and fragilelooking as a sculpture in glass and wire; it did not have the look of a ship; a vehicle; about it at all; not even a front and back end; for it never traveled through any atmosphere thicker than that of interplaary space。 Inside; it was as spacious and solid as a house。 The rooms were large and private; the walls woodpaneled or covered with textured weavings; the ceilings high。 Only it was like a house with the blinds drawn; for few rooms had view ports; and it was very quiet。 Even the bridge and the engine rooms had this quietness about them; and the machines and instruments had the simple definitiveness of design of the fittings of a sailing ship。 For recreation; there was a garden; where the lighting had the quality of sunlight; and the air was sweet with the smell of earth and leaves; during ship night the garden was darkened; and its ports cleared to the stars。

Though its interstellar journeys lasted only a few hours or days shiptime; a nearlightspeed ship such as this might spend months exploring a solar system; or years in orbit around a pla where its crew was living or exploring。 Therefore it was made spacious; humane; livable; for those who must live aboard it。 Its style had neither the opulence of Urras nor the austerity of Anarres; but struck a balance; with the effortless grace of long practice。 One could imagine leading that restricted life without fretting at its restrictions; contentedly; meditatively。 They were a meditative people; the Hainish among the crew; civil; considerate; rather somber。 There was little spontaneity in them。 The youngest of them seemed older than any of the Terrans aboard。

But Shevek was seldom very observant of them; Terrans or Hainish; during the three days that the Davenant; moving by chemical propulsion at conventional speeds; took to go from Urras to Anarres。 He replied when spoken to; he answered questions willingly; but he asked very few。 When he spoke; it was out of an inward silence。 The people of the Davenant; particularly the younger ones; were drawn to him; as if he had something they lacked or was something they wished to be。 They discussed him a good deal among themselves; but they were shy with him。 He did not notice this。 He was scarcely aware of them。 He was aware of Anarres; ahead of him。 He was aware of hope deceived and of the promise kept; of failure; and of the sources within his spirit; unsealed at last; of joy。 He was a man released from jail; going home to his family。 Whatever such a man sees along his way he sees only as reflections of the light

On the second day of the voyage he was in the munications room; talking with Anarres on the radio; first on the PDC wave length and now with the Syndicate of Initiative。 He sat leaning forward; listening; or answering with a spate of the clear; expressive language that was his native tongue; sometimes gesturing with his free hand as if his interlocutor could see him; occasionally laughing。 The first mate of the Davenant; a Hainishman named Ketho; controlling the radio contact; watched him thoughtfully。 Ketho tad spent an hour after dinner the night before with Shevek; along with the mander and other crew members; he had asked — in a quiet; undemanding; Hainish way — a good many questions about Anarrea。

Shevek turned to him at last 〃All right; done。 The rest can wait till I'm home。 Tomorrow they will contact you to arrange the entry procedure。〃

Ketho nodded。 〃You got some good news;〃 he said。

〃Yes; I did。 At least some; what do you call it; lively news。〃 They had to speak lotic together; Shevek was more fluent in the language than Ketho; who spoke it very correctly and stiffly。 The landing is going to be exciting;〃 Shevek went on。 〃A lot of enemies and a lot of friends will be there。 The good news is the friends。 。。。 It seems there are more of them than when I left。〃

〃This danger of attack; when you land;〃 Ketho said。 〃Surely the officers of the Port of Anarres feel that they can control the dissidents? They would not deliberately tell you to e down and be murdered?〃

〃Well; they are going to protect me。 But I am also a dissident; after all。 I asked to take the risk。 That's my privilege; you see; as an Odonian。〃 He smiled at Ketho。 The Hainishman did not smile back; his face was serious。 He was a handsome man of about thirty; tall and lightskinned like a Cetian; but nearly hairless like a Terran; with very strong; fine features。

〃I am glad to be able to share it with you;〃 he said。 〃I will be taking you down in the landing craft〃

〃Good;〃 Shevek said。 〃It isn't everyone who would care to accept our privileges!〃

〃More than you think; perhaps;〃 Ketbo said。 〃If you would allow them to。〃

Shevek; whose mind had not been fully on the conversation; had been about to leave; this stopped him。 He looked at Ketho; and after a moment said; 〃Do you mean that you would like to land with me?〃

The Hainishman answered with equal directness; 〃Yes; I would。〃

〃Would the mander permit it?〃

〃Yes。 As an officer of a mission ship; in fact; it is part of my duty to explore and investigate a new world when possible。 The mander and I have spoken of the possibility。 We discussed it with our ambassadors before we left。 Their feeling ade; 

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