I HAD BEEN making the rounds of the Sacrifice Poles the day we heard my brother had escaped. I already knew something was going to happen; the Factory told me. At the north end of the island, near the tumbled remains of the slip where the handle of the rusty winch still creaks in an easterly wind, I had two Poles on the far face of the last dune. One of the Poles held a rat head with two dragonflies, the other a seagull and two mice. I was just sticking one of the mouse heads back on when the birds went up into the evening air, kaw-calling and screaming, wheeling ov
THE girl walked past the secretary who held the door open, and surveyed the law office with eyes that showed just a trace of panic. The secretary gently closed the door and the girl selected an old fashioned, high-backed, black leather chair. She sat down in it, crossed her legs, pulled her skirt down over her knees, and sat facing the door. After a moment, she pulled the skirt up for an inch or two, taking some pains to get just the effect she wanted. Then she leaned back so that her spun-gold hair showed to advantage against the shiny black leather of the big
To even the least sensitive and perceptive beholder the Morning Rose, at this stage of her long and highly chequered career, must have seemed ill-named, for if ever a vessel could fairly have been said to be approaching, if not actually arrived at, the sunset of her days it was this one. Officially designated an Arctic Steam Trawler, the Morning Rose, 560 gross tons, 173 feet in length, 30 in beam and with a draught, unladen but fully provisioned with fuel and water, of 14.3 feet, had, in fact, been launched from the Jarrow slipways as far back as 1926, the year of the G
正如在第一章 中所解释的,一下子建立一个包括宇宙中每一件东西的完整的统一理论是非常困难的。取而代之,我们在寻求描述发生在有限范围的部分理论方面取得了进步。我们忽略了其他效应,或者将它们用一定的数字来近似。(例如,当我们用化学来计算原子间的相互作用时,可以不管原子核内部的结构。)然而,最终人们希望找到一个完整的、协调的、将所有这些部分理论当作它的近似的统一理论。在这理论中不需要选取特定的任意数值去符合事实。寻找这样的一个理论被称之为“物理学的统一”。爱因斯坦用他晚年的大部分时间去寻求一个统一理论,但是没有成功,因为尽管已有了引力和电磁力的部份理论,但关于核力还知道得非常少,所以时间还没成熟。并且,尽...
小说创作技巧大全 叙述人语言色彩纷呈、五光十色,很难一一介绍、说明。有人从主观情感渗入的程度与方式角度上来区别叙述语言的不同品类。比如同是叙述海水潮汐情景。 "海水上了海滩,又退了回去。"客观叙述语言。中性,无情感色彩。 "海潮从天外涌来,又向天外去了。"有主观感受在,不纯客观描述了。 "海潮拥抱了沙滩,又恋恋不舍地一步三回头地嗫嚅归去"通过拟人化,主观情感更为强烈。 "西风紧,晚潮急。"无具体描述,抽象为一种意境的传达。主观性亦强,却与上面一句属不同韵味。第一节 散文语言(文语)第二节 笔者语言(笔语) 这种语言模式脱胎于中国的笔记小品,而在当代汪曾祺、孙犁等人的致力下,已成为有相当追随者、模仿者的一股语言热波。这类语言的特色是:淡泊含蓄、朴质无华,表面极少有意为之的文学痕迹,写来从容不迫又点到为止,含无限画外音与艺术空白令读者玩味。故所写出的精致篇章,常有...
1. A,P1,P2,…,P17,P18(以点定义面)2. AADD,NA1,NA2,…NA8,NA9(面相加)3. AATT,MAT,REAL,TYPE,ESYS,SECN(指定面的单元属性)【注】ESYS为坐标系统号、SECN为截面类型号。4. *ABBR,Abbr,String(定义一个缩略词)5. ABBRES,Lab,Fname,Ext(从文件中读取缩略词)6. ABBSAVE,Lab,Fname,Ext(将当前定义的缩略词写入文件)7. ABS,IR,IA,,,Name,,,FACTA(取绝对值)【注】*************8. ACCAT,NA1,NA2(连接面)9. ACEL,ACEX,ACEY,ACEZ(定义结构的线性加速度)10. ACLEAR,NA1,NA2,NINC(清除面单元网格)11. ADAMS,NMODES,KSTRESS,KSHELL...
Prologue Darkness had descended on Manassas, Virginia, the countryside alive with nocturnal undercurrents, as Bourne crept through the woods bordering the estate of General Norman Swayne. Startled birds fluttered out of their black recesses; crows awoke in the trees and cawed their alarms, and then, as if calmed by a foraging co-conspirator, kept silent. Manassas! The key was here! The key that would unlock the subterranean door that led to Carlos the Jackal, the assassin who wanted only to destroy David Webb and his family. ... Webb! Get away from me, David!" screamed J
An Unexpected Party In a hole in the ground there lived a hobbit. Not a nasty, dirty, wet hole, filled with the ends of worms and an oozy smell, nor yet a dry, bare, sandy hole with nothing in it to sit down on or to eat: it was a hobbit-hole, and that means fort. It had a perfectly round door like a porthole, painted green, with a shiny yellow brass knob in the exact middle. The door opened on to a tube-shaped hall like a tunnel: a very fortable tunnel without smoke, with panelled walls, and floors tiled and carpeted, provided with polished chairs, and lots and lots of p
请记住我们的网址:wwws8 《自牛顿以来的科学家——近现代科学家群体透视》 张九庆 着 序言 科学家是用不同的方法、从事不同领域研究、具有不同性格的一群人。他们中有的是拓荒者,也有的像是侦探;有的是艺术家,有的只是工匠;有的人具有诗人气质,有的人则同时是哲学家,有的人是神秘的精灵,甚至还有的是集天使与魔鬼于一身的怪物。…… 第一篇 科学与科学活动的运行 第1章 关于科学、伪科学与反科学 科学参与我们的生活比我们想到的要多。我们需要科学进步以便能简单地度过一天。大部分人想到科学的时候,认为科学是实验室、白大褂和混合不同颜色的化学物直到有东西爆炸,但是事实上科学是一种生活方式和我们的未来。……...
上个世纪的三个计划:曼哈顿、阿波罗、人体基因工程:人类23对染色体(23对DNA分子)测序,几十万个基因,大肠杆菌8000个基因,基因改造(治病),WATSON和CRICK。诺贝尔奖金(90多万美元,最高荣誉)的分布:化学,医学,生理学领域不说独占鳌头也是多抢多占,如蛋白质的螺旋和折迭(化学)、G蛋白、第二信使学说的三代科学家三次获奖,光合作用机制,更不要说核酸领域了(复制、转录、逆转录、RNA复制等中心法则中的内容)。今天的考研是为了明天的诺贝尔奖! 对映体:一个不对称碳原子的取代基在空间里的两种取向是物体与镜像的关系,并且两者不能重叠。这两种旋光异构体称为对映体。两个对映体具有程度相同但方向相反的旋光性(D+与L-;D-与L+)和不同的生物活性,其他物理和化学性质完全相同。含n个C*的化合物,其旋光异构体的数目是2n, 组成2n /2对对映体。任一旋光化合物都只有一个对映体,它的其他旋光异构体在理、化性质...